First order for 2009

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

My new order arrived from Silver Star. I will post pictures this weekend. I didn't have time to load them before work.

I have:

Edouard Desfoss (she only had 4 and I was lucky to get 1 and she's keeping the others) This is hard to find, so I understand
Purple Spider
Claire De Lune
Prince Charles

Stunning roots as always. I have a baby clem in the bunch to see what I can do with it. A seedling. We want to know what my rich soil will do for it.

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Oh yeah we want everyone to see the gonna keep the baby in a pot????Show a picture of your porch with all your clems growing there!!!Lucky you for having great soil,I just keep adding to mine!!

Driftwood, TX(Zone 8b)

When I find my camera, I'll post pics of my earlier arrivals from SSV this year as well as the brand new ones. Kathy, the Florida Sieboldii I got from Debbie has already jumped its support and started climbing its host tree - I'm thrilled with it. Florida is growing up, and Polish Spirit is growing out - it's putting its energy into pushing up new growth and I hope it's the house-eater I need it to be.

Brand new babies Princess Diana and Rhapsody arrived in top notch condition; they were shipped before I could amend the order to include the whites I need, so I have to get that done. Kathy, when in June does Debbie stop shipping?

Demstratt - I ain't that good! I can tell hubby to build, but I can't withhold food, water, etc. until he actually starts...wish I could! I think he'll be lucky to get the trellis material this weekend and actually start the project next weekend. I'm anxious to get it done since it will really change the look of the patio and my patio needs a makeover.

Delaware, OH

my first silver star order of 12 clems went into the ground over a week ago...the roots were all very nice, the shipping swift and their root packaging seemed even better this year within the box.

alas, no photos. they roots are always great from ssv and i will wait to take pics of flowers. i have another ssv order coming in next week . they are a pleasure to plant, in the packaging and pre pruned.

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Mocatmom....just grab his favorite tools and tell him you'll make them,he'll move fast then!!!do a before and after pic..I just dug out 2 more feet in my yard,pretty soon I won't need a lawnmower,just a pair of scissors!!!^_^

Okay CG...what new ones you getting from Debbie???I still have to get me another white one..I was looking for your picture where you had a nice white & blue together,still did'nt find it...

Delaware, OH

Will comb thru pics and try and find 4 u when I am desk, am on train in NYC
Got tuchka
Purple spider
Sizaia ptitsa
Will look for photo when I am at computer vs iphone!
Happy clemming!

Driftwood, TX(Zone 8b)

Good idea, Dem, both on the tool confiscation and the yard reduction. I just got done strip composting a 70'x18' area of turf and will do another strip about half that long and 2/3rd's that deep in the fall. My husband, a man proud of his riding mower prowess, is having heart palpitations. By the way, strip composting, (lasagna gardening), is easy, but nothing is truly easy when it involves a large section of ground. It will be autumn before I recover!

Delaware, OH

I don't know what strip composting is, but it sounds grueling.

Driftwood, TX(Zone 8b)

Actually, it isn't bad (if you aren't overly-ambitious about how much you want to do all at once). It was the old-timers' way of doing 'lasagna gardening' before lasagna gardening was the new, cool thing!

1) Build temporary fence 24" high
2) Cardboard or thick newspaper sprayed down with molasses and water.
Build up the following layers:
3) Layer of chopped leaves (partially composed, if possible)
4) Layer of peat moss
5) Layer of top soil, old dirt from pots, excess garden dirt - anything you can grab and toss
6) Layer of blood meal and/or bone meal
7) Another layer of chopped leaves

Repeat, repeat, repeat until it's about 24" high or you die, whichever comes first. There are many different combinations and "recipes", but this works for me and creates great garden beds in a season. My latest monster bed is 4 weeks old and has compacted down about 7 inches so far. We have terrible soil here, so this is a worthwhile project for me. The earthworms love that first layer of paper and molasses, so they're helping from the bottom up.

This message was edited May 1, 2009 8:44 PM

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

No wonder you did'nt get started on those trellises!!!I did that when I started one of my berms...also when the city gave us our alley easement...its just a great way of gettin rid of grass and weeds!!!lot of people plant stuff right away

You notice mocatmom>>>I keep reminding you of those trellises...did you cook???^_^

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

and if you do that and you put horse poop on top the earth worms will bring the poop into your compost and do the mixing for you will be very well distributed they are amazing little guys

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Yeah can you can make horse manure tea,coffee grounds and cornmeal...good stuff...feed those worms they will make lots of babies too!!!


This message was edited May 1, 2009 10:23 PM

Driftwood, TX(Zone 8b)

Dem, I'm going to have to start those trellises soon just to calm you down! Dang! I PROMISE - TRELLISES SOON! (Note to self: Hide from Dem until trellises are done...).

Scicciarela: You are correct - that would be the primo way of doing it, but I have seven, (yes 7), little foster and adopted pekes and japanese chins and for some reason they all love to roll in compost piles. The blood meal is bad enough - I don't think I could handle horse poop, too.

Check out the worst culprit - my little Pixie:

Thumbnail by mocatmom
Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

there are so many worms in my flower beds that every time it rains they are all over my drive way and then the robbins have a feast it hard not to walk on them in the early mornings and some are huge must be mamas or papas

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

ok well looking at that face its hard to believe that she can do wrong in anyones eyes and why do you have seven of those adorable babies

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Ohhh how sweet!!

Driftwood, TX(Zone 8b)

That wasn't the plan, but it did turn out that way. I had two of my own (Japanese Chins) and fostered for a small dog rescue organization. I ended up with four "unadoptables" that I fell in love with, so there was no way I could do anything other than rearrange my life a little bit to make room for them. Two were badly abused, one is deaf and blind, and the fourth, my favorite, was a terrible abuse case and now has cancer. Little Pixie is the spitting image of her and was a Valentine's Day present from my crazy husband - I'm grateful he's crazy.

If I could just keep the puppy out of the garden, I'd be content.

(Zone 5b)

mocatmom, your pix brought tears to my eyes..
Your baby looks sooo much like my Spike when he was little. His Mommy was full American Eskimo and his Daddy was ???
We had him since birth and he died the day after his 17th birthday on Nov.1 last fall.

Hope you have 17++++ good years with your adorable cutie!

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

when I got buddy the jack russel I trained him by tying the leash to my waist and went to work in the flower beds everytime he would step in I would say back and no and with a hand in front of his face he would back up now he lays beside me when I work and will not step into any flower bed at my house or anywhere else it didnt take long to teach him maybe two weeks of being out a couple of hours per day

Driftwood, TX(Zone 8b)

Excellent idea, Scicciarella - I'll try that.

Bonnie - I'm so sorry about Spike, and I hope you have a new Spike II to love by now or sometime very soon. I'd settle for 17 good years, for sure.

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

As she looks at her>>>trellises with all those beautiful clematis growing up them!!!

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

I lost my sheba after 14 years she was half retrieve and half sheppard I was told that she should have been gone by 12 I took really good care of her
buddy is now 3 and a half and in perfect condition the vet said that if he goes by old age he could see 22 years wow he will be my little buddy for a long time lol

Driftwood, TX(Zone 8b)

Demstratt - which white clem are you planning to order? (Ignoring trellis issue).

Scicciarella - good for you and Buddy!

Delaware, OH

mocatmon, what could be cuter than that little bundle of fluff. cuter than a clem even. very cute. love.

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a) hiding from me mocatmom????I NEED a really white one the 3 I have aren't..what ones you have????

Driftwood, TX(Zone 8b)

This is not Mocatmom - this is her evil twin, Whoopdedeaux. If I see Mocat, I'll tell her you were looking for her, Dem...I think she's planning on ordering John Huxtable from Debbie and one more draft pick yet to be determined...

CG - You're right - they're better than clems any day of the week. Did you post some pics awhile back of clems planted to climb mature trees? I thought you did and I've been searching, but with no luck. I mean, I've been searching for my evil twin, Mocatmom. I'm Whoopdedeaux and I don't care about clems....yes, that's my story.

This message was edited May 2, 2009 12:31 PM

Driftwood, TX(Zone 8b)

Kathy, congratulations on getting Edouard Desfoss - the 'net references look lovely!

Delaware, OH

mocat whoopee or whoever you are, i do have clems climbing mature trees. hagley hybrid in norfolk pine. polish spirit on hawthorne. sugar candy on scotch pine. terniflora and polish spirit on hemlock. tell me which ones are of interest and i will post. also have clems on very limbed up curly willows. and lots on arbor vitaes. as i get into zone 5 bloom time i will be posting all on a Hardwick Hall thread. only have one blooming now, marcropetala markhams pink. here is my 11 year old cutie, Daisy.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Driftwood, TX(Zone 8b)

Daisy is darling! She looks FABULOUS for a lady 'of a certain age'.

Please post any and all. I have 51 mature oaks and cedar elms in my back yard, so I'm always fighting for sunlight. I use hybrid musk roses to great advantage in many areas under those trees and would welcome any success stories on dappled shade tolerant clems.

How's NYC? I hope you're taking advantage of some great restaurants while there.

Delaware, OH

i commute to midtown manhattan 2 or 3 times a month in the winter and 1 time amonth (summer sch) starting may (now). have na apartment in midtown, yes do get to some of "those places"
daisy loves ohio and loves NYC.
hagley hybrid is one of the best for under the drip line of a mature evergreen. it looks better in partial shade.
when my 09 photos come out i will make sure to post all the tree ones under a thread for shrub /tree companion plantings with clems. here is hagley in the norfolk pine from last year. she had a hard prune last month, but is already up into the tree with 4 feet of growth this weekend.

Delaware, OH

oops forgot the photo. here it is.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Driftwood, TX(Zone 8b)

All of mine are deciduous and I've avoided the Grand Experiment until now - I'm ready to give it a try this year, though - we've lost a couple of 40 footers and that's created a measurable jump in hours of available sunlight, but it's still a matter of degrees. That central section of the back yard is still primarily shaded by any definition of the word.

Thanks for the photos and I'd appreciate any recommendations. Send Daisy to supervise - my pups are slackers in the garden.

This message was edited May 2, 2009 4:40 PM

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

wow daisy is so cute what a darling little girl

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Hey thats not you mocatmom???she said to send me all her clematis!!^_^

C.G.waht is that one???looks white to me,is it???

Driftwood, TX(Zone 8b)

No, it's not me...uh, I mean I'm not HER. Right. CG's photo is the Hagley Hybrid I need to get ASAP. I just posted under "My Blooms (from Silver Star Vinery) asking whether anyone is growing the Ivan Olsson from Silver Star - I keep going back and and admiring the photo. Anyone have it in your garden?

Delaware, OH

actually it is a hagley hybrid in teh sun , so with this photo and the hagley in the shade position photo that just went up on another thread you can see the difference in them.

and "kitty", you may find ivan not the longest lived, vigorous clem. but the bloom is very beautiful. i had one at once time, years ago. just popped the new one in a week ago. got it at joy creek.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

my orders are being shipped today so I should start getting them by the end of the week yes more babies

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Mine from Silver Star Vinery are being shipped my holes all dug and ready to plant those beauties!!!

What ones you getting Mona???any whites???

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I have pictures but my computer was crazy all weekend so I didn't get to load up the pictures. I'll try and get that done this evening. I have one that is blooming that I planted last year but the tag is gone so I need Debbie to tell me who she is.

I planted Rhapsody with one of my Iceberg roses. I think that will make a hot spot in the garden.

Driftwood, TX(Zone 8b)

Kathy, Debbie suggested Rhapsody for me to plant with Westerland - I think we'll be smokin'!

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