Holly and Ric.........This is a class action thank you thread. Betty and I had a great time with you and your guests. We left a bit early because one of my reserve oxygen tanks lost half its load likely due to the high humidity. Not an emergency but that took away three hours of possible additional fun at your event. We had an uneventfull trip home just a bit earlier than planned. Thanks again for hosting this event.

Now the rest of you all can jump in here and say some nice things.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Doc, so sorry your visit was abbreviated,we didn't get a lot of time together.
To everyone else I'm sorry I was not as social as I like to be, but I'm pretty sure a good time was had by all. Holly and I had a great time! Right up to this morning Holly said, "All we need is one more week to get ready", or "I wanted to do this?"LOL. Well it went well enough that we may just have to do that again. Thanks to all who attended and the Hostess really appreciated her gifts. Ric

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I was wondering where you went.....Doc, it was great to meet you and Betty!

Holly had a blast.... thanks for hosting!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

To Ric & Holly - Chantell & I just made it home in time for the torrential downpours - thanks soooooooo much for organizing the swap, had a great time, came home with some awesome plants & so enjoyed meeting everyone! Leaving the unpacking of car until tomorrow, need to rustle up some "dudes" to help carry in the fish-tank! ^_^

Thanks to everyone who brought me plants!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ditto to what she said!!!! Amazing company as always. Ric and Holly - ya'll did an incredible job - thank you for sharing your beautiful house and land with us!!! Hugs!!!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Holly and Rick--

You two are REAL people!!! The kind one would like to find at any gathering....
I know it was a lot of work to put this kind of a thing on--
Ric, thanks for being such a great chef! Food was great--all of it!

I made it home in 1hr. and 10 minutes....called Sally back and she was still sitting there yakking with people. Round trip for me was 145 miles....VERY doable any time for a visit....

Thank you all! Now--I have to hurry and find little spots here and there to tuck in all my new "treasures"....Of course--it is raining!
Will go to HD and see if there is any garden traffic--and "do my Sunday AM thing"....
Yak with people--educate them....helf them find what they are looking for, etc.....

Here is my table from Mother's Day Sunday....I set up right by the cashiers..


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

WOW, Gita That is a nice set up very colorful and such pretty plants.
We loved having you and everyone. Ric is great about doing kitchen duty and really had a good time talking to you and the others that came and went inside while he was working there. What great food we had. We need a recipe thread.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

NIce table, Gita.

I'll say it again, had a great time...nice meeting new dg'rs and seeing ones I've met before. Ric and Holly you were great hosts!
Yes we need a recipe thread.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

oh thank you Holly & Rick... you guys were great hosts!.... it was real nice meeting everyone and can't wait to do this again with you someday!!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Thanks for everything! Mark and I enjoyed it , even tho (or because?) he was golfing for half of it LOL. What I swapped away in tonnage, I recouped in variety, I think! I have a victim a friend in mind to take some things I am dowgrading from my yard, giving her my more ordinary things and making room for awesome DG selections. (Bye bye Happy Returns, Hello Susie Wong)

May I start a technical thread for plant followup questions? I will.
for your followup questions

This message was edited May 17, 2009 10:06 AM

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi, This is Holly's DIL, Debbie. I really enjoyed meeting everyone. Thanks for sharing your plants with me...I've been busy all morning writing up my spreadsheet with the names and info on all of them...and hopefully tomorrow it will be nice enough to plant them all. I am so looking forward to seeing all my new babies bloom...thank you sooo much.

JR and Jamie said that they enjoyed meeting everyone too...and JR had tons of fun playing with the lil ones.

Debbie Sanders

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Debbie--Last night I 'did the math' I think and figured out you're also the 'mom' of the giant banana tree Gosh, need another swap now to continue the conversations I started, or would have, if I had more brains yesterday

Ric nad Holly, your yard is beautiful. Seen the parts but in real life it comes together just wonderfully.

Crozet, VA

Thanks doc for starting this thread. I can't wait to hear what all everyone has to say about their day. Doc, I missed introducing myself to you and Betty, but hopefully there will be other times for us to meet. I am really glad that you were able to make it for the time that you could.

Gita, the store display is very lovely. You are right in your element with the whole set up. I know that you are enjoying passing along the knowledge you have gained over the years of gardening. How fun!!!

Thank you to Holly and Ric for hosting this wonderful event for us. Should you do another one, we will be there, for sure.

I am sure that there are others who I missed getting to speak to yesterday. Please forgive, I enjoyed those I did get to talk with though.

I hope that everyone will enjoy their day today. Take care.


Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Thank you, thank you, thank you, everyone and especially Holly & Ric. It was so much fun getting to meet everybody. We had a great time and loved the folks, food and plants.

Debbie, Jr had lots of fun with the big kids too. He locked me in the house because he said Larry was going to take me & his toys home!!!

Each and every conversation was total enjoyment. Gita, I don't think you got a beer.

John, I should have talked "Dead" and not goats with you. Sorry, Ruby!

Doc, a great thanks to Betty, Robyn, Roses and others who helped unload our van.

I am awash in a sea of plants and almost don't know where to start!!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Stormy---YES I DID!!!!! had to ask "Boss man".....He knew where it was!
In that cooler inside--in the LR! It sure hit he spot! When you are thirsty and hot--only a cold beer does it!


central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I added up all the great stuff I received and I figure the cost was about $514..... Wow how amazing is that? Thanks again for everyone's generosity.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Thank you again, Holly, for the wonderful day! Your home is beautiful and we had such a great time.

It was so much fun and so good to see some familiar faces and meet some new Mid-Atlantic gardeners. And the food! Oh my gosh-- so wonderful!

We just got home a little bit ago and got the truck unloaded. Everything survived the night of camping just fine, thankfully. But our campground neighbors were probably wondering about the weird chick watering plants on the picnic table!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

So glad that the camping went well. Did you enjoy Gettysburg?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

We liked it so much that Dan wants to plan a trip later this summer for me and him to go back without the little one and spend a couple of days. We definitely didn't have time to see everything this trip.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Joya When you come back, if it is of interest to you, be sure to add a trip to the relatively new "National Museum of the Civil War" in Harrisburg. It is not to be missed. Also, your son, and yourself would probably love a visit to the Rennaisance Fair In Mt.Hope. Lot's of Jousting and swashbuckling sword fights. Reminded me of a midievil verson of wrestlemania!!

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

Holly and Ric thanks so much for hosting the swap, it was fantastic. I enjoyed meeting the people behind the posts and thank everyone for their generous gifts.
Doc- the Monkeybread was great,
I'm looking forward to the next swap and hopefully will have some plants to swap.

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