Bismarck Palm Seed Propagation

Opa Locka, FL


I have a Bismarck Palm Tree that is shooting out seed pods. I would like to harvest and propagate the seeds. However, I am not sure how to proceed. I will take any assistance I can get. Thanks.

Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

Bismarckia palms are either male or female, and if you have a female, you can get seeds only if there is a male not too far away. The mature seeds are almost the size of a small lime, so if yours are not that size, they are nowhere near ready. Mature seeds are brownish and large and sprout most easily if planted when fresh.


Keaau, HI

When the seeds are ripe they will fall off the plant, and then then are ready to grow.

Place the seeds on their side in a growing medium (I prefer Pro-Mix BX and volcanic cinder) and buried so that you can just see the top of the seed exposed.
It works best to crowd the seeds together (side by side) rather than plant them individually.
Put the propagation pots / trays in a warm place in the shade; keep the medium moist and well drained. It may take awhile for the seeds to sprout.

When the seedlings have grown their first leaf and it is hardened off, carefully transplant the plants to gallon pots. When the young palms have grown a few leaves they should be placed in the ground. It is not good to try to get a Bismarkia large in a pot as it can cripple their growth.

Hope things work out!

Aloha, Dave

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