Can raspberries live/thrive near Walnut trees?

Fowlerville, MI(Zone 5b)

A couple years ago, I planted a raspberry bush about 20 feet from two mature Walnut trees. I know that Walnut trees give off a toxic substance that most plants cannot tolerate. ...Last year I got just a small bowl of berries from my bush. Will the Walnut trees cause a problem for the raspberries? Should they be moved, and if so, when's the best time to move them?

Thanks!! :)

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Glenda, I had an article last week on what does or does not grow under black walnuts:

Black Raspberry, Rubus occidentalis, is said to grow near them according to a list by Ohio State Univ. but I didn't see red raspberries on any of the lists, theirs or others. I do have some wild black raspberries under my largest black walnut, but my red raspberry patch is a hundred feet away.

I have successfully moved raspberries in spring, summer and fall. It just affects the current crop but not the plants.

Fowlerville, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the help Darius! I neglected to note that my berries are black raspberries, so I guess they should be fine then. :)

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

darius, curiosity prompts me to ask if English walnut (carpathian) trees carry as much juglone as black walnuts do. I don't have a tree but a friend does. I searched articles but all the discussions hone in on the black walnuts. Yuska

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I understand English Walnuts are the same as our Butternuts as far as toxic juglone goes. They are both Juglans...

Sorry not to be of more help.


San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

Darius, I was just tuning into the fruit and nut forum to find out what kind of soil and water red raspberries prefer. Can you tell me. I have great soil but I get alot of rain and sometimes the soil is more damp then dry. what are the best conditions to plant in.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Jan, my raspberries are in clay soil just 10 feet from the bank of my creek, and they thrive. In fact, a little too well! The soil doesn't drain well anyway, and being close to the creek compounds it. They won't live long in standing water, though... nor in really sandy soil.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh goody, I have just the place for them then. Can they be contained to a specific area. I would want to be over run by them although so long as they were produceing I guess I wouldn't complain too loudly. Hehe. I love them and keep them in the freezer year round.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I have to cut off runners (spring and early summer) that want to spread into my walkway between the rows. I just sever the root with a spade and pull out the offender. Occasionally I pot them up to give away.

Woburn, MA(Zone 6a)

I have many wild black walnuts in my backyard, along with an equally prodigious number of wild black rasberries around and amougnst the trees. So yes, black rasberries and black walnuts do play well together. (At least in my yard.) I am hoping to try the red variety under the trees this year and see if they can be happy near walnuts too.

Now I just have to cross my fingers that my new veggie garden will be far enough away from the walnuts to thrive.

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