Bakeri Blue Spruce drooping limp What's Wrong?

In early-April, we had a local company plant a Bakeri Picea Pungens (they spelled it Bacheri). It had been doing fine as far as I could tell, then suddenly today I noticed the new growth and tips of the branches are drooping and very limp. I'm trying to figure out what could be wrong. We have had a pretty wet spring here, so I don't think it's from not enough water. We also have drip irrigation but I have only used it 2 times because of all our rain. I also used a tree ring sprinkler on it 2 times for deep watering during a string of days with no rain. So since it seems like it's not from underwatering, I'm wondering if it's from overwatering, although like I said I haven't watered it myself much because of the frequent rain.
Today being the day I noticed the droopy limp problem, I felt the soil and it felt quite moist, and we also had about a quarter inch of rain yesterday.
The tree was planted in clay soil with a healthy amount of compost added to break up the clay.
Any ideas?
This is my first conifer, and I love it.

Thumbnail by jhart

Here's one more photo of the whole tree. By the way, I'm in zone 7, Virginia. The tree gets sun from about nooon or 1 p.m. to sunset around 8 p.m.

Thumbnail by jhart
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

That's normal for soft young new growth on spruces. It'll straighten up through the summer as the new growth turns woody. No need to worry!


Oh, that's a relief. I guess I didn't think of that because, well for one I'm a newbie, but also because at first the new growth was straight, but then I guess, as it's continued to grow, it's getting longer and droopier (?).
Also, my husband was wondering if a cold snap could make a difference with the new growth. We've had warm weather for a few weeks now, but yesterday and last night were vey chilly. This past Saturday it was a high around 80, then yesterday (Sunday) a cool rainy day with a high around 60 and a low in the 40s overnight. Today has been in the 50s and 60s. My husband was thinking that could affect the new growth even more.

Barmera, Australia

I know nothing about Blue Spruce and Resin is probably right about it being normal appearance. You mentioned that you have clay soil and the tree was planted in a hole that had compost added this can cause a problem with the unaltered clay forming a barrier around the tree so that water will not drain properly but rather sit in the hole like in a bucket. You say you have had a lot of rain so just check to make sure the water is draining away from aroung the tree.
Regards Brian

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)


I agree with Resin; that's just an excessively happy Colorado Blue Spruce. That's a pretty good stretch of new soft growth, and being pendulous at first is a normal condition.

I would keep an eye on the drainage though, so you don't end up with root rot potential.

The tree is already looking better today. I guess the plentiful rain weighed down the soft new growth on Sunday. I didn't realize that new growth on spruce was so soft and easily droopy. Thanks for all your input--I appreciate it. As far as drainage, the tree is in a bed that was amended with compost throughout the whole bed, and then I amended the planting hole a little more, so at least it's not completely surrounded by clay. That should help with the drainage but I will still keep an eye on it.

Iowa City, IA(Zone 5a)

I love the new growth, it looks so fresh! This is a great time of year for conifers : )


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