FFO Clematis bloom

Parkersburg, WV

Pics of Guernsey Cream blooming in my garden today 4/26/09 zone 6.

Thumbnail by taj12
(Zone 4a)

Awww so pretty!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Very nice!

Delaware, OH

we love guernsey. here is 08 again, but good news, 09 blooms may be as early as next week. i have 4 displays of guernsey and they are laden with huge flower buds. i like to keep one in each garden area, as they loom so early and it kind of kicks off the larger flowered season in each area.!
i am leaving the garden for 5 days, at the airport right now . love the perspective of returning in a few days vs the 2 and 3 x per day micro inspection.
but then i have 3 weeks of microinspection planned! nirvana!

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Clematis "Guernsey Cream" is another all time fav in my gardens..Yours is beautiful Taj..how long have you had her...Jeanne

Parkersburg, WV

This is her second year. She is small but still wanted to be first to bloom. I have a Ville De lyon start to bloom yesterday, I think it was th three days of 90 degree weather that has hurried them along.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I think you are right..they love it when it warms up a bit...My "GC" is 2 yrs old this year too..thanks for sharing such a lovely

Parkersburg, WV

Clematisguru how old is your plant pictured, it is very pretty.

Delaware, OH

taj this guernsey cream is about 4 years old, and i must admit is in an area on the side of my house that is a little neglected. the clems here do not get as much attention. there is a beautiful josephine there too, just down the slope who will be blooming (oodles of lovely blooms at eye level) soon. will post form her. joesphine does not like to be over nurtured, but she needs her fertilizer after bloom time especially to restore the loss and then be left largely alone till late in summer when she may bloom again, but i usually deadhead those off so she can save her energy for the spring show.
i have guernsey in 4 clem gardens, all put in about 4 years ago when a local nursery had them. i like to put them in each clem garden as they kick off the season so festively. thanks for asking. it is a real fav for me.
i like this photo as it shows the bloom in pistachio as it opens (partial shade for this) and then the recurving creamy white she is named for as the bloom matures. the nuances of the blooms , if they linger on the vine well, are almost like two different types of flowers. near the end of bloom time, they all look creamy white, but there is a period mid bloom phase that is so beautiful.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

taj, beautiful picture. Is that vinca vine in the background? Nice combination!

Delaware, OH

taj isn't that varigated euyonimous )sp) at the base of your guernsey?
i grow that at the baae of avante garde.

Parkersburg, WV

yes it is varigated euyonimous, it is actually a little bigger than the Geurnsey Creme for right now.

Here is another pic taken later same day.

Thumbnail by taj12
Parkersburg, WV

and my favorite

Thumbnail by taj12
Delaware, OH

i love the close ups, esp the one with 2 blooms that shows the greenish tip of the central bar on the sepals. very nice. thanks for sharing!

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