Omoshiro at Heronswood

(Zone 5b)

I can't believe these are showing growth already! :)

Should I let them get a foot or so high before pruning back and how often should I continue with the pruning?

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Remember newbie clem collector here. when you say make a cone with the bone meal??? I'm confused can someone draw me a picture,,,, I learn best with pictures....LOL



ps I tried to take a look and there web site show it but no way to order it....

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Janet..A cone of soil or "Mound" inside the planting hole or in this case a pot is the same thing you do with planting bare root roses in your gardens..check out this site for pic
and here is a pic..I just fill the pot about half full and then take my fingers and stick all five fingers/thumb into the pot close to the sides and squeeze the soil to form a pyramid of soil..making it firm..then sprinkle my bonemeal all over the cone and lay the bare root clematis on top and spread the roots over and down the cone..hold in position with one hand and fill the outer edges around the cone with soil..firming the soil as I go till almost up to the top...Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


Thank you so much for that diagram and link.

I joined the American Clematis Society yesterday to find out more about these beautiful plants.


Willis, TX(Zone 8b) are so welcomed'll enjoy ACS....Jeanne

Delaware, OH

Well, for those of you waiting for any heronswood clems. mine arrrived today. scary. the box was smaller than a half a loaf of bread and i had ordered 4 clems (2 pink parasols, 2 omoshiro). glad i was not expecting much for 7.95.

this is what gives clems a bad rap, if someone inexperienced got these and planted them right out .....these liner clems give them reputation as hard to grow.

i immediately opened and when i saw them ("dormant", with a little white/ green show at the top, made a decision on what to do. i mixed one third sand, one third perlite and one third of my special soil mix. i wet the mixture and put it in a large tupperware ( no drain hole) and inserted the clems.
they can hydrate here for a day or two while i decide what pots to put them in. i will plant them out this fall if they are ready.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

and biggest area heronswood is not helping clems with , is that there were NO instructions for clems included. just some general planting instructions which were not correct for clems. that was a surprise to me as under dan hinckley they were the experts perennial experts. really top notch.

Baton Rouge, LA

That top looks like the order I got this fall from another grower who apparently has a great rep normally. Unfortunately, the roots of my fall order looked nothing like that... they were thin and sickly and eventually all died despite my best efforts. I take it this was a bad year for the grower, so I won't mention the name. I'm still waiting for the promised refund from those previous orders... if the refund never comes, then I'll have to post about the experience on Garden Watchdog.

You're right, Guru, that orders like that are extremely discouraging. If I hadn't seen Jeanne's posts with beautiful clems growing in my zone over in Texas, I'd have given up completely due to that very bad experience.

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

Guru, I had a similar experience last week. I was holding off on writing a negative review to see if they do what they promised on the phone. I will put the details in the review, but two of mine were so small that they fit in the palm of my hand. One of mine also had a red tag that said "dormant." Even the liners I've been buying from Lowe's for $6 had better roots than I thought they would. It's worth the extra money (in my opinion) to order from Uncle Greenthumb and from Debbie at Silver Star.

Delaware, OH

these were the tiniest i have ever planted. however, i am happy to be able to have omoshiro, even if it is an embryo.
i stand with my earlier, on another thread, posture......if one of my main sources has a clem i would ONLY order from that source. However if it is a clem i want and can not get from a reputable source i will order it from anywhere.

we will keep the thread and write the story about how they do. having not had such small ones, i see it as kind of a challenge. luckily i wasn't expecting much.....

Richmond Hill, GA

I planted mine on April 11th in one gallon pots with bone meal. All have new growth. I have them on my deck with my rose cuttings. They look good at this point. Jeanne, I should cut back any growth over 10 inches. Correct? I usually pinch back to encourage roots.

Delaware, OH

i will keep the new heronswood clems at 2 leaf nodes (axils) from the bottom for the next 6 weeks or so and then let them grow more only if there are multiple shoots. this "formula" works better for me than inches, as every plant is different. when you see ultiple shoots you can let it go higher.
the size we received form heronswood is the wholesale size (maybe even a littel bigger) that most growers purchase to grow on and sell to wholesale and retail outlets. they will grow well if not flung into the garden.
but most people who order these, would stick them in the ground and a year later be saying "clematis are SO hard to grow. mine disappaeared.....blah blah)

i bought a "clematis midnight showers" at a local nursery yesterday ( i am an addict remember) and came home, added my top dressing to the pot and cut it to about 3 inches) it was about 24 to 32 inches, doubled over.

with the deliveries i have planned this was unnecessary, but probably better than buying shoes or chocolate, no?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I ordered Cassis and Vienetta from Van Bourgondien and received them on 3/31/09 as shown in the photo. Their roots were about 5 to 6'. Within two weeks, in a cool northeast window, they had grown tremendously so I cut each one back and potted them up on their cones covered with bone meal.

Though I was hesitant to order from them it certainly seems the plants are thriving.


Thumbnail by pirl
Delaware, OH

those are huge compared to the heronswood omoshiro and pink parasol i received yesterday.

anyone on this site can take those babies and do well with them with with thoughtful approach and a little luck.
haven't ordered from van bourgondien before.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Pirl..WOW... I am shocked you can get such nicely rooted clematis from "Van Bourgondien"...
And CG said,"i bought a "clematis midnight showers" at a local nursery yesterday ( i am an addict remember) and came home"
That just kills me your Northerners can "just walk in to any nursery" and see clematis for sale...we are stuck with liner plants at Lowe's and Wallyworld..and common ones at that..tsk..tsk..lucky you!!

Delaware, OH

jeanne , not that many varieties at the nurserys however.
we have one nursery that has really well rooted gallons and you have to keep checking for new ones. but they are like rescue clems from the appearance but good roots. i have probably gotten 30 vareites max form local sources. but i always keep checking! and was glad to have midnight showers

i also went on vb and ordered the one pirl got (copy cat me).it is like celtic skies, avante garde and similar types.

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

Here is my order from Heronswood. Fla. Seiboldi is okay, but was 14.95. I didn't receive Omoshiro as ordered, but I'm glad I didn't now. The small ones are Princess Diana and Parasol.

Thumbnail by Sharkey
Delaware, OH

mine are in the wet soil mix hydrating. i will plant them tomorrow in containers, just trying to figure out where to put containers as i have not had clems in containers in years. the tops of them greened up a little, all half inch if it. i think we can make plants of them!

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

I was curious about "midnight showers" and looked it up. It says that it is also known as Warsaw Nike. I purchased two of these (liners) last week at Lowe's. I'm happy to know it's a good choice.

Delaware, OH

yes it should be worthy of garden space. mine is a 2 qt, well rooted for 12.95. in fact over rooted, this place neglects clems and keeps them on in the pots for years. if any of you are in the columbus ohio area the garden center is called STRADERS. there are two locations, the clems are usually from Donahues. sometimes they have them for 6.95, but as over the years i have bought every type they have, i rarely see one i do not have.
i have gotten a lot of clems from them over the years,even duplicates when they are on sale, i feel like i am rescuing the clems.

we can compare notes on warsaw nike, sharley!!! midnight showers a prettier name i must admit!

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

I'm quite sure you will see blooms before I do since yours was a 2-qt. plant. Tallahassee Nursery says that their clems won't be here for several more weeks but that they will be 2-gallon containers. They have a couple from last yr. and are holding a Comtesse de Bouchaud for me until I can get over there. Can't wait until the rest of them arrive. I'll be taking my 1-yr. old granddaughter home in Tally tomorrow and will, of course, visit the nursery. Most of their plants are over priced, but if the clems are really 2-gallon for $15, that's good compared to a few I've ordered lately. Most of my favorite nurseries don't even sell clems.

A recent newsletter from ACS features Etoile Violette and highly recommends it. If you were to choose between this one and Polish Spirit, which would you select?

Delaware, OH

if you need fastest coverage of a structure or fence, go with polish spirit. as a collector and clem gourmet go with etoile violette. you will end up with both eventually i am sure.


Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Clematis "Etoile Violette" is a truly wonderful pruning group 3..Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
(Zone 4a)

I have EV that I planted last fall and she did wondefully for me in the first year....she was covered in blooms even though I cut her back when I first planted her....that goes to show how fast she grew for me!

Delaware, OH

dawn, you guys get the most out of your season for sure up there. tell me,when do the clems go dormant? i have had blooms thru thanksgiving here before, but usually finished by first week nov.
i try and keep up a weekly deep watering thru thanksgiving. the late season deep watering really helps the overall annual results with the clems for me.

when does this seasonal change happen in your zone?

Delaware, OH

planted my baby omoshiro and pink parasol roots today they had been holding in the perlite, sand and soil mixture since arrival. they are in huge thick pots for the season to see if we can get some size on the little nothings. they each had come up pale green, about an inch each, while in the holding mixture and hardened off as they were on a sheltered porch outside.
tonight they are in the BIG pots, 2 ft and 3 ft across where they will reside for awhile.

for those of us that bought omoshiro form Heronswood, lets compare notes on how they do. little roots like this is why folks give up on clems, unfortunately.

Richmond Hill, GA

Mine all have growth about 3 to 4 inches. I'm going to let them get a little bigger and than start pinching them back in about a week or so. I'll try to post a picture this weekend.

(Zone 4a)

Guru depending on what the fall is like.....really determines when things go dormant I suppose.....I know my Polish Spirit still had blooms by the end of October this year. I can't say I have really kept track of it all. I really should this year though. However I must say I am pretty much done "my" gardening by the 1st or 2nd week of October....some plants will remain looking good for a while after that though. Yes our growing season might be shorter but I sure do take advantage of what we do have.

Frisco, TX

I am happy with the 2 week growth.

Thumbnail by friscoflora
Delaware, OH

right now mine look like your photos from april 10. but we are re colder here, and they were on a sheltered porch til yesterday late afternoon when i put them out in the big pots. little sun in the holding mixture for 10 days or so since receipt of them. last night temps stayed in 50's for first time, night before we were 37 degrees. but they are out now, and i will match progress to your shots, great shots with dates etc frisco.....

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

You people (ya'll, as we say here) must have ordered Omoshiro just in time. When I ordered, they were sold out. I'm on the waiting list at Brushwood for it, however. Hopefully, it won't be an "embryo" like a couple I received from another source recently.

Delaware, OH

they will be embryos , so get your incubator ready. hopefully we can make plants out of them!! omoshiro is worth the risk, not sure about pink parasol, the other one i bought. i got 2 of each to mitigate the risk factor with the tiny roots.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Your two week growth is great!!

(Zone 5b)

It's been 4 weeks now and here is Parasol.
Buds were appearing and I was curious if it would be the real thing so I went ahead and left them but now it is time to snip.

I need to take updated pix of them all because the growth is good on all of them.

Anyone else want to share?

Thumbnail by BonnieIN
Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

I just got my Omoshiro last week. Very, very, very tiny yet, but I potted it up and I see green!

Edited to say I potted it up, not planted it :)

This message was edited May 8, 2009 1:39 PM

Delaware, OH

mine are about 4 inches high, but i have pinched them back , hard twice. they are doing ok.

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

I'm still waiting for Heronswood to re-stock on Omoshiro. I emailed Brushwood to see when they would have them and Dan responded. He said next year. I guess I need to check Heronswood again. My Parasol, which came to me as an embryo, actually has growth now, but I won't see blooms till next year, I'm sure.

This message was edited May 8, 2009 2:28 PM

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Sharkey, I had placed my order in early April, but due to our weather it wasn't shipped until now. So they may still be out. I'm sure mine won't bloom this year either.

Richmond Hill, GA

Just checking in to report I planted my 2 Omoshiro's today with my other one that I bought a year ago. When I took both out of their pots I am pleased to report they were full of roots. Both have been on my deck potted in one gallon pots all spring. One of my three did not survive. It died a few weeks after potting. Not sure why but it was the smallest root stock sent. I have all three on a wire trellis attached on the back of the house. All of my wire trellis's attached to the house originally had climbing roses on them. Saw this on the Arizona rose society website and loved the look. However I failed to realize that the house pictured was a two store house not a one story like mine. All the roses grew like crazy and grew right up to the top of the eves of the house and than had no where to grow because of the roof overhang. Needless to say I've spent all fall digging them up and replanting them on my wooden fence. Oh well now I'll have a wall of clematis instead of clematis and roses together. I am keeping one climber on the failed wall trellis's. Yellow Blaze doesn't seem to grow quite as tall as the others. Posting a picture so you can see what I'm referring too.

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA

Another picture of the failed wall trellis's. I really hated to move the roses but once they hit the roof eves they had no where to go and several tried to grow into the air vents under the eves.

Thumbnail by cattjovi

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