My friends the geese

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

It was our second cold morning with temps in the 40s. I should have known because our skies are so clear at night. I swear I have never seen the moon and north star shine as they did. This morning I bewailed the fact to DH that I hadn't seen or heard the Canadian geese in a couple of days and I felt quite sad. It could be they were there but I didn't notice. Lots of things seem to escape me these days. However, at 6.30 this morning, sitting on my proverbial cats' porch with my first cup of tea, came their sounds and then their formation, to land on the small foggy lake near us. It was such a relief to see them and I felt so much better. I wonder if they will go to Florida this year! If they do I hope they time it right because it's almost open season here and I have already heard a few guns. It sickens me!

Hello Louisa' Yes,it's that time of year however the geese haven't traveled through here yet'DH got home yesterday and going out again this morning to Virginia,via Tx.,will be home next week. I know what you mean hearing the guns but where we live it's normal,everyday work,snakes,the rattlers' When young,our sons were mowing for neighbors and hit a large nest of them. I myself,have only had to kill 1 with a hoe.Normally the garden snakes,have crawled quickly,across my feet,while doing my gardening. They don't bother me,just not in my home,lol'They help me sooo much and growing hostas,they dearly love eating the slugs'Which is also the play area for the baby bunnies"hide and seek"lol'

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Sis you would think I would be used to guns because back home of course, living near farmland, it's a way of life also. You know - open season on game etc. However, I'm glad to say that I never witnessed a fox hunt which I find a deplorable sport. I have not seen any snakes yet but I know they are here. Funny thing though, the cotton tails seem to have disappeared. It's warmed up nicely now, got back from church and put the pork roast in the oven (smells are wafting up and after lunch we will go for a drive. Still seeing the deep purple wild flowers that look so much like the pinkish Joe Pye but they are few and far between. Two small colonies of tickseed have emerged on our land - lovely bonus :-)

I know Louisa,the foxhunts are deplorable,to say the least,makes me sick too' DH left early,just called from down south,rain coming our way,we do need some.I printed your poem"If",had forgotten it but remembered some.
I'm a freelance writer and also write poetry. I've been reading mostly this week,too nasty outside. A numbness has set in on me today,like no other,as only when the day I lost my mother.Reread this and couldn't believe that came out,just now'Must go and hope your daughter is well.:-)

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Sis we should talk some more. Good to know the rain is coming for you - been dry here for too long also. My daughter is still having a really hard time of it but the baby is full term now thank God and she is due in two weeks' time. Praying that the airports will have flights going to Europe in the not too-distant future!

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

"My" geese are still here - makes my heart all warm and fuzzy. I do love them :-)

Good Mornin' Louisa' Hope ours hold off a bit as here the "white stuff quickly follows" So much to do,so little time':D

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

And Good morning to you dear Sis :-) We are off to the vet with our cat Patch so will check in later. Have a peaceful day!

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Here in England we now have thousands of Canadian Geese, they dont migrate so they must be happy here. , this government is going to ban it. Sheila in NW England.

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