Omoshiro at Heronswood

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Heronswood has Omoshiro for sale! I'm so excited! It's only $7.95 so I'm not sure how big it will be, but I figure I can nurse it along this year.

(Zone 4a)

Well I would say that is a good buy for such a pretty clematis! I love the look of that one even though I don't have her myself.....

Delaware, OH

also check out clematis "Pink Parasol" on heronswood. i think we can expect small plants...heronswood was bought from the original owners by burpee a few years ago and is much more commerical i am sure by the price of these clems.

i will grow them on in pots for the summer if they are what i am expecting them to be.

thanks for the alert.


Someone told me.........the first year they sleep, the second year they creep and the third year they leap. Be patient.

Delaware, OH

that is very true docgipe. however, very small liners going out in the garden frequently take a permanent sleep in year one and never get to creep or leap!. many many clems are shipped too small to go out and survivie. many comments about that on various threads.

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Yes, I expect them to be quite small too. But I've wanted this one for a long time so am willing to give it extra TLC for a year.

Delaware, OH

i agree. i ordered 2 omoshiro and 2 pink parasol.
i am wait listed else where for omoshiro , but i too really want this clem. when they are small and not $$ i order 2 in case 1 dies, or at least i get more action than planting one.

(Zone 5b)

Ohhh ahh... both Omoshiro and Pink Parasol are just beautiful!

(Zone 5b)

This won't help those that have already placed an order but I ran into this...
$10 off $50 order
Use coupon 10G at checkout
Expires May 1, 2009

Delaware, OH

cool. i looked for coupons but didn't see any. anyway even with 2 of each, it was less than 50$. shipping wasn't too steep.
nice of you to post. maybe we should start a thread with coupon codes and use it for nothing else???? i do not have any or i would do this.

(Zone 5b)

I googled and ran into that before I finalized my order.

At first my total only came to $35 before shipping so after I found the coupon code I went ahead and ordered two more of the sale price clematis, so basically got two more clematis for alittle less than $6 more! :)

It would be nice if we could have a place to put sales (esp. online purchases) and coupons!

Danville, IN

I think a special forum devoted to just coupons available and special discounts would be a tremendous service to DG subscribers! How do we go about trying to get one started? It would be great with the current recession, but a help anytime.


HoosierGreen..........good idea. I will start a thread. A sticky would not be good because most coupons and special discounts are good for a short period of time.

Delaware, OH

regarding heronswood. i noticed that heronsood did not have any parentage info or info regarding who had raised the clem on their info area. i e mailed asking for this info, if i get it will share. i ordered pink parasol, couldn't resist, but i like to know the parentage. sometimes it sets you up to know what to expect. lanuginosa background, prone to wilt. vitacella, might be vigorous. patens, probably a larger flower than average. etc etc.

COTW does not have pink parasol listed.
omoshiro is fully documented on COTW, but little on heronswood site. i like the fact that omoshiro in japanese means both "white background" and "playful".

nowadays we are sometimes looking up the parentage of the parentage with so many new cultivars on the market.

pink parasol reminds me of a clem i have called pink cameo that i rarely see mentioned anywhere. looking forward to it!

Hammond, LA(Zone 8b)

Please let us know how they turn out!

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Thanks for sharing that info! Pink parasol is really pretty too. Will be interesting to see pictures of it compared to your Pink Cameo.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks for enabling me! I'm headed over to Heronswood to check out their Clematis!

Delaware, OH

something or someone is enabling my addiction for sure...went crazy on the joy creek site last night. i ordered from them last year and all but one have made their 09 appearance with green shoots. put in odoriba, wadas primrose, pamela recta, and several others from them last year. they have a great selection. the only one not up yet is flammula,which i understand to be tricky and i am hoping and optimistic it comes up.
they have more species and close to species clems than anyone and the best japaneses selection too i am trying to collect as many species types in homage to the past and the evolution of the genus. they take up more room and have a different kind of beauty for sure. but i apppreciate them.

(Zone 5b)

Just received order confirmation that my order has been shipped from Heronswood.

I'm expecting small plants but hopefully they will be healthy.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

WOW! That was fast, Bonnie!

I'm sure that they will be small plants with an immature root system, but potting them up for several months will help them to grow. Don't forget to add bone meal to your planting mixture. It will help to stimulate root growth.

Now, I'm waiting for my order confirmation number.....tap, tap, tapping my fingers.

(Zone 5b)

Yes it was fast Shirley, I'm surprised.
I can deal with small as long as they are healthy starts so hopefully they won't be dried up sticks which I have received in the past! :(

Anyone else get their order yet?

And Thanks Shirley.. won't forget the bone meal.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

How exciting.please take pics so we can see what theirs look like...Jeanne

Richmond Hill, GA

Bonnie, I ordered 3 which are due to arrive tomorrow. I'm a little skeptible since they were sold to Burpee a few years ago and the feedback on Dave's is all negatives since they were bought out. Heronswood use to send beautiful plants so I guess we shall see tomorrow. Jeanne my Omoshiro continues to wilt. I thought it had come back strong this year but after reaching about 4 inches it wilted again after a lot of rain last weekend, I'm going to cut it back to round level tomorrow, When I received it it was a very young plant and not many roots at all.

This message was edited Apr 9, 2009 9:17 PM

This message was edited Apr 9, 2009 10:32 PM

Delaware, OH

i think i asked for early may or end april delivery from heronswood on ooshiro and pink parpasol . hope so.
heronswood with out dan hinckley and partner would have to be changed. more commercial, profitable and practical...and well, smaller plants i am sure.

omoshiro being someone who needs coddled due to size and nature will not surprise me.that is one reason i ordered two of each. but, as with everyone else , fingers crossed and ready for the newborn....

(Zone 4a)

Fingers crossed here for you Guru!! And anyone else who ordered there as well.....

Just FYI, is a website that has coupon codes for a large selection of companies.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b) "Omoshiro" sooooo far ( I dare not brag for hasn't wilted ..this is year 2..this one is so gorgeous and I wanting to get me another one so badly...

Frisco, TX

I fell in love with the pictures of Omoshiro that Jeanne posted and ordered one from Hersonswood on April first. It arrived today. It appears small but healthy.

Thumbnail by friscoflora
(Zone 5b)

It is small Frisco but truthfully I didn't expect that many roots.. Are you putting it in a gallon pot or should the pot be alittle smaller than gallon size?

Good luck with it!

Frisco, TX

Probably a quart sized pot. Right now I have it wrapped in a damp paper towel until I can get to the store and get some more potting soil. I was really surprised that they got it to me so fast and was not prepared.

(Zone 5b)

Mine just arrived and I will say that they are tiny but in the past I have received worse.
Luckily because of you folks I know not to plant these directly in the garden now so these are getting potted up.

Clematis 'Omoshiro'
Clematis 'Parasol'
Clematis 'Asao'
Clematis 'Kakio'
Clematis 'Kiri Te Kanawa'

Keeping my fingers and toes crossed that these will turn into beauties!

Thumbnail by BonnieIN
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

WOW..those roots aren't too bad..remember to make a cone of soil with some bonemeal sprinkled onto the cone and soil and spread the roots over the cone and fill with soil..I would use a one gallon on those...pack the soil tight making sure it is planted with the axil in the soil and keep moist..I'd dig a hole and drop the pots in if it were me..those look good enough for a try...thanks for sharing...Jeanne

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Your baby Clems have some nice looking roots, Bonnie! Do as JeanneTX instructs and before you know it you'll have a fully developed root system, lots of vines and hopefully some gorgeous flowers to share with us.

I received my partial order from Heronswood Nursery yesterday. To my great surprise, only Clematis "Parasol" and "Scartho Gem" were included. Where was "Omoshiro"????? Needless to say, I was upset! I'm soaking "Parasol" and "Scartho Gem" in water today and tonight I'm going to pot them up into 1 gallon containers. Yes, these size containers are a bit big right now, but I don't want to have to re-pot them in the future.

I called Heronswood Nursery and they are checking on my "Omoshiro". They are suppose to get back to me and let me know what happened. It doesn't give any update as to the status of this particular one on their website. Nor was it showing up on the customer service computer that it was sold out. Ggggrrrr! I would really like to know why I didn't receive it!

(Zone 5b)

Thanks Jeanne for the tips because I would have just put the bone meal directly in the soil itself instead of making a cone first.
I'm going to place the pots in the ground then mulch over top because I think that will help alot during the summer months from them drying out and temps too hot.

Sorry to hear about you not receiving your 'Omoshiro' Shirley, let us know if you get it.
Mine are now soaking in my kitchen windowsill, raining and yucky outside today but tomorrow is supposed to be cool but a nice sunny day so I'll get them potted tomorrow.

I ordered two of Euphorbia 'Fireglow' but they are still in the bags which the bag itself looks fairly decent size so hopefully when I take them out tomorrow they will be okay.

Good Luck all, guess we should have a contest who gets blooms first! :)

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Hey Bonnie..Glad Shirl mentioned soaking the roots first..I left that out..what would I do without my friend?!,...I gotta say girls..I am seriously thinking of ordering that "Parasol"..yikes like I need another clematis..I got 6 in pots right now I am trying to find a place to plant..LOL..Jeanne

(Zone 5b)

Jeanne luckily I did know to soak the roots, but only from reading past posts from all of you!

Hey, one always has room for just ONE more, LOL.

Delaware, OH

always room for more clems!


You ladies are teaching this old dog some new tricks. Until reading this thread I would never have even considered starting with itsy bits of plants like that. I'm sure you will have great fun being Clematis Nurses for a couple of years.

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

I also ordered from Heronswood. I just received notification that my order was shipped, but Omoshiro was not listed. Since it's too late to call them, I sent an e-mail to find out if it will be in stock soon. I also ordered Parasol, Fla. Seiboldii, and another Princess Diana. (Should be receiving a larger Princess tomorrow from Silver Star.) I may have to look for Omoshiro somewhere else.

Delaware, OH

sharkey wait list for omoshiro at brushwood

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