Photo by Melody

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail
Clematis Species
Clematis montana var. rubens

Clematis montana var. rubens now reaches the top of my wild cherry tree, and it looks amazing when it is in full bloom! I love this clematis!
Plants, Cuttings
Convallaria majalis

Convallaria majalis Rosea is a fine plant with a unusual color. First it was very slow growing, but after three years it startet to grow better
'Rosea' Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Corydalis buschii

Very small but also beautiful. I am happy to have this species in my rockgarden
Seeds, Plants
Corydalis Species
Corydalis cashmeriana

Corydalis cashmeriana is a wonderful plant for shady places in the rockgarden. It does not grow well in years with hot summers
Seeds, Plants
Corydalis Species
Corydalis cava

Corydalis cava is a georgous flower for natural spring gardens. It makes many seedlings after a few years and will settle down on shady places every where
Seeds, Plants
Corydalis cava

Corydalis cava "Albiflora" is a georgous flower for natural spring gardens. It makes many seedlings after a few years and will settle down on shady places every where
'Albiflora' Seeds, Plants
Corydalis cava

Corydalis cava "Crownhill Sunshine" is a very unusual and beautiful variegated fumewort from Austria, which grows best on a shady part under trees

'Crownhill Sunshine' Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Corydalis Species
Corydalis cheilanthifolia

Corydalis cheilanthifolia blooms from April till Nov here in Austria. It makes many seedlings
Seeds, Plants
Corydalis flexuosa

I love this cultivar of Corydalis an it grows well here in Austria
'Purple Leaf' Plants
Corydalis Species
Corydalis heterocarpa

Why does this discription say it is blue? Corydalis heterocarpa produces yellow blooms for a very long time! It has also produced a mass of seedlings in the last years in my garden and is a wonderful perennial
Seeds, Plants
Corydalis Species
Corydalis nobilis

First of all I have to say that Corydalis nobilis is an a amazing flower which is perfekt and one of the easy ones from this genus. The other thing is, that the bumblebees love it.
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Pseudofumaria Species
Corydalis ochroleuca

I love Pseudofumaria alba, because it allways grows on areas in my garden where other perennials dont grow well. It blooms very very long here in Austria
Seeds, Plants
Corydalis solida

Corydalis solida George P. Baker is a wonderful fumewort which blooms lush every year again and settles down good here in Austria
'George P. Baker' Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Corydalis Species
Corydalis solida

Corydalis solida transsylvanica is a wonderful fumewort... I love this strong color in my spring garden... the cat maby too
'Transsylvanica' Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Crocosmia Hybrid
Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora

I love this one. here in Austria it is very exotic and not very invasive, because of the cold and long winters. It blooms very impressive
Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Cyclamen Species
Cyclamen hederifolium

Cyclamen hederifolium is the most common Cyclamen in austrian gardens because its the one which tolerates our climat the best. I am happy to have it in my garden
Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Species Orchid
Cypripedium parviflorum

Cypripedium parviflorum is one of the best growing orchids in my garden in Tyrol Austria. Here it blooms together with Aquilegia canadensis close to my rock garden.
Dianthus barbatus var. nigrescens

I love Dianthus "Sooty", because here in my garden in Innsbruck Austria it is not a biennal plant, its perennial, and stays for three, four or sometimes five years! So I have enought time to grow new plants from the seed

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'Sooty' Seeds, Plants
Erythronium Species
Erythronium dens-canis

Erythronium dens-canis is a native plant here in Austria. In gardens it blooms early in the year and needs shady place under shrubs or trees
Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Hardy Fuchsia
Fuchsia magellanica

its maby the most beautiful cultivar of the Fuchsia magellanica group
'Arauco' Plants
Fuchsia Species
Fuchsia procumbens

Fuchsia procumbens is amazing. its small blooms are so colorful! And its very easy to grow in pots here in Austria
Seeds, Cuttings
Geranium phaeum

Geranium phaeum "Album" is absolutly charming in a shadow-border in my garden. It never turns out to be a weed, such like the usual G. phaeum here in Austria
'Album' Seeds, Plants
Geranium Species
Geranium pratense

Geranium pratense grows wild around my parents farm. In the garden its sometimes very invasive but allways beautiful
Geranium pratense

Geranium pratense Midnight Reiter is a wonderful plant in natural borders. Its important to allways select the seedlings with the darkes leafs!!! Otherwise they will get greener each generation
'Midnight Reiter' Seeds, Plants
Geranium pratense

A wonderful perennial for the nature garden. Our bees here love it and in my garden it comes true from seed by itself
'Striatum' Seeds, Plants
Geranium Species
Geranium robertianum

a charming small Herb-Robert with unusual white blooms for shady areas in the garden. Self seeds freely in the garden
'Exmoor Snow' Seeds, Plants

its a wonderful geum I dont want to miss this one in my spring garden
'Mai Tai' Plants

A wonderful and definitly the longest blooming Helleborus in my garden in Austria/Tyrol.
'Penny's Pink' Plants
Helleborus Species
Helleborus foetidus

This one is very unusual here in Austria and it blooms the whole winter long. Bees love it.
Helleborus Species
Helleborus niger

A wonderful native plant here in Austria which grows also well in gardens
Seeds, Plants
Helleborus niger

Snow Frills is a unusual double variety of the central europe native Helleborus niger. It grows good here in my garden
'HGC Snow Frills' Plants
Helleborus Species
Helleborus odorus

The green blooms of Helleborus odorus are fragrant and come very early in the year here in Tyrol Austria. Mine are invasive at one area in the garden, becuase they grow good from seeds
Seeds, Plants
Helleborus orientalis

This one is a big stunner in my spring gearden every year again! I love it!!!
'Cinderella' Plants
Hyacinthus orientalis

Eros is a very beautiful one doin well here in Austria
'Eros' Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Tall Bearded Iris

I love this dark one very much
'Hello Darkness' Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Tall Bearded Iris

I am happy to have this one here in my garden, because it blooms reliable every year again here in the rainy climate in Austria Tyrol.
'Wabash' Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Species Iris
Iris bucharica

Iris bucharica did need four years until it grows and blooms good here in my garden in Austria, maybe because of the wet climate. But now it is georgous!!!
Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Yellow Flag
Iris pseudacorus

Creme de la Creme is a beautiful Water Flag Iris, which grows rapidly in my garden here in Austria in a border with regular water conditions!
'Creme de la Creme' Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Spring Snowflake
Leucojum vernum var. vagneri

Leucojum vernum var. vagneri is a nice little treasure with its two flowers on every stem. It grows well in my garden
Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Oriental-Trumpet Lily

Lilium "Anastasia" is a huge stunner in my garden here in Austria! Its amazing!
'Anastasia' Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Oriental-Trumpet Lily

Lilium "Honeymoon" is a stunner in my garden here in Austria! It makes a great performance every year again and in 2015 it had 5 stems from originaly one bulb I plantet five years ago!
'Honeymoon' Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs Image


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