Photo by Melody
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Trading Lists: Items available from CraftyFox

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail
Allium Species
Allium tricoccum

2020 Seed collected LateAug 2020.
Saskatoon Berry
Amelanchier alnifolia

Seed from a purchased shrub..
'Regent' Seeds
Woolly Burrdock
Arctium tomentosum

Collection from the 3 (wild?) established ones I know of in the area.
Seeds Image
Hot Pepper
Capsicum chinense

Moshpit Open Pollination! Highly productive variety purchased thru JLHudson, grown in my mosh pit of Capsicum varieties, including many C. annuum, C. chinense, and C. baccatum. Plants were all kept in close quarters.
While the mother of these is guaranteed, you should expect an F1 Hybrid.
This particular pepper sat between a Duke Baccatum Hybrid and a Sunrise Scorpion for a good amount of time.
'Chocolate Habanero ' Seeds Image

Capsicum chinense
Mosh Pit Open Pollination! This is a carry on from Jukka's Carolina Reaper x Clavo Red F2. These dried really fast in my dehydrator when I split them in half. Super hot, without the lasting burn most have.
'Clavo Reaper F3-OP' Seeds

Capsicum various
2021 Grow/Seed Stock-Legend:
NFT=Not For Trade
STO=Select Traders Only
????-Tagging fail, or maybe just lost/dead
Anything else is probably available for Trade or SASE.

Amish Hot Finger (STO)
Baby Red Bell
Biquinho, Yellow(???)
Black Naga x Piri Piri Brown(???)
Datil, Sweet Red(STO) Very HOT
Fatalii, White (STO)
Filius Blue
Goats Weed X F1
Goats Weed X F2(???)
Habanero, Chocolate(???)
Hot Cherry Annuum(????)
Jimmy Nardello
LemonDrop, 'Pendant' (STO)
Mustard Gum Naga Brains(???)
Mystery Min, Heatless Red X F2
Paper Lantern, Johnny's
Paper Lantern, select phenotypes(STO)
Paper Lantern, 3-lobed perfect
PDNxBMJ F7, Purple(???)
Peach Volante X F2, various(STO)
Peruvian Sweet Red Aji(???)
Pink(peach) Heatless Habanero(???)
Piri-Piri, Zimb(???)
Pretty -N- Sweet Hybrid F1, Burpees
Strawberry Mystery(???) *
Sugar Cane(????)
Sweet Pickle(???)
Tequila Sunrise X F2, aka Big Tequila (???)
Wild Pequin of Uvalde, Texas

Capsicum various
2019 Capsicum Moshpit seeds are from my grow which included many members of Chinense,Annuum, and Baccatum species. While I do have a limited selection of isolated seed, these are all open pollinated in close quarters.. So expect to have surprises. Listed by motherplant and species.

Bird's Eye Baby
Uvalde Wild Pequin
Jimmy Nardello
Poinsettia(didn't come true)
Sedonia Sun
Tangerine Dream
Tequila Sunrise (hybrid from the start)

Bishops Crown
Duke X (see separate listing)

Caroline Ghost Reaper (from Holland import peppers)
Heatless Peach Habanero
Paper Lantern, Johnny's
Snow White
Sunrise Scorpion

DeSorta (F1)-Red-orange fruited DeSeda hybrid.

Market Mystery Yellow (Mushroom Pepper or Habanerisk)

'various' Seeds
Celtis americana

Street Mix-Seed from winter harvested fruit.. Either from the tree or windfall from on top of fresh snow. Variety selections include sweet fruiting types and more vertically inclined specimens. The best of these had a flavor like the filling in a fig bar.

Commercial Seed- Capsicum Various Species-Various Vendors
Some of these are open packs, some not.. Dates listed when possible. Organized by species, not heat!

--Anaheim (2019 Lake Valley Seed) Colorado Organic Certified
--Big Jim-H(2019 Valley Greene)
--Cal Wonder, Red (2016 Seeds Of Change) USDA Organic
--Cayenne, Long Red Thin -H(2019 Lake Valley Seed) Colorado Organic Certified
--Hungarian Yellow Wax (2018 American Seed)
--Jalapeno, Early (2016 Burpee Organic)
--Jalapeno, Early (2019 Ferry Morse)
--Jalapeno-H(2019 Lake Valley Seed) Colorado Organic Certified
--Pepperoncini Italian-H (2019 Lake Valley Seed) Colorado Organic Certified
--Poblano (2019 Ferry Morse)
--Poinsettia (2018 Burpee Organic) These didn't come quite true for me.
--Serrano, Spanish (2018 American Seed)
--Tequila Sunrise (2019 Burpee) Another that didn't come true, but still cool..Huge!

--Hot Lemon (2019 Burpee)

--Caribbean Red (2019 Ferry Morse)
--Habanero (2015 Burpee) Container variety
--Habanero Red-H(2019 Lake Valley Seed) Colorado Organic Certified


Commercial Tomatoes Various Species/Vendors
Some of these are opened, some are old.. Dates listed where available.

-Amish Brandywine-H( 2019 Lake Valley) USDA Organic
-Aunt Ruby's German Green-H(2019 Ferry Morse)
-Beefsteak-H(2019 Valley Seed) Organic
-Big Rainbow-H (2019 Ferry Morse)
-Black Cherry-H (2019 BetterHomesGardens) Organic
-Black Krim-H(2018 Burpee Organic)
-Cherokee Purple-H(2019 Ferry Morse)
-Chocolate Cherry (2019 Ferry Morse)
-Mortgage Lifter-H(2019 Ferry Morse)
-Roma (2015 Home Farmer) Organic
-Yellow Pear(2018 Burpee Organic)

Commerial Pack Seeds-Random Various
This is my list of packaged seeds. Some of the seeds are rather old.. Dates given where I can. Some of these packs have been opened and some originated from trades and donations.

Perennial Flowers/Herbs/Vegetables
-Delphinium elatum (Pacific Giants Mix 2014) Livingston Seed
-Leucanthemum superbum (Shasta Daisy-Alaska 2016) Page's Seeds
-Echinacea (Purple Cone Flower 2019) Burpee

'Updated as needed' Seeds
Gray Dogwood
Cornus racemosa

Collection from wild red/purple fall coloring specimens.
Cornus Species
Cornus sericea

Collection from wild red/purple fall coloring specimens.
Cornus Species
Cornus sericea

Cuttings from wild occurring specimens available when appropriate. Seed also from wild occurring specimens.
Seeds, Cuttings
Gymnocladus Species
Gymnocladus dioica

"Street tree", growing along the curb in dolomite clay. Zone 5a.
Monarda Species
Monarda fistulosa

Collected 2020 from an Urban Semi-wild location. Zone 5a in Dolomite clay.
'Wild' Seeds Image
Oxalis corniculata

The reddish-purple leaf variety. Yellow flowering.
'Rubra' Seeds
Physalis ixocarpa

Vendor Pack-Organic
2019 Lake Valley Seed
'Pineapple' Seeds Image

Rubus occidentalis
Seed harvested 202007.17..From specimens growing wild in sandy soil.
'Wild' Seeds Image
Silphium Species
Silphium laciniatum

2020 Collection from Urban Prairie lot on Dolomite clay. Zone 5a.

Solanum emulans
This are native here and grow in my yard. I have eaten them, but not in great quantities yet. The sweetness and flavor of them longs to be made into sauce. Doesn't care much for full sun positions and thrives in understory dappled environments.

Solanum emulans
Native.. Collection made from my yard.
American Basswood
Tilia americana

Mix from a tall, straight growing tribe of these in a park near me. These were all windfall harvest made in Jan'20 directly beneath the trees, on top of fresh snow. If you are interested in freshly ripened collections of this species, please let me know before June.
'Sunset Park Mix' Seeds
Tradescantia Species
Tradescantia pallida

Not certain on cultivar.. But it does have pink stripes on a deeper foliage.
Plants, Cuttings
Tradescantia Species
Tradescantia zebrina
Plants, Cuttings
Viburnum Species
Viburnum lantana

Wild variety collection.
Viburnum Species
Viburnum lentago

Collection of established landscape stock.
Common Prickly Ash
Zanthoxylum americanum

2020 Harvest


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