Prunus mume cuttings

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

I just took some mume cuttings, 3rd attempt!, using perlite this time and not such soft tips. I thought it would be nice to have a hedge of these some day! Anyone been down this road before and can advise?...I can still take more cuttings if I need to.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Sounds beautiful - sadly I have no room at least for a tree (albeit a smaller one).

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

I never thought I'd hear that from you, Chantell! maybe you ought to think about moving..;)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I know - it pains me to even write it...they say "this" is the first step...LOL NOT!!! ^_^

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Chantell, whats worse, not enough room, or more room than you can cover with a hoe?
When I bought this place it was out in the country, and I was early fourty.Now I'm not. We are never satisfied.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh I hear ya Mike...truly!! I appease my "wants" by homing the more common plants and replacing them with newbies...keeps the yard exciting and smelling delightful

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

BTW, where can one find these cuttings?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Dabney - my buddy Mike here would like to take a few off your hands - you out there? ^_^ BTW your baby you sent me, in trade, has new growth coming up -- how excited am I?!?

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

The cuttings are coming off my little tree that right now is bristling with potentially a hundred or so! If I can get it right and get some rooted, i'll let you know!! i wish it were as easy as mailing some but they say cut them early in the morning and get 'em in a plastic bag pronto to keep them turgid...they sound a bit delicate....maybe too delicate for me. anyway, these are a week old and still hanging in there.

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Some times I think they give the "idael" method of taking cuttings so as to be very careful, and thats good.I have made cuttings of camelia in noon day heat, and put them in a wet news paper, and poped them in a propagation box, that most people would toss, and I will be planting the 2' rooted camelia this fall.
I would be very proud to get just a few cuttings, and save the rooting. In other words I would be pleased to try them.I would think sealed in a baggy with a wet paper towell would work.
Never the less I would love anything that is green, and has fragrant flowers.
Thank you, Mike

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

ok....i can take some cuttings, hold them in the fridge till i get to the P.O. later that same day. do you have any fragrant camellias?
I envy you your spacial 'problem' as I have a teeny yard. What part of Georgia are you? My husband and I are looking to move back east in a year or so.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

hey Mike, send me a Dmail with your address so I can send these out to you...

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Mike is being humble....he is the Root Master...unlike myself....ugh

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

In all fareness rooting is no secrete.I like the use of sand rather than perlite, in fact I use 60% sand found @ home depo(paver sand), and 40% bulk peat moss.The paver sand is near perfect in coarsness, as opposed to (play sand).For Prunus mume, use IBA 3.Personally i like "Dip-n-grow".It has a measuring bottle that you can get the #3, #2, and #1, ppm like the rootone is.For herbacious plants rootone is fine.
This is a pic of me showing how to do cuttings in one of my boxes.

Thumbnail by mqiq77
Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

This is another of my elaborite set ups.Paxil used to sit on the lid.I think it was a temp. difference, or something.Maybe even my secrete. Mike

Thumbnail by mqiq77
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Dare I ask how the cat acquired the name of an antidepressant? And no I'm not on any - have worked for a Psychiatrist for 10 years now...LOL

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Because the people you work for kept shoving them down my throat, until I acted like a cow chewing her cud.Now they have me on 20mg, soon to get off.I hope.I don't feel I need them since I retired from the rat race.BTW, the cat was a good substitute. Mike

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Good for you....Paxil was never a "top" med here...esp. don't like the discontinuation yuckoo that comes with d/c it...ugh

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

so far so good! I have ten that are showing sign of new growth! everyone, don't uncross your fingers yet!

Thumbnail by dabneyrose
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LOOK at that pretty baby!!!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

the cuttings are not looking so good...the weather has turned cool again and I don't have bottom heat. I told myself this would be my last attempt but I just read about 'Rose Cuttings' on the rose forum and was blown away!!! I gotta try again!! they are too sweet.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ah Dabney - that's so frustrating....keeping fingers crossed for you!!!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

ok! I have done EVERYTHING (I should have the first time) except lasso the moon and yank it to the proper 'sign'.

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

If I had never made a mistake, I would have never learned anything.
When a person "KNOWS" something, that means they have experienced something.
So, experience is the best teacher, in it gives the test first, then comes the lession. Off my soap box now, and am feeling much better about the "wilted lettus" I have in the rooting box.There is good signs of life, even after five says in the mail.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

0 I'm so thrilled! I've been afraid to even think about them and their horrendous journey!
yeah!! but then, that would cast doubt upon your wizardry, which I don't mean to do!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahhh Dabney's got you pegged, Mike!! ^_^ So tell me...when will I learn THE lesson and how many Gardenias must die within the confines of my house???? LOL I laugh cuz I'd cry other wise. Babies do just fine out doors but that is where they must stay to survive....

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Remember the old "cold frames" ?They were down in the ground 24"-30", and had a glass top.Plexie glass, clear plastic will work too.With clear plastic you can put slats down, then the plastic, then slats on top of that, and IMHO it makes a better under ground GH.This is just what I would do if I lived where you do.I have one that goes down almost 3', and I seldom use it, simply because I don't have anything that cridical that needs winter protection.
Now the trick is to have the mix like it should be(60% coarse sand, and 40% spagnum peat).Make your cutting, and leave three leaves, but cut them in half with sissors.They will traspire like that, and root easier.I feel like too many people are afraid to fail at something.You can get great ideas from the net, and I'll work with you as well I can.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

thanks! this time I put them in sand...didn't have peat moss...dipped them in light bleach solution...sterilized my sand! which I have never bothered with before...scraped the end (like she did on the rose channel)...and used my hormone dip. they are in the house where it's a bit warmer under a 5 gal plastic water bottle that has a hole in the top so it can breathe a golly, that ought to do Something! unless you tell me i've done it all backwards :) yes, i also cut the leaves in half, the 2 or 3 I left on.

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Can you tell on this Bob Hope camelia, just 1 Yr. old how the leaves were cut, and the small cutting so as to develop roots.My dear friend Gita sent me these cuttings, and They went into the propagation box with indobutric 3 acid, and were rooted within 2 Mos.

Thumbnail by mqiq77
Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

yes I can...that's how I cut mine. I just don't have the rooting hormone that you mention. HD perhaps?

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

With the tender new growth, all you need is "Take root", or rootone.All that is is IDBA 1.
I believe you are going to get it.Mike

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

Thank You For Your Faith! I have never tried so hard before.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahhh yes, Mike...I have a 'Maya' Brug Gita blessed me with at our get together over the winter...such pretty variegation! Going to find something to practice rooting...

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

hey Chantell, what do you feed that thing? no one has answered my question on the brug channel and they are looking peaked.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

plus! if you all ever get together summertime, i will be in central NC for a week in aug. it would be great to see you two! and I'm already stressing about my garden while I'll be gone!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Dabney - I've actually never met Mike in person....and "our" get togethers are generally the VA/MD crew although this most recent one was up in PA - so we had the VA/MD/PA/NJ crew there...was very fun.
When you ask what do I feed that talking about the Brug?

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

yep, the brug!

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Funny, but my brother, and sister live in central N.C., and I will be in Pa. the first week in july.I definately have family, and ties at most of the mentioned places.

Chantel; I would like to see you take a cutting, mix 60% coarse sand, and 40% peat, and put it in a black plastic nursary pot, after you have scared the end of the steem, and dipped it in takeroot(walmart), or (rootone) home dept.There are both the same.If by chance you have a willow stem that you could cut up in a cup of water, then dip the stim in the willow water, then the RT, or TR, and place it in the mix in the pot, and take a baggy that will fit over the whole pot, and have enough room for the plant to get started, tie it good at the top.Azaliea will be the easiest to root, but you can take most anything.Gardenias grow good for me in this same scenario.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

there we go!!! oodles of gardenias!! thanks, Mike!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ok...Mike....the pressures on...let's see who would be the best victim? Maybe I'll try both 'Shooting Star' and 'Chuck Hayes' since I know there are plenty of you that might enjoy either. Don't shoot me but any Azalieas that were here when I moved in 7 years ago got ripped out and given away. I'm such a plant snob...I don't want my yard looking like a cookie cutter cutout of every yard around me. Most assuredly it does not at this point...the mad mess of fragrants it is at this point...LOL
Dabney - LOTS of food...I mix the Dynamite extended fert and the Oscomote in their soil...then water with either that age old beer recipe and if I don't have that then I just water with a fish emulsion added to that stuff - ok not the smell but all the plants seem to love it!!!

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