Mini Carnation Co-op going on now...

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a) - yummy looovvve the smell of carnations...never knew they were hardy!!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Have you seen the shipping for that coop? $11 for 1-3 plants. That's more than the cost of the plant per plant and brings the total cost per plant to almost $7.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I know...but I can't resist...I love the spicy scent of carnations...and honestly I'd not seen them offered elsewhere. The shipping actually sounds right given the size of the plants - not cheap, I know...but the plants are good sizes

This message was edited Apr 3, 2009 11:05 PM

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I can understand if they're large plants.

Springtime, the garden center in Front Royal where you got your stocks, always has them in their perennials. Last time I was there, all their perennials were $1.19 and $1 each if you bought a flat of 18.

Mac's Greenhouse over in Woodstock always has them too. Be glad to pick you up some when they get their perennials in.

I love the scent of carnations too, although some nowadays don't have much fragrance. I used to have some in my old garden that were coral pink that had the strongest scent of any carnation I've ever seen. Might want to look for those in the coop plants. They were minis, the flowers were only about an inch or two across.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Seriously??? You get the best stuff up there, Diane!!! I've never seen them at any nursery!! Now I'm 2nd guessing whether to order or not...ugh

Shenandoah Valley, VA

That's probably because they grow well up here in the alkaline soil and not so well out your way in the acid soil.

If you're going to pay that much, make sure they are scented because a lot of them now have little or no scent at all.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ok...Becky and I have decided to bow out of the co-op. Thank you Diane for letting me know about the ones up your way!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I'll be glad to pick some up for you all when they get their perennials in.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Diane - you're the best!!! Thank you SO much...I always appreciate your kindness and how you look out for others!! Who knows...maybe Becky and i will venture up there...LOL...but if just let me know when you're visiting your mom and I'll meet ya with your boy in tow if you're up to it then.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Now that sounds like a plan! I could do with some Makwa kisses. Or if you all want to trek up here, call Springtime and let her know you're looking for carnations and she'll make sure she has some for you. She's really nice about that. Meanwhile, I'll keep an eye out for the plants at Mac's.

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