
Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

That is correct. I had a bad experience, not even on ebay. I learned a lot from that. I am careful to know who I am buying from now. Heck! I have met lots of the hybridizers at the AIS Conventions I have attended. I wouldn't consider buying from a fly-by-night company on the internet ( or ebay.). In my bad experience, I bought from a company that a friend recommended, that was on the internet. I got 3 years of small, unhealthy iris and wondered why I put up with that stuff. I did it because they were cheaper than Schreiner's, et al. I now buy from the developer or some reseller who has a reputation and/or a rating on Garden Watchdog. My bargain was not a bargain and I no longer look at bargains quite the same way.

Raleigh, NC

that reminds me pajar, I'm still trying to make the AIS convention this year, but it's not looking likely. Money is just too tight this year.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I know what you mean bonjon. I have no business going to the Convention, financially. But I decided to cut back elsewhere so I could go. It is such an upper for me and I learn so much! I consider this mental health treatment.

Cherryvale, KS

bonjon ROB A BANK! I would love to meet you in Kansas City!!LOL

Lebanon, OR

With me, I had to make a decision do I stay home this year and judge my seedlings, or go, and not go the next. I have never been in WI so that won, I will go to WI with my iris on display and praying I can also swing Canada as know that will not be a cheap one at all with the exchange rate, but think that it will be as big as Portland, or CA. It is a lovely place to visit and if we get to get to go we plan on driving and staying either before or after and their bloom is after ours.

I am judging two and three old seedlings this year. To line out and then next year make the final cut.

There are some really strange colors popping and I want to see it first hand.


Hope all who go, take a ton of pictures and do a report so all can share.

Tomah, WI

Denise, Where are you going to be in WI? & when?

South Hamilton, MA

Have not been back to WI since 19 61. Looking forward to it--DH & I met in Madison. Not happy about this yrs tornados--a friends is checking my seedlings in KS. You can tell how they grew when they are returned.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I love the conventions. I will go to everyone possible. Look forward to KS and WI and Vancouver. I hope to get to all of them, but one convention at a time!

Lebanon, OR

mattsmom, the nationals will in Madison in 2010 I think in June but will have to look.

I know that I am starting a special account for Canada as it will be expensive but worth every cent. All they are planning for us from what I have heard is wonderful...Then I can see my beautiful Butchart Gardens once more


Looking forward to seeing you all in WI and Canada, just look for a super short 4'10" gal and that will be me...unless I shrink more


Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Super short, but a fire cracker! I will, of course, recognize you when I see you. Will miss you at KS.
If you have never been to a convention, I can't tell you how much you should try to get to one. They are very iris intensive -- lots of tours of super iris gardens. The meetings are fascinating, too. I learned a lot from the meetings of the various sub-groups of AIS -- such as Arilbred Society, Louisiana Iris Society, Rebloomer Society, Median Society, and Tall Bearded Society.
These groups are all wonderfully focused on what they do. And there are more than I have mentioned here. I always want to go out and see the city -- restaurants,etc, but I find it very difficult because of all the banquets and presentations of the various AIS sub-groups. Though I usually do squeeze out at least one night on the town.

Raleigh, NC

it's in WI???? ARGH. that cuts it. last time I was in WI, within four hours, I was being taken to a ER.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

What, on earth for? Can you blame it on WI? I have never been there, would like to see what it looks like.

Lebanon, OR

Parj, I totally agree I try to get to at least 75% of meetings. In Texas a bunch of the the growers and hybridizers ran away and spent a day doing Austin! State capital the streets, the shops, lunch, dinner and all. A treasure for sure. Then Anita Moran and myself stayed 4 additional days and did the Safari, wildflowers old towns, San Antonio, the Alamo. All super. Great pictures of so much. I learned not only about the growers, the gardens, the city, the state, but so much more.

We are hoping that when we go to Canada to drive to Anacortez as they have more ferries and better crossings spend the night there, then cross, and either before or after stay 4 days touring in BC area.

Ted Baker says they are moving along super.


Lebanon, OR

Bonjar sorry you had that experience, but not the state or city but our bodies but know what you mean anyway.


South Hamilton, MA

Since I grew up in WI, I consider it the best state. The neighbor behind us had his small yard full of TBs (I didn't know there were other types then) & as kids do, I used to hang over the picket fence & talk to him. My dad built the fence, maybe to keep balls & other toys from flying into the neighbor's yard.

Raleigh, NC

WI is just about the prettiest state I've ever been in!

we'll blame it on Univ. of Minn. I'd spent the day at their Arboretum. awesome awesome place. knowing me, I touched way too many plants and trees.....

that evening, I was driving, wasn't feeling good, so we pulled into Baker. 2am, we rushed me with some weird allergic reaction to the ER. nice folks. smart on the medicine, too - I notice that sort of thing.

yeah, irisMA, those balls flying into the TBs really mess things up. so do dogs following frisbees. darn it all. dogs chasing deer is worse....

This message was edited May 2, 2009 11:01 PM

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