Grrrrrr! What did this to my Jals in an EB?

Lake Elsinore, CA

Going to go buy something to kill them tomorrow.

The only thing missing from that wicked brew is a side order of roasted spider mites. Oh, I just read that they can be green in color... I think they are here already.

I caught that squirrel out here 2x the past 2 days sitting up in the grow bags just having himself a ball. He's gotten all my little crops now, nothing left to speak of for lettuce or bok choy. He chawed on one of my cukes today, it'll recover if nothing else bites it.

Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7a)

Squirrels. They're so cute and cuddly. I want to kill them.

I hurt my back last weekend and as a result my gardening is falling behind schedule. I had planned on getting everything into the garden this week but only managed to get a single tomato plant and a single basil plant in the ground. That was Thursday evening. By 7am this morning the stupid squirrels had already helped themselves. They also took my lettuce and chard with them, roots and all, which had been happily growing for six weeks already with not so much as a nibble.

Fortunately the pepper spray will keep them away from the most of the stuff I will be planting this weekend but I can't really spray my herbs with habanero sauce. Then I'll gear up for the upcoming battle against the stupid hornworms, followed by the wave of hungry grasshoppers. Good times.

Is a moat of burning oil around the garden consider organic?

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