blueberry stump sprouts- good for rooting? When cuttings?

Florence, MS(Zone 7b)

How and when do you vegetatively propagate blueberries? Mine have stump sprouts, but they are setting fruit now and I hate to disturb them to see if the sprouts can be separated with roots attached. Several people are asking me for cuttings, but i haven't done cuttings on blueberries before. Should I wait until after harvest? Or when plant is dormant next winter?

Greensburg, PA

My experience is that blueberries are difficult to start from cuttings, but if you go that route, cuttings should be taken in the early spring when the plants are growing rapidly. Separating suckers/root shoots from the plants is the best way (for me) to start new plants and I have not had any problems with the parent plants when doing this. However, I am careful to be gentle both with the new plant and the parent. I have only done this during the spring and summer months.

Florence, MS(Zone 7b)

Thanks Krowten!

Moss Point, MS(Zone 8b)

I've gotten new plants by lifting the "root sprouts". I don't remember what time of year I did this but they did well. Pruning for blueberries is recommended immediately after fruiting in order for full recovery for the following year so I would dig the new plants after fruiting and water regularly so they can establish. Mulch would be a good idea too.

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