Markdown Plants at Lowes

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

I was just at my local Lowe's and really did well on their markdown plants. I got 3 columbines, a Clementine White, and a Winky blue & White, and Winky Red & White for $2 each. Something else that's big and loaded with buds, but no name in a gallon pot. Plant looks really healthy, but I couldn't find anything similar to it in the store. I'll figure out what it is when it blooms, that was $2, too. Also got a ton of pansies and violas for only 0.25 for a 6 pack. They also had a huge rack of Salvia May Night for $4. I love my Lowe's for cheap plants!!


Thumbnail by momcat
Frisco, TX(Zone 8a)

I always stop by the bargain rack "just to see". Lots of times the plants just need some cutting back especially a perennial.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

If I'm driving by, I will stop in, just to check the bargain rack!! I got so many plants for $1 and $2 there last year. I was surprised to see so many on the bargain rack this early in the season!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I just picked up a gallon size variegated wallflower but it was only marked down to $4.50.

Upstate, NY(Zone 5a)

I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the tip.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

luckily(or maybe UN-luckily),my nearest Lowes is 60 mile round trip so I don't get in trouble often*G*

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

We live out so only get there every 2 weeks, but ALWAYS check out the bargain table!!

Portland, TN(Zone 7a)

Our lowes has a bargin bin that I call it's my last chance. I am walking toward the light take me home. I have gotten elephant ears for .25. I got a beautiful rose tree for like 5.00. My nockout rosies (which is the best grower in my garden) was only 3.00! LOWES is great.

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8b)

Yep my Lowe's is pretty good. I got some $1 double impatiens and snow hill salvia off the rescue rack, dry as a bone. They needed emergency care so I watered them with my drinking water bottle and promptly took them home. That was last week. The impatiens are blooming today.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Since I've been home this week, and have been driving my daughter to her job, I have to go right past Lowe's. I stopped in this morning, and picked up 9 Patriot Hostas in gallon pots for $1 each!! They are all big and healthy looking, no idea why they were on the clearance rack. In fact they looked better than some of them on the shelf at full price!! (I think those were $6 or $7 each!).


Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Do be careful with hostas Deb....Lowes and other box stores are notorious for selling hostas with Virus X. They may not be showing symptoms yet. If you have named hostas you will want to keep these in a separate area. Be sure to wash your hands and sterilize your digging tools after you are done.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the warning. The only other hostas I have right now are some from a co-op that are still potted in my greenhouse. Is there something I should treat these with, just to be sure? How long before I know they are safe, or will this virus kill them?

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Check out this article about. You can't treat it and it doesn't kill the plant, but you don't want it in your garden. There is lots of information online too.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks, I'll go read that now.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks for informing me about the Lowe's bargain rack! I rarely shop for plants there, and hadn't noticed it before. I stopped there a few days ago, looked for and managed to find the rack, and came away 3 large pots (gallon size?) - 2 varieties of dianthus and icelandic poppies. The only thing "wrong" with them was that they all needed a bit of dead-heading, and they were $2 each.

Kannapolis, NC

The sale rack at Lowe's is one of my first stops. I got a great hydrangea `Blaumeise' there several years ago for $5 and all it needed was some watering, a little judicious pruning and to be planted. Here's what it looked like last year:

Thumbnail by Hemophobic
Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Wow - I love that hydrangea. That was truly a great buy!

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Today is shopping day, so will be stopping to see what they have!!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

And don't forget the good bargains on the broken bags of soil amendments and peat. Ours often are stacked near the door on Monday mornings. Make an offer!

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Well nothing good today...the table was almost bare. Not like I really need d anything! LOL

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Hah, I've got many a bargain there. lol. I've got myself an Emeral Green Arborvitae for $2.00. Yes, two bucks. A clematis for 2.00 Lot of Coral Belles ect. Ahh, I'm going to be so busy planting, it's unreal.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks for letting me know about the mark downs at Lowes. I stopped by one near me last week and did I ever hit the jackpot. They had a huge area in the parking lot filled with mark downs. I spent about 40.00 and had my entire car filled to the brim. I found coral bells for 1.25. Geraniums for 25 cents. Dwarf rhododendrons for 2.00. Mono grass for 50 cents for a 6 pack. Coreopsis for 1.25. Calidiums for 50 cents. Pin cushion flower for 1.25. A lot more that I can't remember. I was so excited about my finds that I have stopped a couple of other Lowes since then and have discovered that I really did hit the jackpot. The other have a small mark down area. I have found a few other things, but nothing like the first find. But will keep looking thanks to you all!

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8b)

We have had such horrible rain and humidity here lately that our Lowe's has an unusually large number of sale rack plants right now. They ordered a whole bunch for mothers day and the weather was bad with torrential rains and it all piled up with no sales, and lots of rotting wilted plants. You have to know what plant you're looking at and how to revive it. Recently, I got:
Red Nicotiana for $.75
Double Begonia for $.86
Cherry Brandy Gaura for $1.00
Butterfly Blue Scabiosa for $1.00

This message was edited May 20, 2009 9:25 PM

Frisco, TX(Zone 8a)

I got some gaura last year off the sale rack and it is looking great this year. Just needed some cutting back and some water.I do find that I need to go by myself because my husband looks at these poor things and says, no way,you're wasting money.. of course when we married he thought all my plants looked like weeds.all he knew were grass to me mown and trees.

Kannapolis, NC

Men and grass. What is it between them? My DH and the neighbor across the street have this thing going on between them and their lawns. If DH mows, the neighbor has to mow and vice versa. Neither does anything without competition. Keep in mind that they are both retired (I still work) and I guess this occupies their minds and their time. Wish I had that problem.

Frisco, TX(Zone 8a)

We had some people over last weekend and he was so proud of his grass. He got out there early and made sure it was all mown, edged and looking like a carpet. He spent way more effort on it than he did getting ready for the party!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

I agreed, men they must have love-affair with green grass. lol. Mine knows exactly when to put down pre/post-imergence chemical. How hi/low to cut certain type of grass on certain time of the year. And yes, if company are coming, the grass has to be mowed and looking tidy. lol.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

I picked up 8 little pots of clematis for $2 each last week, transplanted and watered them and they are looking gorgeous!

Now I have to figure out where to plant them....if I have to build a fence to grow them on, I guess they aren't much of a bargain, though! (-:

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8b)

Make a tuteur from sticks! And tie them together with twine, using smaller sticks as horizontal braces. It really turns out pretty! Then run some fishing string vertically between the rungs for the clematis to climb on. You will love the results.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

ManyPonyFarmer do you have a picture of a tuteur you have made? Sounds really nteresting!

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8b)

This one is about 4 feet tall

Thumbnail by MiniPonyFarmer
Gilmer, TX(Zone 8b)

This one is more like a trellis.

Thumbnail by MiniPonyFarmer
Gilmer, TX(Zone 8b)

This tuteur is about 6 feet tall. Also, there is a "fence" I made. The tuteur has gloriosa lilies to climb on it. The "fence" has a recently transplanted clematis that is getting readjusted after its move.

Thumbnail by MiniPonyFarmer
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Oh how fabulous is that. Your creativity is awesome! I'm going to try some. :-) Thanks for the idea.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the photos! Now I now what I am going to do with some really cool vine I picked up in the woods last fall!

Gilmer, TX(Zone 7b)

MiniPonyFarmer, we must be neighbors. (In a town the size of Gilmer everybody counts as neighbors!)
Here's my Lowe's story. I have a thing for coneflowers this year. I have a couple of the old variety, but I really wanted a coconut lime, and some others. I went to Blue Moon Gardens and still no coconut lime. The next day I went over to Lowe's and they had a pretty good stock -- and I could see one CL bloom standing above the others. I grabbed it up. I think it was the only one. An employee came over and started putting scads more on the shelf. I struck up a conversation, and she said they'd had lots of coneflowers on the discount racks the day before, but they went fast. We laughed about the fact that I'd missed the good stuff, and I picked up one that was really wilted. I said, "Looks like this one should be on the discount rack to me." She said, "Come with me." She picked up three semi-wilted coneflowers and walked to the back. She plopped them down on the discount shelf and said, "Don't tell..." I got a double delight and one of the Big Sky ones. They weren't cheap, but they were half price in gallon pots. None of them were named but the other two were easy. I haven't figured the last one out yet. I've also gotten several nice gerbera daisies there.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

I love your stick creations and went out yesterday to collect some good materials to make a tuteur.

Maybe i could use these for my tomatoes too!

Good story about your coneflowers bargains, twbmom. I guess it really pays to get to know your shopkeepers!

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

Lowe's is pretty good about marking their plants down. Recently, I saw a lady asking for a discount on irises because their blooming season are done here. She just knew her plants and knew what color they were or that she is willing to take a chance on what they will bloom next year.

Gilmer, TX(Zone 7b)

Another thing to do is to find out when your Lowe's gets their big trucks in. Ours gets shipments on Thursday evenings and Saturday. When they get in plants that they already have on the shelves they sometimes take the old ones and put them on the discount racks. Often it's very good stuff that has nothing wrong with it. (Then sometimes they put it low on the watering totem pole and it gets stressed right away.) They usually take the tags off so you do need to know what you're looking at or just take a chance on variety and color.

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8b)

Hi twbmom,
Yep we probably are neighbors! How funny, I just bought two of the big sky coneflowers yesterday! Could not resist! Planted them this morning and they added an instant bang to the bed. Really nice.

Thanks for letting me know when our Lowe's gets plant trucks! I assume you are going to the Longview Lowe's? The ladies there are really nice and helpful and they try very hard to help you find a good deal!

I just discovered the online Lowe's plant information and WOW it is really informative! Much more information there that I thought would be. It is which if that link does not come out right go to lowes dot com slash plants.

Yesterday I rescued 4 FlowerPower African Daisies for $2 each, and two 1 gallon Ruellia for $2.50 each. Didn't see any rescue coneflowers though......darnit.

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