Last night at about 2AM my next door neighbor called with a very sick very expensive show rabbit. He had just gotten home from a party. The question.... would I take he and the rabbit to a veterinarian we both knew as one of the best in the area? I agreed as I jumpped not to lively into my clothes. At that hour in the AM nothing goes the way it should.

We got there just after 2:30 AM. The veterinarian was a tad sleepy but he was there only because we were both long term supporters of his services. Up on the table the rabbit went. His little legs and paws were barely moving. The vet went over that rabbit with the hands of a gentle expert and declaired an operation or most likely death would be the choices by noon today. My neighbor took a deep breath and did ask how much. Holey cow.......$1200.00 and some small change for at least one overnight stay and the services of anesthesia person to be called in to give the rabbit anesthesia. I did not hear of any special weekend pricing.

The anesthesia was administered in due time. For the first time in my life I got to watch something like this.
The veterinarian had that rabbit open in no time flat. That rabbit laid there as quiet as an old wet wash rag. I could not help wondering if he might take care of me instead of me facing the hospital crooks and theives in the future. He did find something that looked like a fur ball, showed it , smiled and sewed the critter back up. Now as they say in the television advertisements....but wait.
In fact we did wait when an hour later the sombered veterinarian appeared with the horrible news. The rabbit did not come out from under anesthesia. Burial arrangements could be made later or cremation would cost another $1000.00. Now my poor neighbor was working on a $3000.00 trip that rendered a dead rabbit. Indeed a very expensive prize winning show rabbit had just passed on. I did mention to my neighbor that my compost pile would save him a nice pile of money. I knew that would work because I have burried road kill that the pile consumed. He is pondering his choices. I just got awake to find it is about noon. I will let him call me.

There is only one really good thing evolved throughout the early morning hours this morning. Beyond a shadow of a doubt the four of us for the first time in our lives saw our very first and even the veterinarian agreed.....an ether bunny.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

That is a very sad story. I saw the ether bunny once too, and I don't want to see him again!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Har py Ether, doc!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL, Good Laugh, I knew that story was going somewhere just didn't see where till the punch line. LOL

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

doc, do you have a shaggy dog?


I enjoy a good Shaggy Dog offering. I guess you might say there is always a room in my home for a Shaggy Dog.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I thought so! Give me a seat and a well iced glass of real tea and I'll listen. Dad trained us!

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Doc--Good story--pulled my leg. Reminds me of a "Knock, knock?" joke in college that friends were spreading around long ago. It goes like this (I'll never forget it!!):

Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Either who?
Either Bunny.

Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Cargo who?
Cargo putt, putt and run over Either Bunny.

Mineral, VA


But we always finished with

Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Boo Who?
Don't cry, Either bunny be back next year!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)


Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Oh, YEAH!! He will be back!!! LOL!! Thanks for the refresher. I had forgotten that last one.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes, he will come back in another life as a "veteranariam." (tongue in cheek)

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Where did the Shaggy Dogs go? I hope the he didn't run off chasing the bunnies.


In the early days of the settlement of the Eastern States there were many Indian and man conflicts. The Indians were repeatedly pushed further West. At one point in time the Eastern tribes started to bump in to the Mid-Western tribes. One such meeting came about at the end of the Applachian Mountains. Instead of making Indian Wars they made a great fire and proceeded to determine how they could all meet in hiding near the Little Big Horn. Hence the great warriors from the gathering set out as messingers. The longest trip was back into Northwestern Pennsylvania. The best warrior, Rolling Rock, was assigned the duty and off he went leaving first because it was the trip most difficult and the longest.

The project worked, the warm fire was again the site of the best or finest warriors advised by all the chiefs who were first to meld their plans into one final stand. The chiefs did in fact elect to start out for an area yet undeveloped and mostly known only to the Indians just North of the Little Big Horn. The warriors picked up the mission with great excitement.

There was one problem and that was that the great warrior Rolling Rock had not returned to the area. The chiefs gave an edict. All warriors who had returned were to go out generally Northeast. They were to go to the highest lookouts and watch ten day for their missing warrior and then return. All fifty warriors staked out the highest lookouts as instructed for ten days but no lost warrior returned. They all headed home without contacts and help from their Northeastern tribes.

All the tribes were ready to travel to the area of the Little Big Horn where their elders said a great battle would be fought and won by the Indians.

This is getting a bit long but you all know the Indians put a whooping on Yellow Hair the commander that wanted all the glory and arrived a day early. All soldiers were killed in battle. Only one horse survived. That was the commanders horse. The Indians took Yellow Hair's heart back to camp and played lacross with it. Indians at that time considered this action the mark or action of the highest disgrace. The commander was the only soldier not scalped another disgrace. Could that soldier a well know and great commander have been trying to run away from the massacre?

Historians have made many studies. They feel that Rolling Rock may have made it to Latrobe, Pennsylvania and impressed someone. No other reason for naming Rolling Rock has ever been suggested. The final issue in Rolling Rocks honor is still being carried out when every road, with a hill side, from Georgia to Main has a well known sign....."Watch for Rolling Rock.

This message was edited Apr 27, 2009 9:22 PM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)


Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Great story!! I remember hearing something like that before. I think every Girl and Boy Scout know that mountain saga. I couldn't remember the events in such vivid detail that led up to the end. And I think the Indian warrior's name was "Falling Rocks," depending on who was telling the story.


HAR HAR..........Now see here. There is no Falling Rocks Beer. Rolling Rock is the little nip from the glass lined tanks in Latrobe, Pa.

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