Clematis and roses 1/2 price sale at Wayside

Delaware, OH

seedpicker i have most of those and will collect seeds this fall and mail. i am going to collect all species seeds and have them ready to mail vs just trashing. i think others might be interested too.
i do not do clems from seed, xcept those wild ternifloras that i kill or give away there are so many.
after i collect i will remind and ask for address. love the idea of those seeds traveling down there and taking root!

Delaware, OH

donahues are small 2 inch pots or similar, well rooted for the size of the pot (usually). they ship from MI i think, and are the same size, or larger than, as koi gardens i heard. my koi order hasnot arrived so i acan not personally compare yet.
i had a donahues shipment and planted them out 10 days ago. some of them were so small they should have gone in pots, but i do not do a lot of that, so they are in the ground and will revieve good care and prayers too!

my donahues order arrived promptly at the sate i specified, in good shape but others have had messy packing or other troubles in the box i think i read.
they are a big wholesaler, almost all that grow on buy some from them. and now they retail too on line!

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

thank you so much! I would love to grow those, and certainly will spread their joy down here in Texas. :0)

You know if you are year I had some excess double purple datura plant seeds... I had so many they filled a baggie, so I listed them on ebay. over the course of the winter, that silly $6 plant grossed $300 in seed sales, just $2.99 at a time :0)

You are right. There would be others people interested, and if you felt like listing them, you could have more clematis money! :0)

Once you make the first ad, just relist, relist, relist :0) I love selling my seeds in the me something to do while it is gardening down time, and also helps me pad my pocket for all my Spring spending, and pre-orders :0)

Thanks for the information on Donahues. Maybe I'll wait...I want to find another Mrs Robert Brydon. Such a sweet little thing :0)

I pray over a lot of garden plants!, lol

Delaware, OH

i will give you a lot of clem seeds from the species, and will take a few datura seeds in trade. i can grow them as an annual, but i don't do much of that. not hardy up hare as you know , but they make a nice annual if started in january inside. and i do have some grow lights, i used to grow a lot of annuals for my own gardens when i did those and i have a good number of feet of shelves with lights. (about 32 running feet...used to do a lot of petunias, and perennials such as delphiniums )

we do have a hardy moonflower that i used to grow, but have irradicated the seedlings over the years as i changed my landscaping. they were practically invasive atone point.

won't be going in to the clem selling biz, but i am glad you are doing it, love to see the clem species get spread around.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

sounds like a deal ;0)

32 running that sounds like a great set-up!

I wish delphinums were perennials here...we buy, or grow the hybrid ones as annuals. They croak in our heat...

Here in Texas we have the same problem as northerners do with the cold killing things...our heat kills things ;0)

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

ROFL seedpicker! Our heat here in the deep south doesn't just kill things--it FRIES them! I have things I've given up trying to grow down here.

Baton Rouge, LA

Jeanne, Joy Creek's list is out of date. That's where I had ordered it at the beginning of April, but when my order finally arrived yesterday, it had a note that it was out of stock. =( I think I am going to order it from Donahue's rather than waiting until next year. Thanks for the heads-up!

Taylor, I've had good experience with my plants from Donahue's... I purchased over 30 of my 75 newbies from them. The Donahue's clems are smaller, but they cost a lot less too... roughly about $11 per cultivar after shipping. Just order 10 cultivars or less per order and you'll be fine with the shipping. I've learned that with smaller orders (10 or less), they individually sleeve the plants and pack more carefully. If you want more of a comparison, check out the thread I started about mail order clems. I posted a comparison photo, similar to what we do with our rose orders, on that thread.

EDIT: Here's a link to the post that has a photo and cost comparison of the three least expensive clem vendors I could find:

Ev =)

This message was edited May 2, 2009 8:49 AM

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

love the picture comparison...and I see you got blue light, my favorite!

Which had the best root ball of all three of you remember?

Baton Rouge, LA

Brushwood's roots were the most compact in the liner, but all the roots were quite nice. I would say that you get the most bang for the buck with Brushwood, if you have the ACS discount. Unfortunately, this late in the season, they are sold out of many cultivars that I wanted. Donahue's is family run, but a big organization, so they had every cultivar listed on their website (which is a lot of cultivars!). Many of the other clem vendors purchase Donahue's liners as their beginning plant and grow them out for an additional year or two. I decided that I would prefer to get most of the cultivars I wanted this year, even if they were smaller from Donahue's... because if I get them this year and they grow then they will be the same age as if I wait until next year to purchase the same cultivars when they are back in stock at another vendor! =P

(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

When I was at Northhaven last week, they had Monrovia 1 gallon clems for $40! $43.30 including tax! The ones I ordered from Silver Star (4) ended up being $23 including shipping. I was very happy with them and with the price.

I want a couple more blues, and am going to have to order earlier next year.

CG, if I were to plant a Montana in morning sun, but where the vine when taller would be more like 8 hours of sun, would that work? The picture I'm attaching is the wrong side of the tennis court but it looks the same. This doesn't get nearly as much sun. It's raining currently, and I can't get a picture of the other side.

Thumbnail by lrwells50
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

one gallon for $40???

Calloways was selling 5 gallon monrovia for that

(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

They had Blue Light, but who would want one that badly?

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

blue light??...I've had that one on special order from them for weeks!! They said they'd call me the minute some came in!

They also called two days ago, and said they were still waiting on some!!

Oh, that makes me mad...

(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

I'm pretty sure that was one of them - after I saw the price I have to say I didn't pay that much attention. Maybe it was Multi-Blue.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

the reason I ask is because she said they had plenty of crystal fountain, which is similar, but I said no, only blue light...

hope I didn't miss them...she said 29.99 and then almost $50 for 5 gallon this year, but this was all over the who knows...

I guess I need to make a trip up there...Thanks for the heads-up

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

they are sold out, but Bluestone had betty corning, and they were only asking 10.95...still can't get over wayside's price listing on this one

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

irwells, here is what crystal fountain looks like:

(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

The ones I saw weren't blooming, so whatever I saw was on a tag.

Denton, TX(Zone 7b)

T, lol,you are so bad for telling us clematis addicts about a sale. Now I still want Blue Light and ordered it from Wayside but they credited my cc back because it was discontinued or something. I think Garden Crossings has it...they have nice plants.

Your Key Lime Pie is gorgeous! PS how are those Yorkie kids of yours? Mine are spoiled as ever. :)


(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

I have to admit I ordered a 4" Comtesse de Bouchaud from Park Seed - we'll see how it does. Luckily mine seem to do pretty well even when I ignore them.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Karen! ;0)

Yorkies are spoiled as ever. Fifi had a baby, so now there are eight ;0) I've got three on my lap as we speak, lol...

You ought to get that blue light if you place an order with garden crossings...I guarantee you'd like it. How is that pinky peach clematis doing??

Glad to hear your little guys are doing well. Big hugs to them from auntie Taylor, lol...

even when blue light is finished and the petals have fallen off, the center part stays for another week, or so...

Here it shows one like that with eden rose...the center part is as large as the roses!

Irwells-I hope it does well for you...did you get it for 5.97, too? :0)

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

here is one that shows the size of the whole flower:

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

I can't remember, I ordered way too much this spring, and have no idea what I paid for anything except the roses and clems I got from Silver Star.

Thumbnail by lrwells50
Delaware, OH

seedpicker, i knew we had something else in common. did i see you are a yorkie person. i have an 11 year old long hair chihuahua, Daisy. she has been on my whole clem journey with me and also has commuted to NYC with me since she was 7 weeks old!

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Irwells-love that shot of blue light! I guess If I don't find them locally, I'll buy some from silver star or garden crossings. I'd like to go bigger on these, as opposed to waiting for them to grow, so they'll more closely match the size of my'd think 6 was enough, but then again, I don't think eight yorkies is too much, either, lol...

CG-yes, love yorkies. chi, poms...all the little ones...less food, less poop :0), they don't take up much space, but still have the same huge hearts as other dogs :0)

Daisy is a great name. I named one of mine, Daisy. So easy to say, it just rolls off your tongue. Your Daisy is a little beauty queen :0)

Before I had eight, I had one very special yorkie...he was my best little friend. When he died at 18(three days after his birthday), it took eight of these to replace him...still miss that little guy ;0) I'd almost still trade all of these to have him back. He was very special. I can tell you probably feel that way about your Daisy.

Here is one of mine when he was 9 weeks...we had the sherpa carriers out to get them used to them for the flight to orgeon. I had them acclimated to them, by first leaving them open like in the picture, then zipping them in, and increasing their time in there daily from 2 minutes, until they could stay in there for the full four hours..., they didn't make one peep on the plane, and the flight attendants were amazed. Little did they know it wasn't just took an entire month of training :)

That is the only time they've flown, but I remember a little bit of red tape and paperwork, and vet stuff to get them all ready for the flight, added to all that training...a lot of stuff to go through for a four hour flight...

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

what great pics. Seeds, see Irwells pic of the blie clem w/ the greenish center? I think your new green one from wayside's would look great paired with one like that blue one or any that has the greenish center.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I agree...almost like the white version of blue light..."White light", or "green light", lol...

Delaware, OH

seedpicker that is a cute puppy for sure.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

CG-have you seen the movie beverly hills chihuahua?

That scene where the dogs are on the floating cabana/island in the pool, lounging on sun chairs, made me laugh...that is about how spoiled mine are ;0)

Delaware, OH

planted 3 clem s from song sparrow today. very happy with the roots of princess alexandra (which i understand is hard to find), fremonti and pamiat serdsa. very nice roots on all 3. put both my JC hoshi no flamenco's in today, they were amazing size roots. very pleased.
my whole JC order is in the ground and every root was NICE. good sized. no issues. they have an amazing selection, esp of the more hard to find clems and are a good source.
a new clemfriend in holland sent me some white small flowered clem seeds, a different species than any i have so i am going to plant some of those and give the rest to a friend with a nursery to start.

the season is off to a good start, markam's pink in full bloom , have to get out there to take a pic. the early whites and doubles are budded up with 000's of buds...all looks promising. and no rain today either, so i am in heaven.

going to use snail bait for the first time ever today as a preventative. haven't seen any snails but have more clems near hostas than before and do not want to take a chance.

Delaware, OH

i enjoyed that movie seedpicker! thanks

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

forgive my ignorance...but who is JC?

Delaware, OH

sorry , JOY CREEK, an amazing clem resource selling out of pacific northwest, near silver star vinery (ssv).
i got some interesting japanese clems, a species macropetala, a moonlight. quite a few. all of the ones i got there last yera are thriving right now so i am very big on them along with ssv. it is clem nirvana out there as far as weather and asian influence.
everything i have had shipped this year is in the ground , a few in containers, so i am feeling good about that.
we are pinched, pruned, fertilized, top dressed, perfectly hydrated by spring rains....just have to wait a couple of more weeks for the show to begin.
and in the meantime, shrub pruning and weeding. weeds are fierce this year in these parts.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

ah, yes...Joy Creek. They come up in my google plant searches QUITE often...
but they never specify pot or plant size, so I never ordered. Good to know they send good sized plants!

Isn't it a good feeling to be caught up with everything? I've tried very hard to do that this year, and it feels great. May is such a fantastic month for gardeners, too.

Delaware, OH

if these weeds don't stop coming up i will go crazy. i have someone helping but it is like a new crop every day, thru 4 inches of wood chips on some paths. i am using round up on the gravel paths, which i hate to do. it is really "baby trees" from the propellers etc dropped in spring and fall. they re up in the lawns too, but we are just letting them be mowed down. hate to use a lot of chemicals.
i am the only one who uses the round up so i can't blame ayone but myself is something gets whacked. no where near the clems for sure!

oh well. nature must have her reasons, but i can't think of them right now.

if you like to collect species clems, JC is the place. i have pamela recta. giant green herbaceous recta that gets 6 ft tall, lemon bells, mandshurica, quite a few species clems. also brushwood good for those, flammula, viorna, crispa...the native, ancient ones that are part of the history of the modern cultivars we love today!
the history of clems thru victorian times, and then in modern times is quite interesting. we are in a renew now with many cultivars new, or re found and propagated after many years not available.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

ok, well my order arrived yesterday. I said I'd post pictures. well, the roses arrived, but the clematis are backordered and coming in another shipment, so just the roses for now :0)

The one on the left is the moonlight climber with better than grade one canes and roots are over 18 inches long.

The two on the right are mini roses, and happy with those, too :0)

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I think they look good, too.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

They look as good as the Bare roots Roses I've gotten from J&P..and of course I don't have to tell you to soak them overnight..awesome..can't wait to see them blooming..congrats...Jeanne

Athens, PA

Seedpicker_TX -

These roses look great.

I order my roses from Pickering Nurseries in Canada and the roses in your picture look every bit as good as what I have ordered from Pickering and Pickering specializes in roses.

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