CLOSED: Free Seed for Newbies!! Come on in!! New Thread 05/28/2009

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

New Thread New Thread New thread!! Come on over!!

We came from here!! We will be looking for you!!
This link will help you find information about seeds and plants, how to plant , zone they prefer, color etc.

This message was edited May 30, 2009 8:19 PM

This message was edited Jun 13, 2009 5:12 PM

Thumbnail by arejay59
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

To get your free seeds

Be Sure to put your damil name and a note of wants in your envie, along with return name and address
Address exchange is here
You have to add your information to be able to access everyone else

We Came from here

Please feel free to Dmail me with questions
Many of us "oldies" and some Newbies would like to share our seeds with those of you new to Dave's. By new, we mean you joined in the last 8 months(or so) and are a paying member.
Send me a SASBE (Self addressed, stamped bubble envelope) and we'll send you 10 packets of seeds. (Usually more, depends on our stash) That's all there is to it. Let us know you are sending your envy. Just Dmail me with sent envie today in the subject. You will get a good variety of good seeds.

If you can, stick a note in your envy and tell me they types of things you like. Veggies and Flowers, some seeds you are looking for, stuff like that. It will help me fill your envy. I can't always get just what you ask for, but will try.

Postage keeps going up so now we need five usually,

Send 5 stamps and an address label with your name on it.
4 of the stamps will go back on your return envy, the extra will go into the "pot" I don't use it for personal use, but it helps when some mail comes with postage due and when the "oldies" send boxes of seeds sometimes there is postage due.
Best thing to do is just send me an empty bubble envy with your label and stamps inside. I can use that same envy to send your seeds back. Saves that envy!!
Also, if you will scotch tape the envy to send to me, I can use the self adhesive and won't destroy your envy pulling them open when I get them. That stuff is "tuff" and I end up with mangled envy's going back to you

Please make sure you put enough stamps on your envelope you send to me. An empty bubble envy is at least 84 cents, so two stamps. If you are sending seeds, it's more of course.


I am in the address exchange, so you know where to send the envy. If you can't find it, just d mail and I'll shoot it right to you. At the top of your home page, you'll see the link "EXTRA'S" ,Go into that link, scroll down and you'll see the address exchange this goes to the exchange you have to add yourself to the exchange then you can get my address.

Oldies! lol If you would like to donate seeds, it would be great.!! I know how much I loved it when I was new and someone sent me seeds to get me started. Now I want to pay it forward and maybe you would too.

For those of you who would like to help the newbies, but just don't have a lot of seed, if you would like to trade for seeds, that is great as well. Send seeds for the newbies and I will send you the same amount back. Put a note in with your DG name and let me know what you are looking for also.
Happy Gardening Everyone,

This message was edited May 28, 2009 10:14 AM

Caro, MI(Zone 5a)

Success! Now if everyone clicks on "Watch this thread" they can get here from their homepage. Thank you Robin.

Mary Ellen

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi MaryEllen,
Glad you made it and Thank You for the tip!!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

I am here LOL. You couldn't lose me if you wanted too LOL

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

There's one Flower....

Cleburne, TX(Zone 8a)

Real new here. Joined yesterday. Have 9.5 x 11 inches bubble envelope. Is that size okay?

Are "forever stamps" okay for the newbie seeds?

At the present, I have old-fashioned purple petunia seed that my deceased mother gave me a start of 30 years ago. Wonderful evening aroma but not a fancy flower. I love them but, of course, they have emotional value to me but others might not want something that plain. If you think anyone would appreciate them, I'll send some when I send my "newbie seed" envelope.


Thumbnail by Dogs_N_Petunias
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I personally would love to have some of your Moms petunias. I put all of my petunias out on my planting table several weeks ago,getting ready to plant and the wind crept up which is something I never have had here until I took down trees to save me from flooding in moisture Moss was the only thing that would grow. Anyway as I ramble away with the wind went my petunia seed!! If you have seen any of the old newbie threads...Hmm..that did not sound just right. I use my petunia picture now and again on the threads. So much easier to have said. We would love some of your petunia seed and whatever envie and stamps you send will work.
Thank You Glenna

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hi, everyone!! Took me a minute but got to the new thread OK. I've been a little quiet since I'm sulking that it's too hot here to plant any of my new seeds yet ;^(

Kelly (waiting for it to cool down and summer isn't even here yet . . . )

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Well it isn't to hot here today just real nice but we just came in from unloading bricks out of the truck and my head is wringing wet. HUMID !!!!!

I am afraid this humidity is going to kill me this year. Heat doesn't bother me that bad but the humidity is something I can't hardly handle.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Ill send you a cool breeze from Maine!! I have the heat on.
Sunny2day...Linda. Did I get that right? I got your envelope and your donation. That was very kind. Thank You.
Flower...drink lots of water!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Sunshines2day not sunny2day Thank You Linda

Saint Cloud, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi, I'm here! Hoping the seeds might arrive today!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Robin - my Mom is flying in from Maine tomorrow. I'm hoping she brings some cool weather with her!!


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

You didn't tell me your Mom lives in Maine..She will be wearing a winter parka!!
The other Kelly...thank you for the donation and..the resurrection plant.

Cleburne, TX(Zone 8a)

Sorry to hear your petunia seed blew away - but if it is like here, you will probably have petunias come up in all sorts of new locations. Mine even try to grow in cracks of our asphalt driveway.
Will send you some petunia seed with my newbie envelope. Most of this seed will be the purple and white - don't know whether to call it "stripe" or "star." Will attach photo. Maybe someone can tell me what the proper word is to use. The dark purple seeds have not dried yet.

Thumbnail by Dogs_N_Petunias
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thank You Glenna this is what mine used to look like.

Thumbnail by arejay59
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

They are in the mail Flowerehj and your plants!!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Robin -

Remember I'm from waaaayyyyy up there (Caribou)? My Mom & Dad and a few relatives still live there. I also graduated from Colby in the early 90s (showing my age here...). My Mom said it's been really cold, but they got all of their garden planted except their potatoes. That's on the agenda for today - lol.


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

The purple ones are unique!! I have never seen it anyway.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Does she plant while she flying ?I bet she has good potatoes way up there!! I forgot you said you were from Caribou. I'm remembering

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Don't you just love fresh new Maine potatoes. Yum!! Baked, Deep fried, home fires, mashed, raw. Anyway they come gosh they are good.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

They have great potatoes there!! She flies out in the am, so they are trying to get everything done before she leaves. I'm waiting for next January to try some potatoes here - missed the boat on them this year. The red ones supposedly grow well here, although we don't get really big ones as it gets hot here too quickly...

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Yup - I go back for a visit every year in August and eat enough to last me until next year!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Kelly... don't be silly fly your Mom back down in September and tell her to bring potatoes!! I'm planting some Maine grown organic blue potatoes this year.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh we posted over each other!! Well than maybe we will run into each other one day.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

You didn't tell me what kind of seeds you are wanting in your package.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

LOL - we do keep posting at the same time!

Organic blue potatoes sound yummy!! Maybe I'll have to fly YOU down with the potatoes . . .

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Ok but wait until like Jan Ill keep them cool until then!! Jan freeze would be a good time to be somewhere else!!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I'll keep January in mind - lol . . . I remember Maine in Jannuary . . .

Lubbock, TX(Zone 7a)

I'm glad you got the seeds....I was getting worried that they didn't make it. I sent another DGer a plant and still haven't heard yet. There is nothing in return I want. I simply wanted to contribute to the newbies and your project. It just made me happy to see folks helping other folks.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Linda,
I hope the plant arrives safely.There seems to be a bit of the slow mail and lost mail lately. Maybe there have been some changes in postal delivery protocol that we don't know about?? I just got the seeds . Thank you again Linda it was very generous of you,

Des Moines, IA

New member here - another Robin. Stumbled upon this web site when I Googled about a problem I'm having with an oak tree. I love the idea of seed trading and will be sending my envelope in a few days!

I've stuck to pretty simple gardening until last year when I started digging up some of the grass in my backyard to create some larger gardening spaces. So my gardening experience is somewhat limited but I'm enjoying learning and trying new plants. So far, I've planted relatively low-maintenance perennials and herbs, a few veggies, and some annuals to fill in.

Thanks for operating the seed exchange, Robin.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Your welcome Robin. I couldn't do it without everyone else here that you will meet. Welcome to our garden!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Stephen,
I hope you are here and reading this. There is no Dmail name on Envelope of seed you sent. They are great we had none of any of the things you sent.
Kelly B yours arrived too.
Thank You both. Gotta run seeds to pack!!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Hi arejay !!!!!!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Flower!!
What are you up to?? Is your garden all planted? I planted and planted today. My, I am tired. R you sure you dont wanna run over and help me separate the seeds and fill these little packages??Put the stamps on maybe??

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh I would love to if I was closer to you. TOOOOOO Long of a drive:)

Really though I would love to come visit you. Just so far and the price of gas has went up to much for me again !!!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thats ok Flower just pullin your leg a little!! I know you would . But I would love to have you!! Stop in for coffee anytime.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

OMG- I just got my newbie envie and it is stuffed full of tropicals (which I said I liked but would be happy with anything). This is way more then I ever expected, I don't even know what most of them are, I guess I will just have to start them and see. Next winter when I'm complaining about dragging plants in and out of the house remind me that I asked for it, and it seemed like a good idea at the time. I'm going to spend this evening looking the different ones up in one of my books. (Big plans for a Sat. night).. Thank you so much everyone and Robin Thank you for sending me just what I asked for, I will have your Veggie seeds in the mail this week just like we dmailed about.
I relly appreciate it!

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