Merino, Australia

Good morning all. Helen your little plant looks like my Monks Caps. Sue did give me the proper name but I can't find it. I have a large patch of them that are just coming uo again now. They will grow leaves now then have all the little hooded flowers standing up through the foliage in spring. They die away every year.
I like your crucifix orchids . . Clever.
Hello Cody, you will have fun with all your ducks. They do develop personalities. I used to breed and sell years ago and would never eat my breeders. The others were a different matter. I enjoyed many a feed of roast duck. Geese are fun too
Shelly I hope your garden is surviving all the rain that seems to have decided to stay in the tropics.
Sue, are you still there ? I have visions of you rowing your boat around the garden.
Dalfyre, there is nothing like lots of lovely autumn leaves for the garden. I only have a few trees that have them here and they drop their leaves straight on the garden.
Every time we go shopping to Hamilton, I feel like raking the leaves from the streets and bringing them home. Big plane tree leaves. I always bring one large leaf home every autumn as a bit of fun. Hubby thinks I'm mad.
Hello Chrissy. How goes Angel Land ? Mine are doing well even with the very cold nights. It may be different once we get the real cold all day. The Iochromas are all going well too. I can see different types of leaves on them so I am hoping for a variety of the colors.
Hello Steve. Seeds in paper. You never know what someone will thnk of next. We could be having all sorts of flowers in paper to be recycled.
Hello Leisa, I'm still waiting for your ditch to get down here, have you given up digging ?
Hello Shelly (V). I am going to get out in the sun later and enjoy the weather while it's here. We are supposed to be getting really cold over the weekend. We may even get some rain.
Marleneann , are you out there, I have missed your crumbs.
Lesley , I hope you are taking things easy in the garden and not trying to catch up all at once.
Hello to everyone I have missed. Have a great garden day.
I will leave you all something nice to eat. Kat is sure to be looking for food later.
This is a very different Fruit Cake. Yumm

Thumbnail by 77sunset
townsville, Australia

Good morning to all, it is a lovely day here today the sun is shining the birds are singing and i am at work, blah, i should not complain at least i still have a job, i am trying to adjust my attitude to coming to work, i actually do not dislike my job, i quite like it, it is just the have to be here everyday that erks me lol.
Jean that cakes looks devine, i am having some with morning tea will grab some now before it is all gone. our nights are cooling down as well it got down to 21 last night, very comfortable, did not need the ceiling fan for a change.
Steve, got 6, storm what were they thinking letting the tigers flog them, i was sulking myself after monday nights game lol. My galah actually likes vegemite sandwiches, but no more junk food for her strickly bird food diet, she puts on far too much weight.
Helen your orchids are lovely i hope you do well at the market.
Shelly how are you doing, havn't heard from you for a while.
well i best go and do some work, have a great day everyone
stay safe and smile

Brisbane, Australia

Hi All, another quick visit, as I've still got the flu & don't want to pass it on to anyone!
It's a lovely sunny & breezy day here - great to be outside, but I think I'll sit & enjoy today - not do any work and just rest up with the flu! I want nice & cool last night - lovely to snuggle under the covers ;-)
Jean, that cake looks scrumpious - I love the "bundt" shape - I'm sure it makes the cake taste even better when it looks so attractive!
Sorry about the ditch - the rain stopped me (it kept filling up with water) & now I've got busy with work!!! I suppose I should get my priorities right ;-)
Re water: now that we have so much (the dams around Bris are almost 60% full), my husband & I have finally reduced our consumption to just under 100 litres per person per day! If the dams reach 60% the restrictions will allow us 200L/day (per person). Using tank water to wash clothes, & me going back to work (& using the toilet there!) has definitely helped. For those that live off tank water - how much per day would you use?
Helen, your "Chicken" looks so relaxed. My two old fellas are like that - happy to make the most of a comfy spot - and love a tummy scratch! One of my cats (Boris) has always had a "yellow steak" - a real chicken, where as the other (Nelson) would tangle with a doberman no worries! Nelson loves the small of peanuts, but if you give him one, he's just throws it up!
I put this up on the Flowering in April thread, but as it's looking so spectacular today & has a magnificent perfume, I have to show you all! Can you smell it?

Thumbnail by LeisaD
melbourne, Australia

hello everyone,

i am still here - being a lurker and reading all your posts. still not 100% so haven't been out in the garden much lately.

we have been having very cold nights and getting light frosts most nights. days are beautiful and sunny. jean - i did hear the forecast for the end of the week. they suspect that victoria may have snow! i think it will be very cold here.

my cuttings are going well -
one parrot looking good....
my first four angels (frosty pink i think?- will have to check) are all growing really well with heaps and heaps of leaves...
in the next lot of angels pink panther definately has tiny little leaves and aztec gold looks like it may have one too. the others haven't got any yet.
sedums are going well. 8 sticks have little leaves and the leaves that were sent are still green. they take well!
hibiscus haven't grown but still have nice green little leaves on them.
geraniums going really well and flowering everywhere.
desert roses are looking really good. have one that is quite large now. three from mya that are looking very green and cute.... and three that i have grown from seed looking good. have more seeds planted.

thats all i can think of at the moment.


Hi everyone ...been raining most of the night again ...still very sloshy outside ...I have ruined my shoes yesterday with jobs I had to do outside ...please someone take our rain ...I know it's awful to say anything bad about it, but honestly, it seems to have been raining for almost two whole years, coupled with grey sky and cooler temps most of the time I have just about really gotten over it!
Nothing worth taking pictures of ... wet droppy soggy stuff every where ...I found scale on my basil this morning ...first time ever! has anyone had scale on their basil before, I couldn't believe my eyes ...it's been that wet!
If only I could send it your way jean /leisa ...I remember holidays at my gran's and the drink of water was an inch of muddy looking stuff with the odd wriggler in it. Needless to say I did not drink very much water there, the five inches of water in the sink to wash up all those dishes was a bit of a worry too, no rinsing and dried off with the tea towel.They had a beaut dry loo thingy that required no water ...we get to taking so much for granted don't we?
jean yes those autumn leaves are wonderful ...my ginko drops the most beautiful butter yellow fans(leaf shape) all over my garden ...love it. The fruit trees mulch themselves if the wind leaves them alone ...however it sometimes blows it all away grrrr!!!
I had better get out and do some more mud walking ...the sun has come out for 5 mins.
We learn't to do that seed imbedded paper in our craft classes at school ...it may be a nice winter project ...good on your council steve what a beat idea!
http://www.thriftyfun.com/tf71713276.tip.html scroll down :^)
Back later

Just hopped back a minute to show you this ...those Krispy Creme doughnuts cost a bomb ...for those of you with grandchildren or children who love them ...(I don't get into town very often ...so)
here is a weekend /holiday project
Don't worry they love them and enjoy helping you make them.

se qld, Australia

My younger daughter works at Krispy creme doughnuts, but fortunately for her she finds them far too sweet. I was trying to convince her one day that she needed to post me some, to which she pointed out that they have a collossal amount of calories in each one.

Leisa, we're on tank water only. I don't think we would use even 90 litres per person per day. Long showers are a luxury reserved only for when it's raining and the tank is overflowing. Until very recently we had just one tank of 25 000 litres capacity, and usually go for months with little or no rain, so we must be mindful of our water usage. We did come within one day of having to buy water in early last year.

I do on occasion use tank water on the broms as they don't like our dam water, but I make them wait for it.

Coushatta, LA

Hi Jean,yea we went and got my 5 Mallards.They look like they settled in good.We have a total of 24 ducks now.Some of the babies we have may sell some of them if their is alot of males.I will get them a kid swiming pool from the dollar store,because two of them were already in their water bowl swiming.It was funny to see them two hogging the water by swiming when the other were trying to drink.I will post a picture of them later.Well i hope you enjoy your day.Take care


Christchurch, New Zealand

Jean a really nice deciduous tree with a difference is the NZ lacebark.
I have one & the foliage is nice & the flowers are wonderful white stars with a honey scent.
Not a huge colour change in Autumn but can't have everything:)
Sadly whoever planted my one was a fool & has it in a very silly place.
I love it but it will have to come down.
I have a seedling I am nurturing & once I get rid of the (%$#@) elderberry I will have the perfect replacement.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Wonthaggi, Australia

Hello Everyone, I hope you've all had a good day?
Sorry to hear some have the flu, LeisaD & Shellyto 4kids, I hope you get better soon. I always have a flu shot every year, I've been lucky so far?
Leisa, my Chicken is quite the bossy boots, Chilli is only allowed on the bed if she lets here, otherwise she gets a swipe! They are so funny, both females!LOL!!!
Cody I wish I had room for a menagerie like you!! I would be outside playing with them every day & get nothing else done! Would love to see a pic of the Mallards.
Jean & Colleen!Thank you for your suggestions on my Mystery Plant. I had a look at plant files & it does look a bit like The Cobra Lily? I still have some investigating to do.
Gardengal~Sarah worked at Muffin Break part time when she was studying, I was soooo sick of the sight of them. I don't think she eats them anymore either. But who could resist a Crispy Cream???LOL!!!
Thanks for the best wishes for the market. I have been potting mad!!! I had a large pot with a dozen or so, well established Parrots with flowers. They are all ready, in smaller individual pots now, waiting to go. Glad to hear some parrots are chirping along well.
Hi to everyone else, & Take Care

western sydney nsw, Australia

I" m like you Chrissy just about had this mad weather every time I start and get into doing some thing the suns gone and raining again all I can do is potter around and plan then if I turn on the sun is shinning so run out again .
All I seem to do is complain all the time I am never happy with the weather my poor plants are all mixed up they dont know whate season it is cough- cough my drink went down the wrong way thates better .
better finish off and wipe the tears away and make freash cuppa ----------Sammut.

Wonthaggi, Australia

Hi Sammut,
Yes, the seasons are all mixed up, global warming??? Sorry, Jean, I always get everyone off the track???LOL!!!
We have had some lovely sunny days, but I think next week well be wicked.
You should rest Elaine, when you can't get out in the garden??
Catch you next time,
Take Care all,

Sydney, Australia

Hi all.
Shelly61 - 6 is a good result and I'm sure not too many would have picked the Tigers.
Keep up that average and you'll win! Where are you sitting in the tipping comp?
Chrissy I have to agree with you on the rain. Thoroughly tired of it at the moment.
The council with the seeded paper is actually closer to you! Liverpool Council.
The finished product will be door hangers and they are promoting community tree
planting days. Great idea.
Dalfyre - I think I have mentioned before that Elderberry responds well to Roundup!
Just keep hitting it and by the time you are ninety it will be gone!

Barmera, Australia

Couple of new wines to put in the tea room. I hope you people are asking for these wines when you dine out. It is a test of how good the wine waiter is, I bet most haven't even heard of them. They are around though so give them a try.
Verdejo a Spanish white well structured, balanced and aromatic. Half a dozen to start.
Manzuela Spanish red might be Carignan 6 of these as well.

Sydney, Australia

Stake I'll add these to the list for my son to bring back.
He is off to Spain in 9 weeks and counting.

Coushatta, LA

Hi Helen thanks,hope you are doing good?I'm doing the happy dance.Me and my son was in the duck pen this morning.Well i heard something so i turn my head and one of the females had already layed an egg.They haven't even been here a day yet and already laying eggs.We are getting an incubator in a few hours and it will go in their.Well i hope you enjoy your day or night.Take Care.

Here is two of the females in their water bowl.

I will get their pool today were all five can get in.

This message was edited Apr 22, 2009 1:21 PM

Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Coushatta, LA

Here is a picture of the male.

Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Coushatta, LA

Here they are all together.

Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Coushatta, LA

Here is a better picture of the mallards.

Thumbnail by TheAngelGirl
Merino, Australia

Hello everyone. Another fine day here but windy. We are supposed to be getting a lot of wind and rain over the next few days. Be nice without the wind though.
We went for a drive to Horsham yesterday. I said to hubby it was too nice to stay home. B***** the petrol money. The drive up was through some of the areas of large red gums and there are some grand old ones still around.
Horsham is a large town and has so many shops to look at but I didn't see one nursery. There must be some but they were not where I was. I came home with not a single plant. There was a lot of smoke around where there is controlled burning going on. I cannot see why people complain about the smoke when these burns are done. Sure, it does hide the view a bit but I'd rather have the burns done than more wild fires.
it got up to around 25C yesterday so was quite warm. It will be down around 15C on the weekend they say. Talk about yo yo weather.
Shelly (Q), glad you managed to grab a piece of cake. Funny how our pets develop strange desires for food. We used to have a cat who would kill for a cheese sandwich. He used to jump on your lap and crawl right up to your mouth so you had to give him the sandwich.
Leisa, how are your germs going ? Lucky they don't come through the computers. I hope you are feeling better .
I know how you are going on the tank water, Spent many years in the bush on just tank of water .
we are going to have a price rise in our water it seems. We pay a service charge but get no service as it is a private line that the water mob don't look after.
Chrissy, I did offer to take your water but noone sent me any. . I think the rain prefers the warmer climate up there.
Hello Gardengal,how are things at your place ?
Cody, love the little duck photos. They can be so cute at that age. Not so cute when they are bigger and leave their messes around.
Helen. I hope your market day does really well. My little parrots have buds. Poor things are confused with the weather.
Sammut, I am going out today to make a scarcrow and I hope he/she turns out as good as your garage people. I need one down in the irises to stop the rosellas eating the flowers when they bloom.
Steve, by the time your son comes home, he will be loaded down with all your wine. You will have enough to build a wine cellar.
Brian, thanks for the wine for the wine bar. It seems the ladies are still popping in for their little nip.
i had better get out and have a chat with all the plants. I like to go around in the mornings and see how they are all doing.
Hello everyone I missed, Lesley, Kat, Mya and any of the lurkers out there.
I just hope we don't get any of the awful wind we had a while ago.
Have a great day all and happy gardening.
More chocolate for you. ( so much better than all those doughnuts ) Ha ha.
Lovely Chocolate Pudding.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
se qld, Australia

Morning all. Our days here are absolutely glorious at the moment - averaging around 27 degrees. The past couple of mornings have been a bit nippy though. I'm afraid I don't do cold very well at all.

I've been out doing a bit more 'pretty' planting this morning (as opposed to functional). The area I'm planting is still quite steep, mind you, around 60 degrees and does have minor issues with slippage. I was digging a planting hole at the bottom of a section about a metre and a half high and came accross a couple of glossy white extremely fleshy roots, about the thickness of a man's thumb. They had me stumped for a bit and eventually I figured I must have put some sort of strange bulb in there even though I couldn't recall having done do. Then it occurred to me.

A couple of years ago I bought what is supposedly a yellow Strelitzia which is planted about a metre up the slope from where I was planting. While it hasn't visibly grown the slightest bit in all that time, the roots are obviously gettting well established, and clearly will do a great job of soil stabilisation. I'd originally figured if it turned out to be the common orange variety I'd simply remove it, but I don't think it will be going anywhere - it would probably take the whole slope with it. lol

I bought another half metre of potting mix for planting the other day. The way I am going it will all be gone by next weekend.

townsville, Australia

Good morning all, another beautiful day here today, i hope every one is well and the ladies with colds and flu and feeling better.
Jean no plants that is very sad, and paying a service fee for no service is even sadder, that i would not be very happy about at all. We the little people get robbed and ripped off all the time it urkes me a lot, when ever i have a complaint about the money i get charged or the services that i do not get, it always falls on deaf ears and nothing is ever done to rectify the problems no matter what they are, i have had a few words with our council, nothing is ever accomplished, but i refuse to give up on what i believe in. Ooh i am in a mood today, i will have to behave my self lol.
Pam i love pretty planting, i can not wait till i have finished all the projects i have going at the moment, there just never seems to be enough time.
Brian thanks for the wine i feel i will be needing it today lol.
Helen my last remaining Parrots are actually doing well, it seems neglect is working yipeee. Mya my angels are coming on now, i did lose the aztec gold, but the others are doing well.
Cody the ducks are so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute, your family will enjoy the farm you have got going there now.
i have to go and do some work, i am having a hard time getting motivated today, i do not feel 100%, i hope i am not coming down with one of these rotten flus going around, i don't have time to get sick lol.
have a great day all
stay safe and smile

se qld, Australia

Jean, you're a bad influence. Your chocolate cake looked so good the other day I couldn't help myself - I messaged hubby at work and asked him to bring home a chocolate sponge and a bottle of cream (He works over the road from a supermarke.t) I had a hankering for chocolate cake with coffee-flavoured cream, and boy, was it yummy! lol

Barmera, Australia

This is not a reprimand just an explanation. The service fee is for the maintenance of of the pumps and pipe lines to get the water to your private line. Everyone no matter where has to maintain their own pipes, taps etc. A private line is just that no matter how short or long it is.

Merino, Australia

Yes Brian, I knew all that . It is just nice to have a gripe about something you have no control over.
I guess we all like to have a gripe about something and it does feel better to vent a little even if you know it is all useless.
Back to gardens. It is windy here but still very warm and my Angels are liking the warmth. Poor things will get a shock when winter arrives. We have been working on the back veranda. We have one side done and will make a start on the second side later. Hopefully I will have a new space for plants along the wall when it's done..
Hope there is enough chocolate pudding there as i did see a few people looking in.
Here's a look at one of my Angels.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

Hi everyone sorry I am running late ...I have been floating on air today after watching my two favourite singers of the moment last night ...Adam Lambert on American Idol ...stunning! he will win.
But even more special to me/us our very own Mark Vincent won Australia's got talent ...sigh ... utter bliss. That a shy but brave 15 year old could sing the way he does just melts my heart. Many congratulations to him !!!!!
The garden? forget it ...total bog because *guess what* it rained big time again last night. I see steve mentioned round up ...fantastic for killing weeds without too much damage to the critters if you use it properly, however what does one do when it rains a bit or a lot almost every day. My weeds are triffid in proportion compared to other gardens! I have been out there trying to hack down metre high weeds that have popped up almost overnight. It is a losing battle at the moment ...they slow as soon as the nights drop down to about 7/8 C.
Those strelizias have amazing roots ...they form huge masses under the ground and then before you know it your plant will be 6x6. Try digging one out sometime ...it's a real ordeal.
I see the town of Orange has found a way to harvest and recycle their storm water into drinking water! bravo! how wonderful.
jean it looks like your weather is warmer than ours today ...I hope it helps your angel buds to bloom .
Cute ducks cody ...love them! did you know the eggs are fantastic for making cakes and custards. In Asian cookery they only use the duck eggs for their custard tarts, a chef from the Chinese gardens told me this when we commented on the feather light egg tarts.
Here comes hubby for lunch ...he hears me come inside ^_^
so back later .

townsville, Australia

Sorry Steve, Jean is right some time i have to have a gripe, especially at our local council, probably due to the fact that we have the highest rates in qld by a lot. i live next door to a council path and motorcycles use it and rev the guts out of them up and down the path half the day and night, much worse on school hols, the whole street asked them to put up a barricade and they did, and they put up a no motorcycles sign, all to no avail, they ignore the sign and the council left a 5 foot gap in the barricade, they informed me it was left so prams could get through, i informed them that mothers with prams do not use the path as there children will get run over by a motorcycle that is not allowed to use it. Sometimes you just can't win and then you just have to have a b$*())&^$ about it.

Coushatta, LA

Hi Jean thanks,the babies to me are mess more than the adults.I guess because the babies eat way more that the adults.

Hi Chrissy thanks,yea they say that duck eggs are richer,because their yolk is real dark yellow.

Well hope everyone enjoys their day.


Merino, Australia

Chrissy. an easy solution, Grow weeds. Ha ha.
I see the tiny little b******s trying to grow here now. They are tired of waiting for rain and will happily grow without it. Darn, I wish all the plants would.
I will have to get the Roundup out soon and attack them . ( the weeds, not the plants, of course )
The poor Angels are all windblown today. A few torn leaves but they are standing up well.
Back to work, hubby is impatient.

I am sooooo happy we have RAIN

Sydney, Australia

Shelly - Not me! Although I will question Shoalhaven Council debating
whether or not to meter and charge for bore pump usage. Can understand
in Sydney because the water table may suffer but Sussex Inlet?
Just another attempt at a cash grab. Next thing will be tank water!
Not much to report garden wise tonight. Dark when I get home.
Cabernet Sauvignon nice though!
Jean - I pick up my first Angel tomorrow! Maybe the start of an obsession?

Christchurch, New Zealand

Well we are right into he swing of getting ready for ANZAC Day here.
Beautiful sunshine today - hope it is as nice on Saturday!
I will pick some of my roses & add white camellias to place at our memorial.
It is wonderful to actually have pretty flowers in the garden still...
my nemesia is looking good - and the new one seems to be taking, I turned one orphan into many cuttings, a few have even flowered.
Must get some photos... I have been a bit slack lately.
Cheers - Teresa

barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Sorry I haven't been in for a cuppa but haven't been feeling very well. Took myself off to the Dr yesterday finally and have a chest infection. Have some antibiotics now so hopefully will be feeling better soon. The boys rallied around yesterday and did their best to help me, even made me a cuppa and got themselves a sandwich. They're growing up. We had RAIN all afternoon and into the night. Not heavy rain but nice soaking rain.Lovely. Hope everyone is well, will be back later. Here is my Mona Lavender.

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Merino, Australia

Hello everyone. The wind has dropped a lot here now and there is a little (very little ) misty rain.
Funny thing though, I went out to say good morning to the Angels and it was quite dry around that side of the house. I went out the front and got wet. Hopefully the rain will decide to come down a lot more.
I do hope those with all the excess rain are slowly drying out.
I did like seeing all the frog pictures on the froggy thread, and maybe with some rain , we may see more here. I do have a few of the small brown ones that live around the place. They don't seem to need water . I have some in the broms now and there was one that lived in the back veranda. He always used to sit in my watering can . I would have to shake him out when I wanted to use it.
I had a check of the Angels and they have a few torn leaves but came through the wind okay. Chrissy, I may have a bud. Not sure yet but it does look a bit different to where the other flower died off.
My chrissies are nearly out and should be lovely. I am awaiting the flower on the green one. I have only ever seen pictures.
Going to get a little more cutting back done today. There are a couple of wallflowers that have grown very large. I may just pull them out and stick a cutting in as they do tend to get lanky with age.
We have a large heap of tree branches in the paddock that has been waiting to be burnt for over a year, it will be a while yet but hopefully it will get done this year.
We had a lovely trip to Horsham on wednesday but there were a couple of alarms as people started lighting fires to burn their stubble paddocks. Happens every year. As soon as the fire restrictions ars lifted, everyone rushes out to light up. The whole place is still so dry and a few fires managed to get away.
I like to wait until the whole paddock is green and wet before I will light any fires.
As the heap is a large one, we will get the local fire truck to come up, just in case.
I was out fixing a fence yesterday as our 'kind' neighbour knocked the corner post with his tractor.
He mows along the side of our road and does our side as well. He ran over a large agave a year or so ago and last time, hit the corner post and also the tall yellow painted post over the Telstra pit . I don't know how one could do that as they are all in plain view. Just careless. He never fixed it or offered to help so I put a new steel post in to hold the corner post. My agave is still growing but very crooked. It's a wonder he didn't bump into the power pole there too.
I am off to post some letters as we have our AGM coming up for the CFA soon. Being the secretary / treasurer, I have to do all the meeting notices and accounts etc.
It is nearly the middle of the year. Where did it go ? It only seems a week or so since Christmas.. I hope you are all deciding what you want for Christmas as it will be on us in no time. Ha ha.
I do hope you are all getting over any colds , flu etc. Colleen, get well soon and anyone else ill.
I will leave something nice for you all when you pop in. Have a great day in your gardens, muddy or dry.
Lamingtons. everyone loves these.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
se qld, Australia

Morning all. Jean, I think my Christmas wish list would have to include rain for f those of you down there who for some reason are still managing to miss out. There's nothing that I really need, unless, of course you happen to know next weeks winning lotto numbers? lol

Colleen, sorry to hear you're not well - stay warm, and I hope you're on the mend and feeling better in no time. I planted a mona lavender yesterday along with a few other (mostly coloured foliage) plants. It fitted in so well I figured I'd go to the markets on the weekend and get a couple more for the same bed. I can get them there for about $3, so buying more plants to fill rather than waiting for them to multiply doesn't break the bank. Your plant is lovely and healthy Colleen - can you offer any tips please?

townsville, Australia

Good morning all ITS FRIDAY YIPPEEEEE YAHOOOOOOO. i do love fridays especially when 5pm comes lol.
Jean how is your verandah coming along, you will have to post a pic when it is done. I hope you get some decent rain soon so everything can green up for you. I to love the frog thread.
Colleen i do hope you are feeling better very soon, the boys are lovely to help you when you are not feeling well, when ever i was sick when the kids were little, it always bought a smile to my face when they tried to help mind you most times they made a big mess, but the thought was always there. Oh and your lavender is lovely.
Steve your probably right they will try and figure out how to tax tanks as well anything to raise revenue. Well its tipping night wish me luck lol.
My son normally marches every Anzac Day, but due to his op he can't this year he is quite dissappointed about it. We normally do not have the navy march in townsville, but this year there is a small group of them posted here till the end of next year, so they are marching tomorrow.
Well I best go and do some work, have a wonderful day all. Everyone that is not feeling well get better soon.
smile and stay safe, this is my side fence, nearly dark.

Thumbnail by shelly61
Merino, Australia

........... IT'S RAINING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lots of lovely rain. It's running down the road. There are puddles and MUD. Yippee. I just hope it keeps up all weekend.
Thank you for sending it down.

barmera, Australia

Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts. Judy I bought my plant about 2 months ago at agarage sale for $2.It was looking decidedly weary. I gave her some feed and a good soak and she has rewarded me with this burst of flowers. Does anyone know if you can take cuttings ? I will share when she has stopped flowering if I can. Nothing much has been done in the garden the past few days.I been out to look but that's as far as I got. Am washing at the moment but I think we might get a bit more rain. It'll give the clothes a good rinse. be back later. Colleen

Oh jean what wonderful news I am so happy for you! it must have come from here because we have some weak sunshine ...it's cold.
Not much to talk about here though still all sploggy ...I hope the sun will shine down on our diggers tomorrow ...
I hope you are all enjoying your morning ...Take care colleen and anyone else who is unwell, I wish I could send you my chicken soup, it seems to fix most things ...I just love picking the herbs from my garden to put into it ...my lovely Bay tree is huge ...the label said slow growing, ha ha ha, it is way up there at about 20+ft.
Those lavender plants look so pretty ...
I had better go do some work ...it is warming up a little,
back for a coffee in a bit.

se qld, Australia

Jean, do you eat Vita Brits? rofl

Colleen, my daughter recently rooted some cuttings of Mona Lavender simply in a glass of water. It only took around a week from memory. She offered them to me but I didn't think I needed them at the time.


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