Compassion for gardeners in pain #5

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, Jim, so sorry to hear about your brother. 'Fibro fog' sounds like what I call the black holes in my brain.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

My best personal descrition of my "fibro fog" is that sometimes I wonder if I am possibly going into early alzheimers. I cannot think of words that used to come easily, am neary totally without any memory skills anymore many other things that of dcourse I cannot remember to list here ^_^ and it is constant rather than episodic like the effects of a medication. The pain is also constant rather than episodic but I live knowing that to do anything I enjoy , such as gardening will btring on much more severe pain. Like when Scrapps was fishing those couple weeks with her DH and I have done a lot of gardening this past week or 2 and can now hardly walk. But that is just what we live with each and every day. Most people besides other fibro patients eventuall get tired of the "complaining" since on the outside, many of us do not "apear" to have anything wrong with us.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I hate it when a word or name has disappeared into an MS black hole and I try to explain it to someone and they say "yeah, I hate it when that happens." It's not the same, as I'm sure you know, as ordinary absentmindedness.

Today a really scary thing happened. I was taking a shower and I almost fell out of my shower chair! I had a spasm in my left leg I guess and my face was covered with soap so I couldn't open my eyes and see what was happening. (I have no proprioception, the sense that tells you where you are in space without looking, the touch your finger to your nose-type stuff, I fail.) So I tried to hoist my slippery soapy butt further back onto the shower chair but that didn't work either. I started saying "help, help" but the shower door is sealed and the bathroom door is sealed - finally my PCA heard me and came to boost me back on my seat. Yikes. Thank God she finally heard me.

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Whoa, glad you're okay carrie!

And Jim, sounds like going back home will be a hard trip. Keep us posted on how it goes.

My step sister has MS and she has brain fog, too. Fibro fog/brain fog...same thing. My fog has really improved since I quit Tramadol. I try not to think about what I'm going to do in the cold weather without's warm now and doable with smaller dose of narcotics. I just have to worry about today, right? I'm trying :)

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

A CPA on the job, ought to be close by when you are in the shower chair, carrie. That doesn't sound like a safe or wise situation. Something as simple as a baby monitor in sht bathroom would totaly change that situation at minimal expense.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Carrie that does sound scary to be in that situation. Birdies idea of a baby monitor is a good idea I think. I know it would cut down on your privacy but for safety's sake it might prevent disaster someday in similar situation. You probably do not get much privacy as it is so I know that would be annoying. We ladies love our baths. However, i have been so tired lately I do good to get quick shower before passing out in pain. I got wasp stung today and I am allergic. I did not actually see what it was stung me because he went up my shorts leg and got me on thigh but it burns like a red wasp. Thank goodness I was in private area because this fat lady got out of those shorts fast. I had to come home on golf cart down street so I had to put them back on to come get meds. Benadryl is all I have to take most of the time unless it is multiple stings. It was only two this time so I was lucky. i raced home and took meds and it did not swell bad at all. I have had some scary situations with stings. This time I was lucky. Hubs took the cramp in his side from heat exhaustion earlier so it has been a bad day for us. he had to lay on ground on his side while I came home and got pickle juice. Yep that home remedy works. He wishes he had known about that during his football days when he had leg cramps bad. Jim you are in my prayers. Everyone else is too. Goodnight. scraps

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

It's strange, it was just a confluence of circumstances all related to : THE KIDS BEING HOME FROM SCHOOL FOR THE SUMMER! Slippery shower floor because DD had just taken a shower, Tania in kitchen with kids getting citizenship lessons instead of in bedroom as usual, kids making noise so I wasn't audible, etc. That shower chair used to be one of the two safest places in the house - the other being the bed. Anyway , now that we know that it can happen, you can bet we'll be more careful. Tania is VERY safety conscious when it's a problem she's aware of. We all thought I was perfectly safe.

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

My brother actually died in March so I have had time to come to grips with it. But, he wanted his ashes scattered at sea on July 9th, his birth date.

My family had a scare last year with my father and senile dementia, but it turned out that his problems were caused by a new medication. Maybe, it is the same sort of situation with Mom.

So happy you were not hurt, Carrie. I hate when those sorts of situations occur. Even when the immediate threat has passed, it leaves me with an unpleasant vulnerable feeling for days. Does it ever get any easier? Do you get de-sensitized with time?

Scraps, Nadine once had a very similar thing happen to her. Except in her pain and panic, she tossed her shorts and they fell into the raveen. She is highly allergic so she dared not take the time to climb down to get them. She came back to the house wearing a makeshift skirt of banana and canna lily leaves. There were quite a few people here when she arrived. She gave each person one of her Medusa looks and threatened to sit on the first person who made any kind of snide comment. Nadine is about 5'9" and has the typical physique you would expect to see in a good pastry chef. I don't think anyone has ever teased her about that one.

DW drinks something she calls 'vinegar slings" in the summer. Maybe, that is why she can handle the heat better than I can.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Nadine sounds like she's built like my DD#2. Tall and zaftig.

Usually, Jim, it gets funnier over time, I guess that's like being desensitized, but this one wasn't funny. Incontinence is one of the trademarks of MS, usually urinary or ahem, other incontinence, but there's also what I call "emotional incontinence". Uncontrolled crying or, for me, mostly laughing, giggling long after something is funny. Often if i fall or bang something it seems to trigger a fit of giggles. Please don't ask me to explain the physiology, but it does help to cope with the indignity of being on the bathroom floor being rescued by a fireman. Thank God that hasn't happened in years, but I still giggle a lot.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Carrie, giggling is better than crying or speechless. When I bump my toe or hurt myself bad I can barely speak for the pain. I just cannot speak to explain what happened and hubs will be asking whats wrong? what happened? what do you need? what should I do? and I will not be able to get it out. Then I get frustrated at all the ???? and get mad.

Jim what does she put in the vinegar slings, that might be a good thing for him to try. Might avoid the cramps. he has had them for years and tried alot of things. He takes potasium and eats bananas. But the pickle juice worked fast. Nadine's story was funny but I know it was not at the time. The wasp stings have itched all day long and nothing helps. Then I had a headache and felt yuck in the heat so I did not get much done. I need to go to bed. DD#1 is coming tomorrow with my little stepgrandson age 7 and we have plans to ride golf cart around and around until the battery goes out and needs charging. That is what we did last time anyway. Then we are having a fish fry. have a good 4th everyone. scraps

mulege, Mexico

Hi - I'm just catching up on this thread after a slow trip home. I still have a bad cough and almost no energy. Had some car trouble which also slowed me down but I got home safe and sound. It takes me a few weeks to catch up after one of these trips

Got hit with a $600 "fine" at immigration to complete my resident alien papers. Have to go back next week and will have to pay more - don't know how much. But when this is done I have permanent resident alien status. If I make a fuss the immigration man can make my life miserable so I shut up and pay.

We have some horrible wasps here. Also scorpions.

Wish I was less sensative to criticism but I'm not and I really don't like it on a thread which is intended for compassion.

I have a neighbor who is endless critical. One day after he made several negative remarks about everything I was doing I turned to him and said, "You should realize that I serve the useful purpose of being a person to whom everyone else can feel superior."

I'm tired and I'm sick. Hope everyone else is having a better day.


Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Katie - Where has anyone been critical of you? Also, if you read the intro to this thread there are all sorts of people with all sorts of problems here. this thread came to be named what it is because the original title "Fibromyalgia and gardening" seemed to leave many who wished to join in wondering if they were welcome. the term 'Compassion" does not necessarily mean without criticism. However I do believe that ANy criticism ought to be given in a constructive manner, and not just someone telling someone else that they are wrong or someones attempt to be controlling. I think most of us do heed to that goal.

I am very sorry you are feeling bad and hope your day gets better. Maybe a nice bath with something cool to sip on and soothing music would help.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Great comeback to your critical neighbor! Are you a resident alien of Mexico? (I confuse easily.)

mulege, Mexico

Thank you, Carrie. My neighbor doesn't even realize how critical he is. It's really kind of sad - when it's not just darned annoying.

Yes, I'm a resident alien. Soon to have permanent status!! It doesn't affect my U.S. citizenship.


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Interesting ... I think my not-very-close nephew-on-my-husband's side is doing that, but I'm not sure if he's a "resident alien" or just "alien". I know he lives in Mexico and works in San Diego.

mulege, Mexico

I'm 600 miles south of San Diego on the Sea of Cortez side of the Baja.


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Not too close to them, luckily for you! (They're not my favorites, even though they're my Facebook friends.)

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Happy 4th to all, especially a Thank You to all of our Veterans and active duty service personel!!

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I just found this and wanted to share it with my friends. It may bring a tear to your wye or a smile to your lips, but surely it will touch your heart.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Wow! What an amazing blessing that person was who did that! Thank you for that link.

Yes, my DH, who saw active duty in Viet Nam, hates the sound of fire crackers, so we go to bed early and try not to listen to the outside noise. But a very happy Independence Day to you all.

mulege, Mexico

I miss this thread. I'm still coughing. Recovery is slow when it's so hot and humid.

Today I will fix up the bed in my sewing room so I can sleep with air conditioning. It's so hot here that I wake up covered in sweat with my bedding damp. Time to bite the bullet and get ready for high electric bills.

Ii'm hoping I'll feel better when I'm not suffering so much from the heat. The irony is thaat iit's beautiful. The skies are a clear blue. Plants are doing well. My flame tree is blooming and I can see it from my puter.

Hope everyone is doing OK.


Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Oh, Katie...flame trees are so gorgeous. I bet where you live it is beautiful. I lived in San Diego and on Coronado Island my 1st 6 1/2 years and have always missed the SW coast. Baja must be fabulous also. I sure hope you can get to feeling better. It is very humid and in the high 80's - 90's here in N Carolina so i sure know what you mean about the AC bill $123 for me this month, but I just cannot sleep without it as long as I can possibly cool a little I'll pay.
Wishing you well, Sheri

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

here is something that I posted on one of our other threads and I want to be sure that my words get to whoever I need to say them to so I am copying it here---

- please visit as often as you like. We are not an "Exclusive" bunch. That is why the title was changed.
I want to apologize too to anyone who feels unwelcome because of any of my comments over the past couple of weeks. We all have our difficult times and I have let some of my shortcomings come out here. I would not want to hurt anyone or make anyone feel unwelcome. Actually I was afraid I was loosing my ability to fit in.
Please forgive me if I have hurt anyone here.

This message was edited Jul 12, 2009 6:13 PM

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Sheri, I hear what you are saying but am not at all certain I understand what you are referring to or why you feel this way. We all have times when we feel like being less than loving and kind and it comes thru even when we try to curb our emotions. GOD bless and keep you dear.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

hi Leaflady. I had forgot to edit out the name before that first sentence above which may have confused my note.
I just felt that there was someone who took things that I said a couple of weeks ago as severe criticism and I would never mean to hurt anyone or be critical. Sometimes, though when things are typed, they don't ome across as caring as if they were spoken.
I just wanted to make amends.
Perhaps it was not my words that were referred to, but I thought it was. I have been doing a lot of reflecting and prayer and journalling and realized that I have been extra sensitive and perhaps insensitive to others recently.
For me, I just feel better after posting this.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

This thread is getting long for anyone on dialup so I'm going to start #6. Everyone, please follow me there.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Here is #6.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

oh yes, for sure there are plenty of short dogs with big feet. Look at a Basset hound!! Pepper is just gonna be very cute....for sure!!

OOPS!! Wrong thread! sorry! hehehe ^_^

This message was edited Jul 12, 2009 10:36 PM

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