Blackberries on steroids?

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

I have wild blackberries that seem to be finally getting the water they need after 2+ years of drought. The berries the last years have been bitter, and I'm told it was lack of water. So, there is a good crop on many plants.
BUT! In my travels to find where they will be, I've found plants that resemble blackberries, but are huge! The leaves are huge, as are the "canes", They have no fruit, but I didn't notice blooms, either (and I was watching). They originally seemed to me to be first year canes, so no flowers/fruit. Where the others set fruit, these have just grown and grown. I know nothing about blackberries, so now I'm wondering what they are, or what I should do with them.
Any thoughts?



NE Medina Co., TX(Zone 8a)

Margo, if you can get pics of those plants and post them, you might get ID's on them. Besides this forum, there is also a plant ID forum.

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Okay, I'll try that. Don't know if it will help, as they look like the blackberries, just bigger:)

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