EBs, Stackers and such north of the Mason-Dixon

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

No worries about rodents Joy. I've never had any rodents (and believe me we have a wild kingdom out back with squirrels, possum, raccoons, and a mouse here and there) because I bury my veggie peels deep enough that no smells are emitted. Never even had tracks in my compost bin. I sprinkle it thoroughly evry day to keep it breaking down. I turn it under when I add scraps.

Crestview, FL

Gymgirl: I was sniffling when I threw the corn husks in the trash yesterday, they would have made good compost.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Yep. Yah threw out some good stuff, Joy. I'm moving to the point of not having to buy so much potting mix for the container plants. I just fill half the container with 50% potting mix, and 50% compost. The plants love it, and so does my pocketbook!

I am seriously moving toward the concept of FREE gardening.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

What kinda bean is that? I'm STILL trying to get some cowpeas in the ground!

Crestview, FL

Gymgirl: Yeah, I bought all new potting mix and coir this time, so next time won't be as expensive and I already got enough left over seeds for next time, leaves me extra to build a decent staking system and possible another table and more EBs.

Mequon, WI(Zone 4b)

Gymgirl, I am just back from a week on vacation. I will have to look up what kind of bean that is.

I say "bean" because of the sixteen seeds I put in the EB, only two have sprouted, and one of them died from heat stroke (it got to about 95 for two or three days here). I am a little disappointed in my vegetable crop this year (only got about 5 peas up out of 16 planted), but I am determined to find out what went wrong, and try again next year!

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