who can explain in everyday words the difference in spuria

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

jumper2, are you our Lucy's daughter, really? If so welcome!!

Of course, if not, welcome too, LOL

South Hamilton, MA

yes to the first statement. She has a small cottage garden in her front yard, the location of her sun. got on to DG through sewing (I can't do that) & equine. Fond of irises (guess why) & found that the NE forums suited her questions better & much fun.

Lebanon, OR

Hi Jumper and just so you know for sure your Mom and Dad are great people:)


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Well, jumper, you better hang around here on the iris forum too with us. I'm not a seamstress, and don't have horses, so won't see you there. Dee is a great seamstress, but I don't know if she goes to the sewing forum, do you Dee?

I can guess where she got the handle jumper then.

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

I knew that. Being where I am in OH, nothing fit. I know the NE, and the zones are close to mine so the info is a help. Glad to talk with people who know my parents stuff.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

now wait..........hold everything..........jumper......who are you and how do you fit in with this other group? and whose mom and dad are we talking about? i am nosy girls. hahaha

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

Mine. I belong to irisMA. She taught me what I do know about irises, and sends me most of what I grow.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

are you a hybridizer too jumper? and did you grow up in maine? how wonderful to have a mama that's a flower person. my daughter doesn't think so though. maybe some day.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

IrisMA and her husband, Lucy and John Burton are iris hybridizers. They are also active in SIGNA and donate seeds to SIGNA.

Lucy is a wealth of iris knowledge, and a big help to all of us here on the Iris forum.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

i never came to talk over here because i didn't know anything about these plants except that their flowers are just about the most beautiful thing in the world. thanks irisMA for making me feel that it's o.k. to hobnob with the likes of you. heheh

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Everyone is welcome here. We're a fun group, and as far as I can tell it's one of the nicest, friendliest forums on DG. We welcome everyone, novice to the very knowledgeable.

We actually have quite a few hybridizers on here.

I don't know much about bearded iris, and have learned a lot here.

Lebanon, OR

I think we all learn from one another:) Yup Polly do sew and enjoy it. The wedding dress bodice and sleeves are done...will sew the bottom together tonight and call it a night then finish tomorrow night except for the zipper which I will put in the week before the wedding.

Here is a picture of the garden they will be married in on 6-21-09 then get to rest for a week before I start digging orders.

I love making quilts, hand applique, embrodiary. I usually just do not have enough time to do much besides here.

Someday I will.

Jumper you are one lucky kid but you already know that to have irisma and John as your parents.


Lebanon, OR

Yipes here is the picture of the garden they will be married in...

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Lebanon, OR

Here is a picture of the median iris garden

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
South Hamilton, MA

j2 did NOT get her sewing skills from me. I can darn socks & sew buttons on. DH knew how to hybridize & would not listen to my suggestions, so I did my own. It is fun although with SDBs too close to the ground. Need space to line out seedlings so do fewer crosses than we used to.

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

Like she said I sew and ride horses. I have irises and other things for their beauty. I did make a cross once as the plants involved were out here and not for irisMA.

South Hamilton, MA

Helps to have an apprentice who has the right plants. When we went to AIS convention in 1985, j-2 was at home working during the summer so DH had her take pictures of his seedlings. Those were sort of sad, but we were excited at the time. Those people wish to see different species should look at the pictures at the bad bear site listed in another thread.

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

See! I've been taught well. When you have babysitting duties you end up learning something.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

irisMa? bad bear thread? where's that?

South Hamilton, MA

See first post on species ID pics thread on irises site--I'm not very good at sites but it does have list of different species where you can click on the photos.

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