Swap Chat III Ric & Holly's

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

LOL - what's a garage? If they are only taking up space I'll be happy to take 'em home!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

You mean that you can actually put cars in garages????? What a novel idea! LOL

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

even if our garage was clean we couldn't fit a car in there unless it was a smart car.... little did I realize when buying the house that it's too small for a car

my mechanic honey was a bit miffed by that... OOPS

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

We're doing pretty good then. I have my car and hubby's 2 harley's in our garage

Crozet, VA

We actually have a four bay garage, but believe me, it is not used to store any of the cars that we drive. Depending on when you visit you will find any number of incomplete restoration vehicles. At the moment I think there is a mid seventies style Cougar that I made a mistake of saying that I liked. So, we have had a pretty beat up shell of a car taking up one of the bays for almost five years now. I have seen him order parts on line from time to time and sometimes pay outrageously high prices for parts. There is also a seventies model Bronco that is almost ready to sell. A few more coats of paint on the roof and then he can stick a for sale sign on it.

The other two bays are piled with junk mostly, in my opinion. Not according to John though, "these are important things" he is heard to say whenever I say anything about the amount of junk he has. hahaha At least he had the decency to try and put a fence between the garage/shop and the house so I don't have to see what all is stored outside and getting rusted out. MEN!!!

Even though we live on a two acre plot, parking is hard to come by if we have visitors. I am hoping in a couple or three years to be able to host a swap here. Due to parking issues, we are hoping to use a lot across the road from here for people to park and John will borrow my brother's Honda Mule that will seat 4 people to bring swappers up to our steep mountainside home. I am hoping by then that the front walkway will be finished and I won't always hear him telling me not to come out there, because it is dangerous. This is summer number three I think that he has made it very hard for me to garden in the main flower bed due to construction debris.

He hasn't done anything much to speak of walkway wise yet since warmer weather is here. He has been extra busy working on the soil in the spot that will be our first vegetable garden. I bet none of you have ever had a backhoe come in to dig up rocks in your garden spot. Well, we did a few weeks ago and it is so many rocks and too many rainy days, and he has a big rocky mess waiting for his attention. He was able to get in quite a few potatoes but has now decided that the plans we had for other things will have to wait until next year most likely. I definitely want some Roma tomatoes and a good sandwich size tomato. A green pepper plant or two doesn't sound bad either.

Anyway.....life in the country....what can I say?

You folks all have a good day.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Life in the country= whatever floats yer boat and to heck with anybody else's say!! My mom's neighbors are astir about the new people with the chickens on a 1/4 acre lot. I mean, who gives a cluck?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

OH Ruby, Might I swap you a 1986 T-Bird? Limited addition Golden Anniversary with all the bells and whistles, It even runs. Of course if it actually did get as far as your house it would take John days to drive it home, don't think it would go more than 30 maybe 15 on the hills. LOL
I can see John and Ric now talking goats and cars. LOL

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I can bring you a couple of my "Cherokee Purple" and "Mortgage Lifeter" tomatoes I have growing....They are beyond tasty and both a good size----definitely sandwich size--sweet and solid....

You can dig a couple holes for a couple of tamatos somewhere--NO?????

Please let me know if you are interested.....

I think several other people have tomatoes on their "haves" list as well......You choose!


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ruby, fingers crossed, but I should have extras of a couple of "paste" type tomatoes -- Polish Linguisa (huge) & an unknown variety that's a prolific producer of little "fingerling" tomatoes... might still have an extra 'Black Pear' or two also.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I'll be sending out address, phone # and directions info in the next day or two. So keep and eye out for a D-mail. Not sure if I will get it done today but tomorrow for sure.
I'll be sending out a Group Blast to everyone on the list at the top of the thread so if I do not have your name listed and you are planing or even thinking of attending please let me know so I can make sure that you get all the info you need. Thanks Holly

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

good morning :)

Critter, I would be interested in a purple basil, scented geranium and fingerling or other med to sm tomatoes, if you have any left - thanks! The only tomatoes we have so far this year are the seedlings from your choc. cherry :) I never got our red rubin seeds planted or any small tomatoes. And, our scented geraniums didn't overwinter ....they died. Do yours make it indoors for the winter or are yours new seedlings?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Jill or any of you other herb gurus - does anyone have Ocimum Sanctum 'Holy Basil' http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/930/

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Holly, I have some nice garden ornaments that don't work for me anymore that can go on the prize table, a few pots and supplies too.

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

Chantell, I don't have any holy basil just now, but last year I got some from a herb vendor at the Blandy Arboretum Garden Fair that's coming up Mother's Day weekend. This is the one that Debbie is part of, I think you've gone before, right? Not sure if I'm going this year or not, but if I do, I can pick up a plant for you if you want. If you go I noticed a coupon for half off the price of a car admittance.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Bobbie - my mom's day weekend has been planned for me - some play some work - sadly this means I won't be at any sales. IF you happen to be at that one and come upon one of those basils I'd so appreciate it!! Mean while - I'll peek around and see if it happens to be locally i.e. Meadows Farms etc.

Crozet, VA

Gita and Critter, I believe that the tomatoes I had last year came from both of you fine ladies too. So, in the tradition of helping me have some maters in my diet, bring on whatever you have. I will take them and yes, for sure there will be space for tomato plants, Gita.

Actually, John started a vegetable garden a few weeks back. He has hauled so many rocks and pebbles out of the area, that we lost count. He actually had a neighbor come with a back hoe several times to loosen the larger boulders. In essence what he now has is a nice sized area fenced off with about half of it planted with potatoes, (I don't know who he thinks will eat all of the potatoes if they all grow.) and the other half dug up with some very huge rocks waiting to be moved to our yard when the weather cooperates. He has now changed some of his plans as for what all he will try to grow, because he is not sure that he will have the soil prepped in time to plant some of the things.

Thank you ladies for your generosity.


Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Onewish, I knew a person who had the same experience as you. He bought a home from a person who'd had a stand alone double garage. built. After he moved in he realized the his Cadillac didn't fit in the garage. The sellers had it built to fit their Toyotas. You would think that the builder would have given the seller some better guidance.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I got to remember this one.....LOL!!!! Smile ladies! This is hysterical!!!!
**note*** This is a My Face Video....
Holly and Ric---

In case things get too dull---here is a game we could all play.....:o))
Never a dull moment with this game--it is a total "hoot"......hope it works!!!!
I also hope this is not too "racy" for DG Administration...Please???? I'm almost scared to hit "send"....

Get the toilet tissue rolls and a plunger -- game on.

YouTube - Wild Women of Whippoorwill


Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

Holly and to all:
I am so sorry that I will not be able to attend afterall....ugh. I thought it would work out, but alas, it will not. I know I will be missing a great time, and more inportantly, the people behind the names that have become friends.

If there is something I have that you would like mailed, get in touch with me.

Thanks to all who were kind enough to offer me plants, too...hopefully there will be a next time.
I know with Holly, you will have a wonderful day! Thanks again, Holly!

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

LuAnne, Is there someone coming to the swap from your area who could take the plants we've set aside for you home with them? Sorry to miss meeting you.

Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

Sorry...I most will miss meeting everyone.
I don't think anyone near will be, so I will need to allow others to take my spoken-fors. My biggest thank yous to anyone who saved theirs for me.

I don't know why, but with so many gardeners around Lancaster County, I have yet to find anyone in the forums that I visit that are from here! I am shocked that I have not been able to find others. I am often promoting Davesgarden.com to gardeners at seminars, etc that I have gone to. Dave would think I was doing a commercial for him!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

LuAnne, Sorry you can't attend. There will be a next time I am sure.

Did you check "Find other DG suscribers in your area" ?

Go to "My Info"
them "Extras"
got down to "Find other DG suscribers in your area"

I check this area out often just to see if there is anyone new there.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Luanne, Linuxogre has a thread right now in Midatlantic. He/she is in the Lancaster area. Try stopping there and introduce yourself.


Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks! I did not know there was a way to find other DG's this way!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Luanne, I would be glad to bring down any plants left here for you after the swap. It would give me an excuse to see your lovely gardens.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

LuAnne-Sorry we won't be able to meet. Maybe next year.

Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks everyone. Hopefully I will catch you one day. I would love to meet you all.
I am praying for a bright and sunny day!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I have not fallen off the face of the earth, I promise! Just laid low with a bad head cold and nasty spring allergies. Plus a grumpy toddler who only gives me three minutes of computer time before he starts demanding my attention. I'll be back later to catch up on everything.

For all of you that have requested rose orach, I've still got them but I just want to warn you that they're still so small! I thought they'd be much bigger by now-- they germinated six or eight weeks ago at least. I'm still bringing them, but I wish they'd hurry up and grow!

Also, aphids have gotten into my passi's and winged beauty and made a mess of them. Those nasty bugs have been really, really bad here already. If the plants don't recover nicely, I may just bring some fresh new, unrooted cuttings.

Back later to catch up!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Well wishes! My son still owes me an uninterrupted viewing of Streetcar Named Desire, the little rat. Young Marlon Brando!

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Stella, Stella, Stella! Sally, you can still ride that streetcar in NO! Is anybody tired of cold wet feet?

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Yes. When's it going to end?

Crozet, VA

I hear you on the wet feet Stormy. I have been a bit upset the past month or so. I have been really psyched to get outside and play in the dirt. It seems like one thing after another is preventing me from doing so. First off, I was dealing with a very sore leg which didn't allow me to do much of anything. We had two days that the weather was nice and my leg didn't hurt, so I took advantage of it. Now, since the weekend it has been rain, rain, rain. Looks kind of like April showers waited to come until May this year.

I am just making do with the seedlings I have under lights inside. Nothing like the outdoors though.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Tired of WET...OMG YES!!! Things will be rotting soon if the dear sun doesn't come out and share...ugh

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Am I happy that I got a lot of things dug yesterday!! What a storm last night!!!! Oh heavens, rain right through Saturday????

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Stormyla, I got out yesterday it was pretty nice in comparison to what we have been having. I did get a few things planted and a few things dug for the swap. But things are moving pretty slowly here. Don't even have my boxes planted yet. Ric laughed at me as I put back on my mud soaked jeans. I told him that anything I put on would be mudsoaked within minutes of my feet stepping out side so I might as well start that way. LOL

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Holly, Desperate times call for desperate measures. Tuesday, I changed socks 3 times and had to put saw dust down in front of my potting bench to stop sliding into it!!!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Only a really dedicated gardener would go to all this trouble.LOL

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I am having fun, messy but fun. I just wish it would dry out alittle there are things I want to do that you just can't do in the mud.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I got out and planted a very few thngs also yesterday...Worked until 1PM--came home and went right to it....Planted my round bed out front and, of course, had to put that green rabbit fencing around it too....
I heard the downpour and thunder last night! it is muggy outside today--but no rain at this time.....Will go out again and see what i can do.....

Have a lot of container work to attend to....need to root-prune my big Brugmansias in their HUGE pots (the ones that were dormant in my basement)...They have now been outside for about a week and have all greened up. Still--I want to do the roots--add some Dynamite to the soil, etc.....

Haven't even potted up my Basil--Seems the LL Basil all germinated...Lots and lots.....
Need to separate it and pot it up.....
NO end to the "musts"......


central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I need to buy me some "Wellies"

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