Quick question about growing out nelly moser

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

I am growing 4 Nelly Moser, small dry stuff from Walmart , and it was getting pretty big but each one only has one stem. I cut back the stems today in hopes it would get more root growth. Is this the correct thing to do?

Also splurged and bought a huge Dr. Ruppel yesterday just because it was absolutely gorgeous and it is one I really wanted. I am not sure but the passion for clematis is really growing and may reach the hydrangea and rose fever soon. I think I need to love smaller plants.

(Zone 4a)

Cutting back the stems was perfect...the plant will focus on root growth now! It isn't always easy to cut those babies back but you did the right thing! Nelly Moser is so pretty!

Clematis addiction you will never get over!!! LOL

Delaware, OH

did you leave some green on the stems, or take them all the way down? sometimes leaving green, i usually do 1 node from the bottom, finding that i get a better re spurt, taking them all the way down to no green usually results in a longer respurt time.

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

I left the bottom group of leaves and cut everything above it. They look very healthy, just tiny.

I am still on a learning curve as this is the first year I am growing clematis but, so far so good on the 6 in the ground and the 4 growing out. I have 4 from SSV coming Wed. that I have already prepared sites for.

Delaware, OH

glad you left some green, they will bounce back quick. your ssv roots will take off so fast it helps the motivation as you wait for the others to come on.
here is a "little liner" area of mine for some of the ones i did not plant out this year. i did not do the nursery gallon thing, some small plants are in ground and the ones i was the most worried about are here, 2 to a pot.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Deborah..those will look awesome when mature..where did you get your trellis you have next to the pots?..they look fab..Jeanne

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

sigh I need a bigger prettier yard.

Delaware, OH

the structures are from a local business called "backroads". owned by a friend of mine. they retail for 45$. great value. she has a lot of iron and wire stuff...not sure if she ships or not.
they take 2 big clems. i have small ones (2 hoshis on one) on these, and some other new plants, which is ridiculous. but i'd rather get them in their permanent home and they are not in ready view.
all my small plants will be in the ground by late summer, i do not grow out anything in pots over winter. just do not like to mess with it.

here is same structure niobe (3 plants on it) from this morning, which i changed structure on in the spring when i hard pruned...gasp........yes hard pruned. i treat my niobe's as a 3 , even they are a 2, as i like fresh plants up near the house, can't stand old vines in the off season or in non bloom time with in view. niobe easy to grow if you are not afraid to freestyle prune and listen to the plant. harder if you follow the rules.
these niobes get hard pruned at least twice a year, sometimes more often if they get funky. plants are 6 years old, same structure and display on both sides of the walkway. i just added a warsaw nike to one side, so i can see the difference between that and niobe when it blooms.
i bought 4 of those structures and have them tucked here and there......i like them so much i may get more of them. lotta display for the money.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

WOW..that pic of your "Niobe" is fabulous!!...I sure wished she had a website and sold them online..I'd buy 4 of them right this minute!!..Thanks for sharing...Jeanne

New Richmond, OH

I'm with you Jeanne! CG, where in Columbus is she located?

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

It is picutres like that that made me want to grow clematis this year. That is stunning

Delaware, OH

thanks all. one reason i that in an important display i usually put more than one clem (dupes or different varieties), i put in two,or layer another in the ground as soon as the plant is established and has some medium wood, best to insert into the ground in july or aug.
clems are the only perennial where the perception is that you can get all the lush display with one plant. that niobe is three plants.
think about it, when you buy cone flowers or speedwell, or geraniums, you rarely get just one...we expect out of a single clem plant. sometimes that happens over many many years, but more plants is helpful.

i will ask my friend who owns backroads if she ships,if so i will post the info. she is located in delaware, ohio. not sure how far that is from new richmond, but if you come down, come by and see the clems punkysmamaw.......

however, talking about single plants, the ville is ONLY ONE PLANT. i have never layered it, due to the setting and just can't seem to get the right vine on the right piece of ground. i have another smaller ville in another display, but this creature is solo, 8 yrs old. slightly different angle to this shot that the other i have posted of it. ther eis a collar of rocks built up many years ago around the base of the plant and the angelina sedum outside of the rock collar.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Deborah...thanks for asking her..tell her I will most definitely order 4 + shipping of course..thanks...Jeanne

Delaware, OH

her name is Lisa, and she said she does some shipping (i happened to be on the phone with her when i read your posting jeanne)
call her at 1 614 296 9193.
she has many different styles, but i think this one is the largest, tallest, best for clems that she has.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Deborah..thanks so much...I tried calling her this morning and it said her voicemail box was full and I could only leave my phone number...I really hated that as I didn't want her to be out any money phoning me back...thanks again..will keep trying...did you tell her the one you have is the one I like and want to order?..'cause I don't know what to call it..LOL..thanks again...Jeanne

Delaware, OH

yes i told her which one. this happens a lot with her mail box, just try again. sorry, but her stuff is worth it.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh goodie..thanks alot hon..will keep calling..can't wait ...I know exactly where they will go..how tall are they?...Jeanne

Delaware, OH

about 6 ft. taller than me. didn't measure. nice size. she has nice big landscape pins about 12 inches long to hold them in.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I still can't get hold of her but thanks for mentioning the pins..I would want those too..sounds like a great idea...Jeanne

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Yeaaaaaaaaaaa!~!...Lisa called me and what a sweetheart she is...realllly nice Lady...she is going to check on shipping cost and will contact me..THANKS DEB so much...hugzzzzzzzz...Jeanne

New Richmond, OH

Yeah CG, I just left a message for her as well! Told her if Jeanne did not buy all of them :-) I would like a few!! Nancy

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Nancy...LOL...I want 4 for sure...she said she has them made locally..so I am sure she can give her guy/gal a call and say make me moreeeeee...yippppppppppeeeeeeeeeeee...Jeanne
ps...I may get in trouble if the price is right..I am seeing all places to put them

Delaware, OH

just found out her business e mail address is shopbackroads@sbcglobal.net

glad that is working out for you guys. they seemed an amazing value and don't take up much room, but give the height. my niobes are having a great year on them.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Deb..thanks..I saw the pics along your path from the lady that had the tour over the weekend and thought OH MY..I've got many many places those would look just fab!!...Jeanne

Delaware, OH

thanks jeanne

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