Coleus Chatters thru April 8th...

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)


I will keep you in mind when I shop - we have a local guy who offers it in 1 1/2 inch pots for $2-3. His name is Don Woodham and he has concession stands at the local supermarkets - those little areas that offer seasonal plants like potted mums, bromileads in bloom, hanging baskets of ivy, etc. He has them every summer and I have bought them a couple times. Campanula always dies in the heat of summer - it is a plant for cooler climates.

un-named coleus>

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
OSLO, Norway

hi everyone!
I have not been here for a few days. I am a florist, so I had to make 42 decorations for a wedding . that kept me quite busy lots of hours this week. The snow has left Norway, and its rainy spring weather to day, yesterday is was warm sunshine! My coleus are growing,and I will put them in larger pots. I have more "babies" coming .

This is a picture of the arrangements I made 42 of.The bride wanted it only black, red, and silver!
So I had to do that.


Thumbnail by seedyorf
Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Shew, now I know that I really am a blond! And all the while I thought everyone on this thread was busy with cooking or planting or shopping. LOL I got an email from Kell this morning and had no idea what she was talking about. She was directing me to this thread....

I was on DG on Sat & Sun and didn't see this thread in my updated/watched threads so I thought everyone was busy. Little did I know that I had 'unwatched' the thread. I have such a bad habit of that, after reading a thread I click on 'watch' and then after I'm watching a thread I guess I must click on 'watch' again but really I'm clicking 'unwatch'.

LOL I am not drunk, did anyone understand any of that?

GOOD MORNING! Kell, you know I still love my Kelley girl, tactless or not~! LOL And those lime green coleus are Wizard series and I think they are called Golden Sun So what did your Lowes have that was so spectacular?

Did everyone have a wonderful Easter? It rained all day & night here and we didn't do anything. Nan postponed Easter dinner until next Sunday. Which was fine with me as I needed to work anyway. And maybe the weather will be pretty next Sunday and I can plant a few things at her house. Maybe there is a method to her madness?????

Juanita, I will have to find a decent pic of Zoie to post. It seems that her blue eyes always look red in every pic I take of her. Give me a bit to look for one.

Juanita, I've not tried your version of the punch but I will soon. I just need to get some small bottles of champagne. In case anyone missed it, here is the punch recipe that is so gooooooOOOOD

Teresa, now I remember sending you coleus last year. I kept thinking that your name sounded familiar but couldn't put my finger on it. Give me a few weeks and make sure you dmail me to remind me and I'll get some to you.

ge, my RD coleus ship to me on the 27th. I'm not too sure why I picked that date as it seems so late to me. I guess my thinking was that I would be ahead of the game at that point and would be ready for them. Ha... not gonna happen, I'm not even sure what 'ahead of the game' is anymore.

Our sweet Pheadra has been without a phone line for awhile now, that is why we haven't seen her posting. She got it back last week and I'm guessing that it's out again. Poor girl.. we miss you Pheadra!

I did the unthinkable and stopped at HD last week... and Allan was even with me. LOL They had a huge display of Henna coleus and I grabbed one. That was the day that the wind was blowing a million miles an hour so I didn't stay long. They also had another coleus in the display, even though it said it was henna, I knew it was something else but didn't know what. So I came home and finally found that it was Indian Summer. Of course, that is all I could think about so on Saturday I ran over to a different HD to get it. Well, as my luck would have it... they didn't have one single coleus so I came home. A few hours later I decided to go back to the orginal HD to get Indian Summer. When I got there, they still had a few left but as I was looking at them I decided that they must have some kind of virus, so I didn't get any. After I got home I realized that they didn't have a virus, that it was because of the high winds we had. I am such a dummy sometimes. Now I need to make another trip over there cuz I really need that coleus.

Gotta take Braden to school! Have a beautiful day...

Portland, TX(Zone 9a)

Hey Brinda I bought Indian Summer this weekend. It's pretty isn't it. I love it. If you don't make it to HD, I'll be sure to send you a cutting of it later. Busy for now so will return later . . . .


Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Hi Patty, where have you been? I've been thinking about you and was getting ready to send you a dmail to see what was up. Are you having fun in the garden? I bet being in zone 9a is glorious... man I need to move south!!!! Thanks for thinking of me on Indian Summer, I'll let you know.

seedy, I wrote all that above and didn't even mention that beautiful corsage. Wow, you're most talented!! So pretty!

Juanita, Here is Zoie in her favorite place during the summer. This is her morning ritual and she loves it. We go out early every morning and she runs around the pool 3 times and then up the ladder she goes. I swear that cat can count. LOL

Thumbnail by Brinda
OSLO, Norway

I have to show you my coleus that comes true from seeds. I have a green leaves with the same growing habit to
I am not sure if a coleus named beauty of Lyon is the same ?


Thumbnail by seedyorf
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

love that!

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Seedy, black and silver wouldn't be my choice to go with roses (probably not yours either), but what you did with the colors is gorgeous!

I'm patiently awaiting warmer weather so I can start planting in earnest. All my coleus are a distant memory now, and my RD order just a dream. Fortunately I have a few perennials to plant today. That'll take care of my craving for awhile.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks Dale. I bet wizard since they have it in 6 packs. Wizard ones seems to be the one so many big stores carry. I thought Pineapple had black in it.............. maybe it is pineapple something........

Does it grow well? I just love that color. Sue needs some for sure. I may put them with orange impatiens.

Ge1836, what am I missing? You need help? That campanula was wholesale and you had to buy a whole flat and it was still expensive. Those were on the half off area and they still wanted $30 for that flat.

Oh Seedy I want your job! I would be in heaven. Sunday we had brunch at a big hotel and they had a beautiful bouquet in the foyer. It had huge sprays of this tulip tree. I was in love. Again. Beautiful rose sprays you made!

Juanita, Brin tried to get me to butcher your recipe with Asti Spumante. Remember those commercials years ago. LOL I tried to set her straight but as we all know Brin likes to be crooked. LOL

Brin you are so smart and so is Dale though where did you get Golden Sun the link you supplied says Wizard Golden. Please do not tell Allan what I said for he will not move in with me to fix my house. Is that why he was coming? It had 60 inch rose trees for $35 among other good things. I love your red umbrella.

Beautiful pic Seedy. Makes me want that one! I have the name but can't look right now. If no one tells you I will look later. There are 2 that are similar.


Thumbnail by Kell
Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

LOL Kell, here in Oklahoma Asti Spumante is the good stuff. What should I use???

Seedy, that pic looks like Beauty of Lyon that I had last year. I'll look for a pic.

Oh Kell, Allan is in love with you, he just doesn't know it yet! But I must warn you, he does feel sorry for Tom! LOL

I do not know why I said Golden Sun, that is just what I have always called it. I'm sure I read it somewhere because I'm not smart enough to come up with it on my own.

And that red umbrella is in the bottom of the pool now. After we had such high winds and that huge hail storm back in February that is where it ended up. Why 'we' didn't put it away is beyond me but 'we' have such a habit of doing things like that. I went to the pool store last week to look at new pool liners as the hail tore up the one that is in it now. We're looked at patterns all weekend and can't make a decision so I am going back over there and making 'my decision'! LOL Won't Allan be happy with me?

Well Kell, what in the world is that flower you posted? That is just so neat. And I really think I need one... or two... or ten! What is it?????

I should be working today but I can't get my face out of the monitor, way too many pretty things to look at.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I must get off and put garlic on my lamb and then I am off for the day with another Daver. What fun I have.

Floyd, VA(Zone 6b)

Brinda, thanks so much for posting a picture of Zoie. Brings back fond memories of our "Balthazar."


OSLO, Norway

Hi Revclaus!
You are right,- its not my choice of colors, but as a florist I have to be able to make what my customer wants. When they are happy I am happy too! the picture is more what I like. I love to use different green when I make arrangements.

Kell that liriodendron picture is really beautiful -I would like to have one, but they probably wont grow where I live!!

Thanks for kind words,and welcoming to the group.

Brinda - I found pictures of my coleus first this year(beauty of lyon look a lot like mine). in many years I grow it and made seeds of the best plants. now it comes true from seeds. It was a single plant that popped up back in 97. My plants are very orange in the middle in the summer.


Thumbnail by seedyorf
OSLO, Norway

I send a picture of the green/ brown I have with the same growth as the orange green!
do any of you know if it is out there with a name?


Thumbnail by seedyorf
Midwest City, OK(Zone 7b)

Seedy, I'm not good at identifying, I'm sure someone else will jump in soon.

My mail just came though....Yippeee!!!

Thumbnail by merpeg
(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Seedy, that's more like it! That's gorgeous!!

Interesting green/brown coleus. I don't think I've ever seen it.

OSLO, Norway

hi merpeg!
What a good selection of coleus. Is it named cuttings?

Here is another one that I got last year from seeds . I have never seen it elsewhere have any of you seen it ?.


Thumbnail by seedyorf
FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

OOHH!! I like that one Seedy!


OSLO, Norway

Hi Juanita!
Glad you liked it. Now it is daytime in my part of the world ,may be some of you in USA is sleeping at the moment!!
I can show you another I got last year as well. I have not seen these kind of leaves before,but there so many different leaves types to(37 different written in the first coleus book)

Have you grown coleus for many years? Are you able to bye the cutting type named ones where you live?


Thumbnail by seedyorf
Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Peg, aren't you so excited??? I love them all!

seedy, that's a beauty! Wonder what the name is?

I got an email to start a new thread. So sorry Patty that I have forgotten it.

New thread over here...

Stockholm, Sweden

woow, it's NYDELIG (=eng. PRETTY)! now I will have to come over to Norway soon and collect some cuttings....LOL. (And bring some, of course!)

Gotta run outside, we are having sunny spring weather and my planting beds need some serious caretaking/cleaning!


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