Uh Oh Did I Murder My Currant?!?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I hardpruned my old red currant that I inherited with the house down to 1 foot this weekend and I just read that you aren't supposed to prune them after spring growth has started, which it has. Will it be ok? Should I fertilize it? I have guilt now.

Greensburg, PA

Nut, you are probably Ok, but why not take the prunings and start some more plants, just in case? Take 1 foot lengths about pencil thickness. Strip the leaves off of the bottom 10" and plant them deep leaving about 2" exposed above ground. If you have access to tall pots, plant some in a tall pot and keep the bottom of the pots in a saucer of water. Keep out of sun, bright indirect light will do and keeping them cool helps.

No guarantee they will start, but then again, they might. It depends on what variety you have.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Thanks krowten.

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