Anyone interested in ordering some natives?

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I thought I'd link to this Co-op forum thread for those who might be interested in ordering some native perennials this fall.

Longview, TX

Please send me email on this. Where are you ordering from and what do you require in total spent from each person?

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Posted my response in the co-op!

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Louisa! I saw your message over're not alone in voting to wait until spring, which is okay by me as well - it's one of the questions I need to get input on :)

Kelly333, I e-mailed you with responses to your questions. But in case others are curious too - here's the scoop on how I organize co-op orders:

I don't have any set minimums in dollars OR number of plants anyone chooses to order, but this particular company requires a minimum order of 100 plants per variety. It'll be up to those participating to decide on which plants we can come up with a combined total of 100 plants needed/wanted.

Mixed co-ops sort themselves out when everyone posts what they're most interested in, and approximately how many they'd like to have - if you can give a minimum and maximum number of each plant you're interested in, that's VERY helpful :)

As more people express an interest in the same plants, we'll then work out the details of how we'll "divvy up" each plant ordered, and I'll send e-mails to the participants with the total due (which will include your share of the plants + postage, and the estimated postage for me to send them on to you.)

Until a "final call" is issued to close the co-op and tally up the totals, you're free to change your mind on quantity and selections, including backing out altogether. It does make my job of keeping a running total a bit more difficult when the numbers shift, but it's very normal that someone will post a new plant they want after you've made your initial selections, and you may want to rearrange your order a bit. That's okay by me until we agree that it's time to close the co-op, get final numbers to everyone and place the order.

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