What PLANT did you buy?????

West of Brisbane, Australia

I can barely wait until the day--not this season--it blooms for the first time. It will be heaven!

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
Clifton Springs, Australia

Didn't recognise the leaves until it came out of the box, Cestrum.
Googled M.alba......sounds fantastic.....after that wait I bet you have a special spot for it.

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Da#%n you cestrum :0)....another carrot to wave in front of us...

West of Brisbane, Australia

Actually, Judy, I waved the carrot in front of Mya (there was one left) but she thought the freight might be too much ...
Special spot ...? Haven't thought that far! I'll acclimatise it first ...

You can view a photo and the label here http://www.daleysfruit.com.au/plant/Michelia-Longifolia-M-Alba.htm
But they're all gone now. No harm in putting your name on the waiting list as there's no obligation to buy. In fact, if you don't hurry up and buy when you're notified of their availability, you'll find them sold out ...

This message was edited Sep 16, 2010 1:31 PM

Brisbane, Australia

Back from the markets. The rain held off for us, so that was great. Not a lot there today. One really nice brom but too expensive for me. I have Huernias here, just a few varieties, but spotted this little one which I don't think I've got. I don't know what variety it is, so will just call it Huernia.' The tiny plant itself is not in the best condition, but I hope it will pick up again when the warmer weather sets in. Anyway, I got it so cheap it doesn't matter.


This message was edited Sep 18, 2010 6:16 PM

Thumbnail by DawnSong
West of Brisbane, Australia

Amazing what you find at the trash and treasure known as Bunnings: a chocolate vine. I remember growing one years ago in Melbourne, the flowers being more a novelty than anything else. It never set fruit (I think you need two different species for cross pollination). Anyway, I saw one today but it's a new hybrid: Akebia quinata longiracimosa, which is a cross between the A. quinata and A. longiracimosa. Apparently the latter is native to Taiwan and very rare. So this hybrid is supposed to have much longer flowers, similar to the Taiwan species. Label says it's 'deliciously fragrant' but I've heard that one before! Still, it's worth buying out of curiosity I thought, so I did LOL

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Cestrum ...I saw it the other day too and was very tempted ...but I resisted...I bought a pinstripe ginger instead...Yes I agree Bunnings is like that,you just never know what you will find from one visit to the next..
You will have to keep us posted - with pics- on how it does for you.

That's quite a beauty cestrum ...I have got some fat little seeds to plant today ...^_^ thankyou I think some of these are viable so I will give it my best shot!
Going to plant seeds from judy too ^_^

I love seeds! ...you get to dream a bit with them.

* plants are good too!!!!* Lol!

West of Brisbane, Australia

Judy, you're more restrained than I am! I believe that the Taiwan species helps to give this hybrid greater heat tolerance. Seems that the summers will be more of a strain for it than the danger of frosty winter nights.

Seeds, plants--they're all just great :-)

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Most of the crepe myrtle seeds have germinated for me and in less than a week.. :0)

^_^ Whoo Hoo!

West of Brisbane, Australia

Judy, did those 'Dynamite' crepe myrtle seeds come from Chrissy?
Because I sent the ones I didn't use to her LOL

No they were not from me these were from Judy via you but I will gladly share crepe myrtle seeds if anyone wants them ...mine are the hybrids too.

West of Brisbane, Australia

I thought three Dynamite seedlings were enough for me.
Any seeds I send, please feel free to pass them on.

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Chrissy,did I send you some of the crepe myrtle seeds ?

No I have these from cestrum ...I hope that is ok *gulp*

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Yes that's ok for sure but I did think I sent some to you too...
Colleen,Did I send some to you...I know I sent out 2 packs of the crepe myrtle to 2 different people ..oh well doesn't matter..

This message was edited Sep 23, 2010 12:32 PM

No you were kind enough to have shared some oleander seeds and cuttings with me ^_^ Love the yellows.
I saw a stunning red one of yours somewhere, maybe in a few weeks you could send me a cutting or two of that one since red is my favourite colour, well really black and red but then there aren't many blooms in black are there. I will send something in return ^_^

West of Brisbane, Australia

I thought *yellow* was your favourite colour, Chrissy? Or was it orange LOL
They're all favourites when we fall in love with them! Honestly, I think so often we instinctively like (or dislike!) something at a gut level and *then* our conscious brain finds reasons to justifiy that opinion ...

That is in Brugmansias ...They don't come in red ^_^ ...YET.*tropical ones that is*

I guess all the warm colours are my favourites, there are warm purples too and warm pinks and ...Oh heck we love it all don't we?

By the way have you seen this?
One of the gardeners trimmed theirs down to the ground.

West of Brisbane, Australia

Now that's very interesting about the champacas losing their leaves because the same thing is happening to the lower branches of my largest/oldest tree.(I don't mind too much because it allows things to grow underneath it, but I don't like not knowing what's causing it.)

Might have to think about pruning the top.
Might have to think about how to get to the top to prune it LOL

Actually, I intend to lop the top off the smallest champaca. It's my third one, so I feel I can experiment with it :-) Plus, it's downwind of the house and the scent will flow away to the neighbours anyway ...

This message was edited Sep 23, 2010 5:42 PM

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Quote from chrissy100 :
No you were kind enough to have shared some oleander seeds and cuttings with me ^_^ Love the yellows.
I saw a stunning red one of yours somewhere, maybe in a few weeks you could send me a cutting or two of that one since red is my favourite colour, well really black and red but then there aren't many blooms in black are there. I will send something in return ^_^

Are we talking red crepe myrtle or red oleander chrissy...you've lost me lol.

Sorry I have popped back for a tic ...the Beautiful red oleander!
I love all of your ollies but red sucks me right in every time!
I have small buds forming on one of the rose coloured cuttings already, the winter didn't hurt them.
here tis

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Oh ok....I didn't realize that you wanted the red oleander...I can send you as many cuttings as you want..
I'll post them off to you next week chrissy.. also are there any others you were after?

This message was edited Sep 24, 2010 2:00 PM

West of Brisbane, Australia

I saw pots of (edible) peanut vines at Bunnings. Didn't buy them because it's the end of summer and time to start preparing the ground for the leafy cooler-weather crops. Had it been the start of spring I might have been tempted.

They also had those two-toned agapanthus 'Queen Mum', white with blue tips. Plus one last pot of the scented white society garlic, Talbaghia fragrans alba 'Snowman'. Oh, and fresh pots of the green-leaf and the purple-leaf ornamental sweet potato. I imagine if you live in SEQ you should find these at your local Bunnings too ...

BTW, I filled a trolley with supplies and only on the drive home realised that I had forgotten to buy the one thing I had actually come for LOL

Was that a plant you forgot?

West of Brisbane, Australia

A mini-greenhouse, actually. You'd think it would be something I'd remember ...

West of Brisbane, Australia

Here's a red Bella hybrid dwarf abutilon I bought. I have several tall shrubby abutilons, but this dwarf range is new to me. (It's probably been around for years without my noticing!)

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ

Yes the dwarfs were beautiful but not very tough ...they died in the bad freeze a few years back.
very pretty colours and nice open faces.
They did well until -5C.

I had a lovely box of seeds bought in to me this morning.
Thanks so much ...it kind of helps to replace some of the ones I lost.
Too generous as usual.
Thankyou very much.
I have water roots on the cuttings you sent me last time :) including the fragrant China Doll.
Time to plant now.
I will plant this lot of seeds out in the Spring (except for the radish) ...can't wait,
I have 1ft bauhinias grown from your seeds last time.
Hopefully next season will be kinder here.

West of Brisbane, Australia

It could happen here too, alas. (I think it did once, before my time.) If it did, losing the dwarf abutilon would be the least of my concerns :-(

Dracaena 'Lemon Surprise'. Not scented, not even any flowers. But so pretty I couldn't resist :-)

I forgot to mention that I saw two other interesting plants: (1) Amorphophallus bulbifer, or voodoo lily. I didn't want to buy it because, despite the label being silent about the smell of the flower, I knew it would be one of the stinky ones. But it was unexpected to see it here (see http://www.rareflora.com/amorphophallusbul.htm ). (2) Pavetta australiensis , which was tempting because it's described as a native subtropical plant with fragrant flowers. (See http://www.brisrain.webcentral.com.au/01_cms/details_pop.asp?ID=123 ). These were sitting beside the native Randia and the leaves looked almost identical, so I wondered if perhaps Pavetta was a synonym for Randia, but it appears not. Still, I've been burned too often before and would like to smell the flowers before buying.

This message was edited Mar 19, 2011 11:17 AM

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
Brisbane, Australia

Centrum, where do you usually go to look for new plants?

Could pass this up. A baby tassel fern, Huperzia Phlegmaria. This brings my collection of tassel ferns to a total of........3. I got this from the local markets last weekend.


Thumbnail by DawnSong
West of Brisbane, Australia

My local trash and treasure (aka Bunnings) is where I usually buy my plants--never know what you'll find there, a lot of mundane stuff with the occasional gem. There's a small local nursery that I might visit a few times a year, but its range is extremely limited.

That Pavetta australiensis is apparently also known as Ixora pavetta (see http://keys.trin.org.au:8080/key-server/data/0e0f0504-0103-430d-8004-060d07080d04/media/Html/taxon/Pavetta_australiensis.htm ). I wonder if people might be growing the plant thinking it's a white-flowered ixora?

Clifton Springs, Australia

Went to the Bacchus Marsh market on Saturday and I have never seen plants as cheap and such varieties...
I bought 3 Fuschia for $10.50....Fey,Pink Cloud and Steeley
3 Nandina for $10 to put near the Mondo grass by the sundial...the Mondo was too dark by itself..
All good sizes in 6 ins pots
I could easily have bought some of the Denrobiums, lots of different varieties..from $8.

If I could have carried them there were Cane Begonias 4ft tall and bushy for only $10

Even the hanging baskets were only $10 and all the stalls were similiar prices.
I had to leave asap.......Ray kept saying "Where will we put them?"

I will be back again to that market.....great around Christmas time.

Christchurch, New Zealand

I was wasting time this morning & went into the Warehouse to look at plants.
Nice way to kill time until due at work - I am fed up with arriving early, being expected to work but not being paid for it.
Anyway the orphans were in a bad way, one tempting calla but I suspect it was rotting & not salvageable.
Then I saw two lovely variegated hebes on special.
I picked the bushier one of the two & scurried off to the checkout.
I have wanted something like this for ages so am really pleased with my find.
Hebe Waireka

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Christchurch, New Zealand

this is the label - I am looking forward to seeing the flowers.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
West of Brisbane, Australia

A plant you've been looking for at a discounted price--and you even got a label LOL
I saw this Pavetta australiensis when I was last at Bunnings. (Possibly also known as Ixora pavetta, as I speculated then.) I didn't go back for it, but I did have to visit Bunnings today for other stuff and thought I would see if any were left. Well, you know the rest!

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

Here's the rear of the label.

I got something else too, an unexpected bonus. Not at Bunnings but in my PO box. I knew there was mail yesterday but, because it was raining and I wasn't expecting anything NB, I left it until today. And found a lovely surprise from the gardening fairy godfather awaiting me. Thank you, Wayne :-)

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ

Wayne indeed is the Garden Godfather.
I think you are the seed Fairy Queen cestrum ...:))))

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