Theme - May Magic

london England, United Kingdom

The flower club theme this month is 'May Magic'

Here's my arrangement in a huge teacup and saucer.
I used Stocks, Carnations,Gyp and Conifer.

Hope to see your May Magic arrangements everyone!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Christchurch, New Zealand

I am not capable of putting anything but the most basic arrangements together...
but when I saw May Magic I had a vision of a Maypole using a vertical piece of oasis & then 'ribbons' of flowers twining around it...
it that even possible to do?
my imagination runs riot at times but I don't have the practical skills to create any of my ideas.
Or to know if the are even do-able...

london England, United Kingdom

Hi dalfyre, I like your vision. It certainly would be possible to make it that way with oasis. Or you could use a bamboo stick, which was secured in an oasis base, twisting ribbons and climbing flowers up the pole.
I find the hardest part is thinking of an idea, I can help you with the mechanics, keep up the great ideas!

Christchurch, New Zealand

sounds like fun.
I love the way everyone is supportive here, I knew even if my idea was totally daft I would get an explanation of why & some ideas on what might work instead.
I wonder how much it costs to buy oasis here...
finances are very limited right now but I would love to give it a go.
Will have to make some inquiries :)

london England, United Kingdom

Oasis costs about £1.00 a block over here. You would need alot of oasis foam to make the pole, unless you get small round blocks and stack them up using a stick running through the centre to keep it secure.
If you make it with some bamboo canes or sticks, bind them together first and wrap some netting around the 'pole'
the plant material and ribbons could be woven into the netting or tied on going up the pole.
It could be done without oasis!!! where's there's a will there's a way LOL!
Nice you are thinking about the possibilies anyway!!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Ooohhh, that sounds like a great idea you two! Try the local variety chinese stores dalfyre. We can get blocks for $2 each. They're not the greatest, but serve the purpose.
Arrangement as promised Tez! Not really magic, but came from a magical place (my garden) The Chrysanthemums were totally covered in aphids, so i hosed them off and left them in the laundry overnight. This morning there are lady birds at all stages crawling around eating the aphids. Thats the magic of my garden!
Anyway, had to rush the actual arranging part, but used chicken wire to keep the stems from moving about in the vase. The Lime green is Coleus, the purple spikes are mexican sage, and the rose is "Blue Moon'.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Christchurch, New Zealand

my Mum had a ball of chicken wire in the bottom of a cut glass vase years ago...
I always wanted to play with it as a child.

Christchurch, New Zealand

not very magical - a reworking of my nerine & agapanthus arrangement.
I didn't notice how chewed the camellia leaves were until I looked at the photo.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Well the simple fact that this thread appeared to me outta nowhere is magic enough - I think all of these are fantastic. I love your idea dalfyre of the maypole and what great ideas from Terri and Sue to get it going! - I tell you the both of them can really run with an idea, I know, I am generally the idea starter I get good ones and they both go crazy with making them come to life!
Now guess I better devote some time and energy into a May magic of my own???

london England, United Kingdom

Beautiful May Magic arrangement Sue! You have such natural talent.
Love the vase (my vase) lol! it works really well the way you used the green coleus to link the vase, the colours are a great match. The Blue Moon looks lovely in the centre of the full 'moon' of white Chrysanths!!
Magical and pretty, Thanks so much! Hope to see you around here more often LOL!!!

dalfyre, Thanks for your Vase of Agapanthus and Nerines, they are such magical flowers!

Candee, Thank you! I'm looking forward to seeing your May Magic!!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Okay abra cadabra, alla ca zam!!

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

hocus pocus magic wand!

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

You do know that I take things literally, including the magic wand LOL! now that was one of my siberian iris btw lol!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Beautiful Candee, I can't believe what you can pull out of the hat! *heee-hawww*
Did you mean the wand is your Siberian Iris? Did you cut it before it flowered? What a sacrifice if you did!
Now Dalfyre, if you don't hurry up with your may pole, Terri or Myself might just run with your idea! Do you want to have a go, or can we try something too, (only polite to ask)
I can't believe how much your white Nerine looks like a white Agapanthus. Have you got much flowering at the moment. It'd be pretty cold there in Christchurch? Snow yet?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sue, yes it was a sacrificed siberian and believe it or not, just before that I sacrificed a poppy bud but just didn't like the way it looked as a wand, too fuzzy and droopy.
I can't wait to see the maypoles, am sure you will get the okeydokey from dalfyre.
Oh no, just when we finished talking about that awful white stuff you guys are going to begin getting it. Well perhaps not too much for you Sue, right?

london England, United Kingdom

Yay hay! Some real Magic!! Great idea Candee, and so well done.
Love the beads around it and glass stones in the pot for an added surprise in the 2nd picture.
Perfect wand using the Iris, I noticed it!!!! Thank you for sharing all your lovely flowers, arranged beautifully, the twig gives great movement. Excellent May Magic!

Hey Sue, give dalfyre a chance ... LoL! ... then make some more May Magic!!
If we all made a maypole, they would all be different, no worries.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Thanks I did intend for the corkscrew to give the appearance of wisping movement. The beads are holding down the black cloth which is covering the styrofoam that holds the magic wand, so all has its purpose. The beads are just filling up the empty space lol!

london England, United Kingdom

The glass beads do more than just fill an empty space, they make the magic sparkle!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh thanks, I thought that but not until I dumped them in to fill the void, then I witnessed the magic of them cause they did sparkle a bit in the sunshine, thanks friend.

South, TX

The arrangements are wonderful! Terri, the yard and arrangement is amazing.

I HAVE to make one tomorrow. I have been SOOOOO BUSY. I had my violet club meeting at my house Monday. This is what my program was. First time a craft has been a program! Neat.

I made the holders ahead of time and ordered glass flower beads and cresent leaves. They are hard to find. Then I bought some wonderful crystals and voila....Here is the flower charm. I also had dragonfly wings and angel wings so lots of charms were made! They look so wonderful under the lights. Hard to see on the black background.

Thumbnail by Sallysblooms
South, TX


Thumbnail by Sallysblooms
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Clever charm crafting and a very nice addition to the violets. Can't wait to see your magic!

Christchurch, New Zealand

that charm is a neat idea:)
I would be very flattered if anyone ran with my maypole idea.
I am just a beginner at this & not up to doing anything myself.
I did some recycling today, pulled some carnations out of arrangements that had been thrown out.
These carnations are lasting really well as they were in ANZAC Day wreaths - 25 April.
I replaced some faded carnations in the Mother's Day arrangements with them.
Funny how changing the colours from pink to deep red changes the look of the arrangement.
Didn't have my camera so no pics.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh come on dalfyre and make something. I am an amateur and haven't been making arrangments until about 2 years ago and this thread has helped me expand my thinking tremendously. So you just gotta jump in here, don't be shy, we don't bite, well least I don't LOL!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Sally, Thank you for saying!
Sounds like a great session with the Violet club meeting at your house, great fun... I wan't to join... LoL!
Lovely charms you made, magical indeed!..It reminds me I have a box of charms somewhere but haven't used them yet. I think maybe I could use decoration wire to make the swirly thing to hang them on. Thanks for the inspiration!!

Hi dalfyre, oooooo and I was so looking forward to seeing your Maypole!!!
Love Carnations, they last such a long time. It does make a difference to the feel of the arrangement changing flower colours, red and green are complimentary colours so they would appear bolder than the pink.
.' I am not up to doing anything myself.'............LoL no comprede me amigo!!!

South, TX

Yes, make a swirly thing, hehe.

I collect gold and siver charms, from James Avery. He has a business here in TX, for over 40 years. Very well know here.

The charms for the violets are longer, not a reg. charm.

I also made a charm for my adorable New Beetle convertible. Has a silver Beetle and crystals. Sits in with the yellow daisy in the vase.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Sally, I loved your charm. I have something similar on a candle thingo, to lower a tealight candle into a glass. I guess it could be used in many ways. Just beautiful. The violet is quite lovely too. I have a few grown from leaves, but don't really know what to do with so many?
I'm not sure where the magic comes into this arrangement, but its made from May flowers so here 'tis
The big leaves at back are heliconia leaves, the small leaves at the base are philodendron 'Xanadu' and the flowers are Kniphofia (Red Hot Pokers). theres also a bit of burgundy alternanthera in there, but a bit hard to see, mostly used it as a filler and to add depth.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Sue, Beautiful and dramatic! Love the exotic colours and huge leaves.
Just a thought, I wonder how it would look if you take out the 'Xanadu'? it cuts across the nice line you have created from the vase up.
Lovely to see your red hot pokers, great magic wands.!

Your charms sound wonderful Sally. Mine are cheap plastic.. LoL!

South, TX

How pretty, Weedwoman!

I made an arrangement, I need to download the pictures now.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Tez, I never thought about lines (you know me, plonk em in a vase) I shall give it a go later and post another pic.
Thanks Sally, looking forward to seeing your arrangement.

South, TX

Finally got the pictures downloaded. This arrangement has Snow Queen, the variegated around the edges, Musical Notes, on the left, Straw Flowers, and White Duranta.

Thumbnail by Sallysblooms
Coffs Harbour, Australia

That is beautiful. And what an unusual array of flowers, in that they're none commonly seen in these parts. Is your snow queen a Breynia?

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

What a dramatic arrangement Sue. Your red hot poker must be a kin to the one that I have that blooms around Christmas time.

Sally - White Duranta is another new plant for me (or did you use it in an earlier arrangement and I said that too? LoL) can't keep track of things anymore. Does that last long in an arrangement? I had to look it up, and it also saids that it is sweetly fragrant.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

That looks great Sue. I am trying the red hot pokers this year, will have to remember to put them in something. Those leaves in the back really make a statement of look at me.
Sally that is lovely and delicate- what are music notes? Is that a flower or should I be looking for a charm in there? Sorry its a blond thing LOL!

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks Sally!
What a pretty and delicate arrangement with rather special plant material.!
The straw flowers look lovely with the variagated foliage . Great choice! Is musical notes the name of your little statue?

Hi Dianne, I see you are still looking for white flowers for your white flowerbed / planter.... lol.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Is the little plant on the left side that looks like a "semiquaver" music symbol the music plant???

South, TX

Here is the Musical Notes bush. I have two. Breathtaking and so interesting!

Yes, the little flowes are on the left side in the arrang. hard to really see.

This message was edited May 18, 2009 2:38 PM

Thumbnail by Sallysblooms
South, TX

Duranta is also called Sky Flower. Usually blue. This white is super neat. BIG bush. Gets GIGANTIC, but I try to keep it at about four feet tall by four feet wide. Not easy.

It is a bit like the bride's bouquet bush. That doesn't really look good all year though. This one is very dark green all year with blooms.

That plant is in the background of that arrangement.

Here is another of the musical note.

Thumbnail by Sallysblooms
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Thanks dianne and Candee, they are late Autumn/early winter bloomers, (red hot pokers) so you must be in winter at xmas?
Those big leaves had to be good for something! My friend gave me the plant about 3 years ago and its never flowered (supposed to be something to see I believe) so I decided to put it to good use in an arrangement.
Thanks Sally for the pic of the Musical note bush. They ARE very interesting and so dainty. Duranta is becoming a weed in these parts. It is now turning up in Native forests, I thin because people dump the clippings, because I don't think birds eat the berries. Have you ever seen any? (birds eating the berries)

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Sorry, i meant to put this on, the pic without the philodendron leaves. I know there are rules in arrangements, but I think I prefer the leaves in. What do you think?

Thumbnail by weed_woman

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