Look What was lurking in my Iris Bed.

Winnsboro, TX

Please be careful while working and pulling weeds from your flowerbeds. I tidy a few beds up last week when I ran across this snake. It coiled and struck at me several times. It had a diamond shaped head or a kind of Pointed head which you can not really make out now. I'm sure it was poisonious, and I don't like any kind of snakes even the good ones. They are all deadly as far as I'm concerned, because they scare me to death. I nearly cut him into with one of my gardening tools and then I tossed him up on the patio. I thought his innards were coming out of the cut when Iooked closer and noticed it was full of eggs. Just think, whatever kind of snake it was it was getting ready to have a bunch of babies crawling all over my yard. Let's just say this one isn't going to produce any more babies. I just wonder how many sisters it had....that maybe full of eggs too???

Thumbnail by lovelyiris
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

I hear ya on getting rid of them..... I HATE SNAKES. I know they serve a purpose and as long as their purpose isn't where I run across them fine, but when their purpose crosses my path, if I'm prepared I'm gonna do the same as you. Good thing it happened now so that those eggs don't hatch. Better make sure to destroy the eggs just in case they can still be living.....

Glad to hear you weren't hurt, and especially since it could have been poisonous. be more watchful this year.

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

If I saw a diamond-shaped head, I would run like heck. You're braver than I! The rest of them are welcome to share my garden, in fact, I would love a family of gopher snakes to move in! LOL

Make lots of noise and don't pick up any rocks carelessly.

Winnsboro, TX

Gee, I'm scared to death of snakes and I told my friend about killing it and the eggs coming out. He asked me if I destroyed the eggs and I told him NO. He said I might already have baby snakes crawling around on my patio. Of course I got right on the phone and called my DH. Told him to go outside with the phone and check on the snake. He said it's still here and I said forget about it, what about all those eggs??? He said there was 5 or 6 and I told him there was more like 15 and that he need to go step on them a SQUASH them good. He was laughing at me and I told him I didn't think there was anything funny about having a bunch of baby snakes running around th
at I know are not good snakes. We have copperheads every year and I'm always the one that runs across them since I'm the one that pulls all the weeds. Did I tell you.....I DON'T DO SNAKES???

I'm going to post it somewhere else and see if someone can I D it. Needless to say be careful as to where you put your hands and feet these days when working in the gardens.


Winnsboro, TX

Kaper that's my problem, all my beds are outlined in rocks. We live on an iron ore hill and I use the rocks all throughout my gardens. LOL Needless to say I've made a little snake haven for them slithering creatures.

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

We had to import our rocks, Marian, but I know what you mean. We have a lot of brush that we can't always keep up with, so if I go around those areas, I shuffle and stomp a lot. Copperheads - eeek! Our neighbors have had rattlesnakes, and I once saw a baby one on our property, but mostly we get garter and gopher snakes. DH picked up a rock one day, found a snake, tried to put the rock back and squished the poor thing! We use a shovel now. We really do need gopher snakes!

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

It is not poisonous.. Venomous snakes are live bearers..also, in the pic, the head is pointed, not tri-angular..


Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

Right! It is non-poisonous snake...there are eggs in the photo. How long is it? Might be able to ID it for you.
Our biggest problem is copperheads. There are two other snakes here that are commonly mistaken for them. I had 2 copperheads curled up in my iris bed last year and another in the path. I never kill any snakes around the house that are non-poisonous.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I could really use a gopher snake in my yard right now. I wonder if one can buy them?

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

Probably not in your own state if they live there naturally! If you had to transport one in, it costs a gazillion bucks for airfare for snakes. Check with a pet store near you! If they have snakes they can usually order one for you.

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

Snakes are beneficial in your garden, they can eat small rodents, and insects, grubs ect. They don't do anything to harm your garden. Poison ones should probably be killed if they are in your yard or garden, as they could bite you, kids or pets, livestock. I don't know if relocating a poison snake would do any good, I have a feeling, it would return if it wanted to.
that said, as far as I know, it is illegal to kill snakes in most states, so posting your kill on the internet is probably not wise. Especially since you killed a good one, not a poison one.
Just think of all those moles, and mice you could have avoided the next few years....

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Here's a cute fella I saw in my garden recently. However, he was bothering a wren with a nest nearby, so I encouraged him away in a different direction. As long as they don't have rattles (those are the only lethal snakes in our area), I find them interesting to watch. This one really was quite pretty. We also have lots and lots of little gecko-type lizards underfoot all the time. We're glad they find our garden hospitable. I can understand if one is striking at you, however, it is spooky. I would get a lonnng shovel and move it out of the way. :-) Glad it has been determined that snake was NOT one of the scary ones.


Durham, ME(Zone 3a)

Wow! Glad you were not hurt! Glad also to be living in a state with no poisonous snakes. My pet snakes are a milk adder and another is a garter who keep the mice down. I stomp the ground when I take pictures or weed and they move off the stone paths well before I step on them.

here is a photo I took knowing the snake was there.

Thumbnail by Mainer
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


what do you mean it is illegal to kill a snake? I never heard of this, and if that really is true, (not trying to say you don't know, just I've never heard of this) I don't care if a snake is by me and I have the means it is going to killed period!

Well good to know it wasn't poisonous.


Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Cute snake, Mainer.

In my town, if you have a poisonous snake on your property, you call Animal Control and they come out and capture it and relocate it. I get the feeling that they think relocation works. Once we had a diamond back rattler at work and they did that for us, but only after my boss and his buddies spent a while throwing rocks at it. Some folks never grow up!
Snakes are important to most environments. See if your animal control will relocate them before you kill them.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Why are snakes so terrifying? It is said that a cat's hiss is an imitation of a snake because every living creature is scared of a snake. Smart cats.

South Hamilton, MA

It may be their means of locomotion. The first time I tried to make an iris cross in the 1980s, I looked up & saw a garter snake imitating a cobra, head up & all. luckily I knew what it was & just told it to go away, but it was startling.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I find snakes startling but I would never hurt one on purpose. It would be like killing a lady bug.

Santa Ynez, CA

I agree, most of these guys are eating gophers, rat, mice etc.... and we need that right now, rattlers, are another story, so far lucky not to find one....

Lakes of the Four Se, IN(Zone 5a)

I welcome snakes in my garden. Of course, if I lived in Texas it might be a different story. Poisonous snakes are rare in my neck of the woods. A garter snake lives under my gazebo. Come to think of it, I've not seen any mice recently! Mice usually try to "hang out" under the bird feeders.

Lebanon, OR

We have lots of snakes here in the valley during the summer, one 2 are poisonous and the rest I pick up and put down one of the gopher holes and cover it up so they must go thru it to get out and along the way eat those critters and trust me I used to be scared to death of snakes but they kill more of the things that do damage around here so I will keep them all.


springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)


here is a link that might help. Says there are 12 species of snakes in TX that are protected. Only one is venomous.

Unless you are an expert at IDing those snakes, chances are you could be killing one. Especially if one cannot even tell the difference between poison/ non poison, let alone the actual species.

some snakes are protected under federal wildlife laws as well, not just state laws.
I do not know if it is legal to kill them if you feel threatened by one?
I would at least keep it under my hat if I did it.
I would not want poison snakes in my yard either. I don't kill them if they are not poison though, I want them in my yard. I HATE moles lol

I have a feeling a person could get into a mighty lot of trouble if caught killing a protected snake. probably lots.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Call animal control if you live in town. They will remove poisonous snakes to a safe for all environment.

Raleigh, NC

first snake I recall seeing terrorized me as a child. I don't do snakes.

or so I thought. not many years ago, found out DH is more afraid of them than I am! so now I'm the snake do-er.

we have copperheads here. two years ago, I disturbed one sleeping under a hosta poolside, got my hands down lifting up the leaves before I saw what I'd hit with the broom. I can really scream. all it did was get the heck outta there. frogs inundate our pool before it opens, and it was fat and sleepy. I like frogs, but they make a racket under my bedroom windows that's a nuisance. now I'm just hoping it wasn't a copperhead - but it SURE looked like one. when I panic, can't tell the pointy heads from the triangular - that's not something I can do while reacting.

gotta admit, don't mind the benign snakes anymore. too many rabbits, moles, voles and mice here to not want the snakes.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I have to admit finding even the most benign snake near my hand would put me into complete panic as well. At work we were given snake awareness training because we do have rattlers around here and also because a guy on the staff was a snake collector and expert. He taught an excellent class with live examples and a film on what to do if you see a snake.
The answer, if you can remember it at the time, is to back slowly away. Snakes don't see very well so they strike at movement. The last thing you want to do is run. Now see if you can remember that next time you encounter one! I am not sure I could.

Raleigh, NC

well, guess I was lucky my snake was very unhappy to be awakened from a big meal and just wanted back under the fence and into the brush as quick as possible. because my legs and feet were just as close, and I jumped back almost 3 feet fast.

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

This isn't a snake, but could be mistaken for one, so don't kill them! I think it's a skink of some kind, but the ones in our yard have bright blue tails.

Thumbnail by HappyJackMom
Hebron, KY

I'm scared of snakes!!! They give me the chills and the creeps! :-((

I've seen some in the 12 yrs. we've been here in:

laying in several of my flowerbeds,
laying on the grass,
going from one flowerbed to another,
living (& having babies & sticking their heads out) under our front porch,
laying next to our back facet,
laying on my Coralbells,
racing (somewhat fast) sideways down on of our sub-division streets!

Unfortunately, the State of KY has 4 poisonous snakes. :-(( I used to live all my life in the State of OH until I moved to KY in 1996. I know OH has several poisonous snakes, too. :-((

DH and I are too scared of the snakes to kill them and we've never have.

I just don't want them to kill any: toads, rabbits, birds and I sure don't want DH & I getting bit by any!


Thomasville, GA(Zone 8a)

We have hugh blue skinks and a friends cat ate one and died. They are poisonous and will give you a scare. Elaine

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Found this one morning on the way to the mailbox. DH forgot to close the garage door and it was headed IN. Got my trusty broom and slowly shooed him out. Someone pointed out that he is lumpy and probably just had breakfast. Goooood gopher snake... LOL

Thumbnail by KaperC
Winnsboro, TX

Hey KaperC that snake looks like it had more than one thing for breakfast. It looks like it has several lumps in it's belly. I think I would have had a heart attack if I saw that sucker in my garage or garden. I don't know much about snakes, they are all DEADLY as far as I'm concerned.

I'm trying to learn to tell the difference between the bad snakes and the good snakes but it doesn't mean I have to like them.

We have some Blue Skinks here at my place and I have tons of frogs, toads, and lizards. I enjoy watching them as much as I do feeding and watching the birds.

I just recently learned that Skinks are actually a cross between a lizard and snake. No wonder they tend to look like snakes.

This has been a learning experience for me and I'm not sure any of it will help regarding my fear of snakes.
Just be careful out there working in your flowerbeds and gardens.


Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

kaper that is one big snake. I would have been to busy screaming my head off and running for the house to have been so good to shoo him/it away.....


No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Well, like I said (I did, didn't I?), if it doesn't have a rattle here we don't worry about it. I didn't get close to it, either, just made swishing moves with the broom 'til it got the idea! My sister tells me I was afraid of snakes as a kid - when they moved - but the four of us kids had every pet you can think of: lizards, snakes, tortoises, frogs, white rats, etc. Guess some of it rubbed off. :-)

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

lovelyiris...skinks are not a cross between a snake and a lizard!!
In ALL states it is illegal to kill a snake that is on the Federally Endangered Species List. In each individual state, in addition to the FES list, there is also a State Endangered Species List and it is illegal to kill those that are found in that state.

EG...lets say there is an animal called a hop toad. If it is not on any list you can kill it. If it is on the endangered sp. list for VA and no other state you can not kill it in VA but you can every other state. If the hop toad was on the Federally Endangered Species List, you could not kill it in any state. If you kill an animal or plant on these lists there are heavy fines if found out.
Please always check for your state and federal lists. I have found it quite interesting actually to see some of the things I have found there!!
personally I like snakes. have almost always had one or two...not anymore. I like them in my yard and like even bringing them in!! I do NOT like poison snakes!!
Yes, I kill them because I do not want bitten and I don't want my animals bitten either. The poisonous snakes we have here are not endangered. HAH...besides, after killing a rattlesnake last year...hubby grilled it!! Supprise!!! It was good!
Re-locating animals in some states is also illegal if done by citizens. Animals do "home" but if moved a long enough distance away, and this varies by what animal it is, they do not come back.
The link below will take you to a list of the federally endangered species list for reptiles. Check to see for those listed in your state but may not be on the Federal list.

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

Ooops...the link:


Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

thanks estrail I didn't read endangered in the previous post. Yes I most certainly know that endagered species aren't to be killed.


Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

Oh yes, one other thing...it is illegal to take an animal out of the wild to keep it as a pet. A lot of people do it anyway...including me...but I have never heard that anything was really done about it. If you need to do that for some reason, there are forms that must be filled out and approved.

Shepherd, MT

I will take the mice,voles, rabbits, gophers, any day over snakes, I will shed some light as to way some people are deathly afraid of snakes, as a child I was the blunt of jokes from older kids using snakes, I had them stuck down my clothes, thrown , dumped on me , even my brother thought it fun to put them in my bed, I have been traumatized, kids think it fun to tease other kids with snakes, not realizing it does leave lasting scars to those they pick on. I pay to have kids kill any and all snakes and get them off my property .

Durham, ME(Zone 3a)

That is simply awful that anyone would feel so insecure that they pick on another person in that manner! Some parents were not doing their job evidently in making it clear that sort of behavior is not approved of.

My policy over wild animals invading my space is legal or not if it attacks my animals, family or destroys my crops, I first try to remove it live, if not possible it leaves my space dead. I do know how to remove unwanted groundhogs and rabid creatures with a gun if need be. People around my area are native americans, pioneer stock and have been taught to shoot accurately to provide food on the table minus store bought stuff since they were small children, meaning the age of ten and I doubt that will change.

The poor supplement their food with wild animals and that only makes sense for we live in the wild, eat wild game and do not waste like sports hunters tend to do. Sports hunters is a money making thing and have their own rules and the wardens around here look the other way to people trying to feed their families. They do not tolerate large scale poaching for profit and should not.

We have Red winged black birds, ducks, geese, deer, rabbits, partridges, pheasants, wild turkeys and the leopard frog which is endagered species due to biology class living on our land. Other critters like the black bear or lynx, procupines, racoons, come and go throughout the year that get along pretty well but I draw the line at eagles fishers, coyotes or pumas attacking family pets, horses, cattle, sheep or the apple orchard. This is still a farm and so there are laws protecting the farmers.

In the next town a puma was attacking dogs who were chained up and was a danger to children in the housing development. The animal officer was called in after the half eaten dog chained to his dog house was discovered. The puma turned to be someone's former pet let loose.

A hawk flew into a neighbors house to get at their cat who was by the window sleeping on the sofa. My neighbor sucessfully removed the hawk from the living room without harming the cat or the hawk but it was startling to say the least.

We do have foxes, osprey, bald eagles, golden eagles and owls visit us because the river holds salmon in the spring time. So far they have behaved themselves and I have been having fun watching the wild Tom Turkey do his mating dance around the telephone poles, stopping traffic when he crossed the road.

My snakes are friends not pets that live in captivity. Have been guilty of healing wild creatures when they needed it and will do so again if necessary. Usually if it is something we can not handle we call a warden. The blind mother mouse running into our house and into cars was one of those times. The warden had to shoot her and the babies were relocated, they were old enough.

Three yards were destroyed, cement work of our neighbors, benches and ornaments, and our well cover and drain pipes for she ran straight into our porch but first hit the well. This well covers a spring fed well. We also have an artesian one. The other neighbor's corn field was destroyed so we all got the moose meat as compensation from the warden.

We were not allowed to give it away to anyone and it all had to be labeled per the warden's instructions. We cooked it like beef or deer and it was delicous because she was dropped after she calmed down. Never kill a deer or moose in a panic for the adrenalin will make the meat taste terrible. My favorite way to have deer meat is if someone drops it with a bow and arrow and it has no time to be afraid. If you get that close to a deer there is no excuse for a hunting accident or mistaking it's sex.

I have had relatives that were shot dead during hunting season because of stupidity of the sports hunters and others that feel as I do about hunters that are not safe or courteous will close off their property for sports hunting purposes. More and more of Maine is being closed off due to bad sportsmanship. Legal or not, they will allow the real hunters access but not the fake ones.

I prefer to ride my horses along a designated trail and not be chased by coyotes, wolves, or be bitten by rattlesnakes so I do understand why one would kill legal or not a critter. I do believe in karma and that goes for the critters as well.

They rescued a female black bear recently who was attacking bird feeders and that was because someone raised her from a cub and gave her seed. Glad they relocated her back to New Hampshire instead of killing her.

If we keep building houses soon they will have no where to be relocated to. The female bear in Auburn was shot for disturbing a bear just out of winter sleep is dangerous and she was wakened accidentally while they were building the Wall Mart.

We now have fenced off trash areas in Greenville Maine because the black bear were being fed at the dump and people wonder why they get grumpy or mean. Idiots would go there to take photos not being careful that these were wild creatures and would wonder why they attacked. This is not Walt Disney but real wild life. Even caught some tourists trying to take photos of a female moose and getting in between her babies. Bad move.

Always make sure you photo take at a safe distance and never get in between a Mother and her babies. The calmest creatures, even a mare and foal will become mean if you threaten their child. Walking in between without their permission is percieved as a threat.

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Mainer, I hear you. All of the above that you have written applied to those of us that lived in the boonies in California also. My Grandpa taught me as a little girl that you eat anything that you kill, and kill only for food or in self defense. That came in handy when we moved next door to a turkey ranch, and the flies were terrible that year. They covered the south walls of our house. I caught another neighbors son shooting our lizards. I told him what Grandpa had told me so many years before. He got sick to his stomach at the thought of eating a lizard. He never shot another of our lizards. His excuse had been that his Dad was always afraid of lizards! So much for parenting.

Thumbnail by HappyJackMom

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