Clematis and roses 1/2 price sale at Wayside

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I picked an unusual lime green clematis for only $5.47

Not all are on sale, but many are. And same with roses. It is only a one week sale, so they'll run out quickly.

check it out ;0)

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

They are the ones who have the really bad rating on Garden Watchdog, aren't they? I confused them with another company one time and accidentally "dissed" the other company, but now I remember Wayside as "wayward" so I think they are the ones who had a lot of bad comments and ratings.

Sometimes it's worth the risk if it's a really great deal, but buyer beware with them.

Appleton, WI

They are charging $37.95 for Betty Corning. I hope it's an error.

Delaware, OH

this is the garden place that just put a montana broughton star on their COVER with the wrong zone info on the clematis. the sales desk was rude about it, the "horticulturist" ignorant and not interested in his customers, and finally the president of the company was apologetic and horrified they had made this HUGE error.
they are not clem experts and can provide no support and in my opinion, should not be supported by any one who aspires to quality within the industry. i have never bought a clem from them, but when i received the junk mail catalogue i discovered the error.(see recent thread about montana broughton star)

i will not be posting this on the watchdog, i usually do not check the watchdog, and do not care to post in more than one place here on DG. if it is discussed and communicated within the forum that is adequate for me.

Appleton, WI

I just emailed Wayside about the price.

I wonder if that price is in the catalog as well.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I did not post this to encourage patronage to a bad company. I was trying to help those wanting to buy clematis at a reduced price in this tight economy. My intentions were good, and I don't like feeling attacked.

I was trying to be helpful, and I was speaking from EXPERIENCE, not conjecture. I was not personally recommending a company I've never ordered before just because they had a sale.

I have ordered from them many times, and while I've been disappointed with just about everything OTHER than CLEMATIS and ROSES, the roses and clematis have all done well. The roses are large grade one grafted roses, and the clematis arrive wrapped in wood shavings, and with 8-12 inch roots.

I've ordered a dozen vienetta...all still alive and well, and correct id
I've multiple blue lights, both still alive and well, and correct id
florida seiboldii, same thing
roses-dozens and dozens...same thing

I also posted this same thing on the rose forum. We discussed this same thing about how most things don't do well, but the roses and clematis DO.

I had such a nicer reception at the other forum, and the negatives were discussed in a more informational manner, ... I guess I'll just go back there!

Yes, they may make mistakes about is a huge operation, and not all of what they sell is product that they even grow. Many plants they sell retail, after buying wholesale lots. We all make mistakes. Some of the mistakes like IDs are simply passed on to them by the wholesaler.

I've only ever had two issues with a clematis or rose, over the past 10 years, and they were most happy to send a replacement, or credit(my choice).

Everyone is welcome to their own opinions, would be nice if those opinions were expressed in a more courteous manner, and considering the feelings of the people that my be involved.

This message was edited May 1, 2009 7:04 AM

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

SeedPicker..Hey!!..How are you ?..Please don't leave...I am dying to see your new clematis...I've never ordered from them so nice to know your opinion of what you've had good luck with...Jeanne

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

Your heart was in the right place. Thanks for sharing. We certainly all have the right to make our own decisions about where we order from. I don't think anyone meant to hurt your feelings about this--just expressing their opinion about Wayside. Just as you wanted to share the good prices, they wanted to be sure everyone was warned that not all purchases from Wayside are acceptable. Please don't go away without giving everyone here a second chance :-}

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Jeanne, and hi Nature-
Thank you.

I will post a picture of the clematis, when it arrives. I also ordered Kordes moonlight climber for only 7.47, and Kordes Maya Kordana, for the same price, too.

I am excited about these. None of these are ones I've ever seen for sale locally or even on some of the regular online places I usually order from, and certainly not at those prices, either. In fact, several of my local nurseries have said they've had a difficult time getting clematis this year, and are ordering significantly fewer roses than past years...

Clematis key lime pie:
Kordes moonlight:
Kordes Maya kordana:

the pictures of Maya kordana on HelpMeFind for roses, clematis & peonies, were all gorgeous.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

You'll truly enjoy Clematis florida var. flore-plena..I was wondering why they were calling it "Key-Lime Pie".. remember full sun ..I so enjoy mine...Thanks for sharing hon...Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I might just add, that because they are such a large company, they can afford to frequently buy rights to sell things before anyone else...a good year before anyone else!

I've been able to buy plants from them that are not available anywhere else...

case in point...the key lime pie clematis...No one else has it, yet.

Another example is that last year, they also were the very first, and only ones to carry the 'blue chip' mini buddleia:

I went beyond my personal rule of only ordering roses and clematis from them, for that one...:0)

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

that is beautiful! Now, I wish I'd have ordered more than one, lol...

Well, I was wrong, then...under key lime pie, I couldn't find it, but did find some beautiful images under the name you have.

Where did you find it, and can I ask how much you paid for it?

google image:

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I love that key lime clem. Wish I had a place for it, but I don't do vines, remember? lol

people, do not drag me into the clem obsession!!!!

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

ok, just got off the phone with the customer service rep, and ordered two more of those clematis, lol...

She said Wayside has exclusive rights to all three of the things I ordered. She also said that as of right this minute they only had 20 left of that clematis.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

hee-hee...voss, we'll get you hooked, yet!

I know you don't like vines, but clematis are so much more behaved than most vines. And you have so many lovely roses that are just beggin to be clematis trellises, lol...

My belinda's dream is "spedeckled" with vienettas right now, and I just love it. When they scramble in rose bushes, they grow more horizontal than vertical.

you just might like them that way...hidden in your roses...

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I do have Jackmanii growing through Ducher. I've tried to take pics of it but not a good one yet. interesting that you mention its growing style. In my case it grows horizontally also.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

see?...the addiction has already begun, LOL!!...

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

Your roses and clematis are going to be so pretty seedpicker! I'd be excited about getting them too. I have a rose that's similar in color to the two you're getting and I just love it. It absolutely blooms it's heart out for most of the summer (it smells heavenly too). Please post pics after you get them growing good.
vossner--I agree with seedpicker about the clematis--they really are well behaved vines. I've got quite a few and really do enjoy them. They are sooo gorgeous. Almost all of mine are in full bloom right now. My Jackmanii is the oldest and it has grown all the way to the top of it's trellis and started back down. Every inch is loaded with huge blooms--it looks spectacular!

Delaware, OH

hey, don't get me wrong, if i see a clem anywhere i want i order it. i can raise a baby rootlet. but little puny liners being sold nationwide keep clems down because of failure rate with non experienced gardeners. high failure rate for many. or folks just don't realize how many years to a large, vigorous plant form a tiny liner.
and the misinformation being published at wayside and the lack of info available and ultimate communication thru the sales dept, horticulturist etc , folks should know it is not a place for any advice.

i proposed to wayside they put together a team of trial experts from different zones and start to create more of a credible reputation for clems vs their current reality. who knows? maybe they will do something after having a whole cataloge go out with the HUGE zone error.....they will have many many complaints, refund etc over that one.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

have you yourself ever ordered, and received a clematis from Wayside?

Mine all bloomed the first year after planting. Certainly they don't grow as big as a five year old plant, but you are never going to find a three to five year old plant for 5.97

I've paid every bit that much for dinky clematis at lowes in 4" that was small, and a risky purchase, and they took forever to grow, or just flat died.
But I've never had their clematis do anything but grow well for me. Like I said 10-12 inch roots...never less, sometimes more.

They arrive semi-dormant, but that is usually the best way, anyway. Any time I've tried to mail, or recieve clematis with a lot of top growth, much of it gets bent and damaged. Once they wake up, they really grow fast, and I'd much rather they train themselves around what I want them to grow on, than try to retrain them...doesn't work well.

The old saying jack of all trades, master of none seems to apply...I don't ever think they are going to become clematis experts. They have too many other plant varieties to focus entirely on one specie. I would not look to them for clematis advice...but if you want a good deal on a rose or clematis that you can't find anywhere else, they are good for that.

Delaware, OH

you are proabalby right about wayside becoming specialists. i have only bought maybe 1 clem at lowes and never at home depot or silimar. i was able to buy locally , in larger than liner #1 pots back when my collectipn was small, and also ordered from chalk hill for years, then joy creek and brushwood for years too.
. last year added i silver star. found out about them on the forum, that's why i think it is GOOD to tell it like it is with vendors in the chat more important than the watchdog..many like me do not go on watchdog frequently.
i understand about the lure of the deal for a new clem. i ordered omoshiro and pink parasol from heronswood (and heronswood is now like a wayside, not the same as when dan hinckley was owner)
i just hate folks to be misled and all clems liners should have a warning like tobacco about death rate and lenght of time to a decent size plant as well as care and feeding!
that said i ordered a few from koi (havne't received yet) from the low price advertised and i am expecting dormant , teeny rootlets, as they order bulk wolesale and immediately pass along, they do not grow on at all as i understand it.
the only thing i have ordered form wayside in YEARS is some perennial geraniums (bareroots).
and after the way the sales desk and horticulturist handled me asking them for the info to support the zone they published for the cover clem, they are not an option for me. but they really don't have much i do not have (for my zone) and there are sooooo many places to order form. but the top 3 for root size, selection, credibility as we all know are silver star, brushwood and joycreek.

hope we are on the same page. i will say when i order from somewhere like heronsood at the 7.95 price i order 2 of each for protection and faster results in the display (just like any other perennial).

good thoughts seedpicker.......thanks

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I agree those other nurseries are better for strictly ordering clematis. They focus on one specie and know their clematis! They have more varieties, and the rootballs are bigger.

But, I recently tried to place an order with silver star, but backed out once I got to shipping. In a recession which is affecting a lot of us, at least wayside provides an affordable option for those of us building our collection on a tight budget. I personally cannot, (and won't), afford to pay $30 for a one gallon mailorder clematis(by the time you add shipping).

On the other hand I will, (and have), paid $30 for a Monrovia clematis in a 5 gallon container, that I found locally. Now that was worth the money!

At 5.97, and knowing I'll get a good root system from past experience, I felt it was worth the money, too. But to each his/her own ;0)

Delaware, OH

i hear you seedpicker, everyone has to adjust in these times and i think that does make us more interested in shopping around and taking advantage of a deal.
big monrovia clems are nice , if you can find a variety you don't have. i always look, as i am sure al of us do.
instant gratification there too with those!

(Zone 5b)

Hi seedpicker, thanks for the information.
While it is nice to hear advice of others, sometimes you just have to use your own judgment with things though it is very nice knowing what to expect ahead of time.
Spring Hill Nursery is one that has an awful reputation but I know what to expect from them and actually get some nice little potted plants from them from time to time. I know to generally stay away from anything bareroot there or if I do order, I know these will take time to grow.

Instant gratification is nice but if can wait for things to grow sometimes it gives you gratification knowing that you grew the plant from a little bitty baby start .
Collections are expensive so at times you have to order small to save money and have what you want..

Alittle late for you, but the code SPRING15 =15% off of your order at Wayside! :)

Delaware, OH

seedpicker, i am dying to know, how did you come up with your code name "seedpicker?"

(Zone 5b)

Oh and I meant to add.. In defense of Wayside,
They are not calling Clematis florida var. flore-plena as Key Lime Pie Clematis but are saying it has "Key Lime Pie Blooms."

They have the name correct and also have the growing and zone requirements listed correctly.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

great to know...

Delaware, OH

wow, i had not thought of spring hill in years. i started in gardening 20 years ago with a "spring hill perennial garden"!!!
i went to their site for the heck of it and saw two clems i had never seen. polish introductions form 06. mazowzw and mazury(selling as crater lake).
i know they will be little liners, but i ordered 2 mazowe and 1 of the crater lake mazury.
they do not have much of a selection and my expectation will be low, but they were very appealing.

thanks for mentioning spring hill. check out these two, clemfiends....very sweet.

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

Uh oh, see what you got started seedpicker? Wayside may have to give you a free order for bringing in a little extra business :-}

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

hi everyone :0)

Glad we are finding good deals on clematis we want, regardless of where we buy them :0)

I would have loved that code, but my damage is already done, lol...

seedpicker...yes, stupid name, but actually at the time that I picked it, I was just starting out, and would you believe I actually started trading with only a handful of seeds that I picked free off a gas stations fence?(with permission)...kinda like that guy in the guiness world book of records that started trading with a simple paperclip,and moved on to cars and houses...only on a much smaller scale, lol...

One seed trade included a I had two things to trade, and so on :0)

I'd love to change that name, but then no one would recognize me...guess I'm stuck with it...but it is always a nice humble reminder to remember where I came from!!

Delaware, OH

i love the name and it is unforgetable. what do you trade now? still seeds? i can send you clem seeds from species this fall. no trade needed (i don't want any seeds....)
i have lots of seeds every fall from paul farges, terniflora, recta, virginiana, occidentalis, etc etc species clems, not trademarked or cultivars who would not replicate true.

usually take them down in spring and compost them.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

CG-Thank you. That is very sweet of you ;0)

I pretty much only trade plants now. I usually don't do much with seeds, now, except to tinker in the greenhouse in the winter, but there are a few that I would actually like seeds of, if you have them. Thank you for the offer.

Ok, here goes:

Rehderiana, c. addisonii, c. heracleifolia, c. stans, jouiana praecox...and the occidentalis is nice ;0)

...didn't you post a picture of jouiana praecox?...or did I just google it...I remember it was a subshrub and the picture I saw, had it used for a front of the border, plant. I remember liking it...I've grown heracleifolia and stans before, but lost them the year I got really sick.

Thank you!!

Appleton, WI


Wayside sent a reply....

The price for Betty Corning is correct, which, to me.... is beyond absurd.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

ok, that is weird...I saw that, too, and though "mistake"...then you said it, and I thought, yep, definitely mistake.

Why do they think it is THAT special?

I agree...that is just they won't be selling many of those!

Appleton, WI

The sad thing is that there will be people who buy it at that price.

Baton Rouge, LA

LOL, that makes me think of the 'Snow Queen' I found over at Stargazer. I really want 'Snow Queen' and getting it in a gallon size is very tempting, but at $22.95 for the plant and then another $20 for shipping, it was going to cost me over $40 for ONE clem. I don't want it THAT much! =P

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

And shipping is about to go up even more here really soon...ugh

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Evey..Donahue's has Clematis "SnowQueen" listed under the Whites
Joycreek has 5 left

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

Some of the prices listed for clems would break my little retirement budget for they year! I'm like you seedpicker--I shop around for deals. Every so often I'll make an exception, but not THAT big an exception! BTW, I like the name seedpicker.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

thank you :0)

Jeanne-I've never heard of Donahue's...what size do they send? I couldn't find any information on their site about that...

This message was edited May 2, 2009 5:53 AM

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