How much fruit drop is normal?

Raleigh, NC

To all peach tree experts.....which I am much May/June fruit drop is normal? In the past, mine seemed to have dropped all, and it appears to possibly be doing it again.

How can I narrow down the cause, assuming it all drops? Other than lack/too much water, what could cause this? Young tree--about 5-6 years old, clay soil originally amended with organic material, but no lime. On a slope, so could be dry, but we've had quite a nomal amount of rain, so I doubt it. Did have one night close or at freezing while it was in bloom--blooms survived. Ideas?

Glen Ellyn, IL(Zone 5b)

Blooms survived but they may have been damaged by the freeze.

Raleigh, NC

I was afraid of that. If the blooms were damaged, would they still be pollinated and make fruit, but drop it later? I would think they wouldn't make fruit, but I don't know.I looked at the tree tonight, and there are a few fruit--maybe 1/10 of what is still on the tree--that are quite a bit larger than the others. I'm assuming these might make it--what do you think? Is it common for fruit to differ in size on the same tree? I

've got blueberries and an apple that came through the frost/almost frost ok. This tree bore fruit the last three years. The first year it dropped all, the second year a hard freeze got them, this year its dropping most if not all. Could it also be a pollination problem? This is the only peach I have...

Glen Ellyn, IL(Zone 5b)

Peaches should self-pollinate. It could conceivably be a pollinator problem, if your local bees were too cold to work.

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