Something wrong with my pear tree.

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

I planted 3 pear seeds about 7 years ago & they grew & were looking great. I planted them in the ground about 3 years ago. One is about 6 feet tall or so, has a good form & seems to be doing great. One is about 2 feet tall & has lots of branches, looks great, but is very small. The one I am very concerned about is about 5 feet tall & was standing up & looking great until this year. Now it is bending over, feels loose in the ground (like soil is missing), & has dark, rough bark. There is a bend that looks like the tree may have been partially broken & the rough bark seems to have started there. It is about an inch or so below this bend & then nearly all the way to the top of the tree. The leaves and new branches look 'normal' and healthy. What do you think it might be & how might I go about trying to save it? Thank you.


Glen Ellyn, IL(Zone 5b)

Can you post a photo?

It's hard to tell what the problem might be.

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