Theme - Spring Flowers

london England, United Kingdom

I go to a flower club once a month. We have a guest floral demonstrator, they usually make six arrangements on stage. This month her theme was 'creative colours'

They have competition themes open to club members which is judged by the demonstrator according to NAFAS rules.

'Spring Flowers' is the theme for this month. All arrangements are made using floral foam and natural plant material, accessories are allowed!

The 'arranger' for this month is called Margot Cooper..
The first arrangement is a 'frame' made with coloured wires and wool. This was used as a backdrop for the spring flowers in foam and a hand tie of daffodils in a vase.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

2 Little chairs ...

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Unusual coloured roses and gerberas.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Tall arrangements using flax leaves to partly cover pink floral foam. Protea, Hypericum and giant tulips.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Lilies, Aspidistra leaves folded and pinned.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

A balck and white arrangement here! ..... Orchids and sticks...

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

I didn't manage to get a picture of her final arrangement.
I liked the first one best and it looked fun to make!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

'Spring Flowers'

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

The other end!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Hyacinths and Tulips with garden foliage.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Daffodils and Iris .... the judge said this one lost marks because when using a white container, you should have white plant material in it.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

All the flowers were picked from the garden ,except for the tulips on this one....

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

A spring container, some of the Hyacinth flowers were wired together.....

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Spring Jug... this is mine and I lost a point for using summer flowering Liatrus, which is NOT a spring flower .. LoL!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Tulips and bunny rabbits!

Thats all folks!! Please add your 'Spring Flowers' arrangements.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Lovely photos, Terri. Thanks for sharing them. Summer or not, that liatrus looks great with your color scheme.

In the roses and gerbera on a chair arrangement, what is that fine, multi-florets, maroon color plant that is used like a filler? i don't recognize it. And lastly, how long do the arrangements that are made using floral foam last?

Christchurch, New Zealand

they were great terri,
loved the colours in yours.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Dianne, I think she said it was called Trachelium.
Arrangements in foam usually last about a week, but it can vary depending on the care and conditioning of the flowers done before the arrangement is made. They need to be watered everyday!
It's a shame you can't see all the flowers how they really were, it is always so dark in the hall.
Here's a picture of mine in the garden, it looks better in the sunshine . LoL!

Hi Teresa, Glad you enjoyed them and Thank you!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Well I liked yours as well liatris or not. And so while the judge is at it, are roses considered "spring" flowers? Not in my zone!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

According to the judge guess I should have used red flowers or some sort in a red vase? Oh well, didn't LOL

Thumbnail by haighr
london England, United Kingdom

LoL! Candee, the judges do whatever they want! Thanks, glad you liked it.

Thank you for adding your spring flowers, how lovely! It's so nice to see your flowers are coming back.
Is that a new vase you've been hiding? I don't think it applies to all coloured vases, just white because it stands out so much. Besides you have little redish buds which link with the vase beautifully!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Not new just been sitting around! thanks.

london England, United Kingdom

Please bring it to the cafe'!! I bet it smells wonderful with the Hyacinths.
The daffs are so beautifully arranged, were they difficult to get into the floral foam?

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Love your spring arrangement, Candee. Yes, by all means, bring it to the cafe.
Lucky you to have such a large yard!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

No floral foam Terri, I used scotch tape across the top of the vase in a tic tac toe pattern to keep them steady this time. Yes those hyacinths do smell yummy!
Thanks Dianne, sometimes I think my back would feel that less is better LOL!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh my, a wonderful FLOWER SHOW terri! Awesome! Sure wish we all had "smell-o-vision"! YUMMY!

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks Blossom! It did smell fabulous in the hall!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Sa rrright Mate!

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

I love the liatrus arrangement - I think it's my favorite of the group. Altho they are all nice. I did 3 today. The two in the vases are quite small actually. One vase is maybe 3 inches and the other 4.5 inches. When I added up how much I would have to charge for these, it was astounding. Like over $60 for the small with the white tulips and hyacinth, over $75 for the yellow tulips and white star of bethlehem, and over $100 for the roses!!!!! LOL I need to pay better attention to the cost of flowers. Those fringe tulips are way too costly, at least for my area. People here don't spend that kind of money on small arrangements.

They are very pretty in my house, tho!

This message was edited Apr 7, 2009 12:24 AM

Thumbnail by Gwendalou
Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

I also like the hyacinth and white tulip arrangment. And I'm wondering how those yellow tulips are standing up so straight in the tulips and bunny arrangement! I had a heck of a time with the white and pink fringe tulips in this rose and tulip bunny arrangement. It's in foam. I should have done the grid. I always forget about that option!

I love that you have this flower club! We do arrangements as part of two garden clubs I'm in. Some of the older ladies are real sticklers for the old rules. Both clubs are still doing what I refer to as the hogwart's curve. LOL I have heard the white vase rule before via people being knicked points for not having white flowers in their white vase arrangements. I've actually never taken in an arrangement. Too much work to get it there in one piece only to have it cut down by picyune (sp?) judgers who don't really know what they're talking about half the time.

I volunteered to work on the 'handbook' in one club so that I could redo the way they outline the arrangements for each month! It's fine to have rules to follow but in flower arranging, part of being a good arranger is knowing when to break the rules for interest. I don't think garden clubs need to stick to those old lady rules so much. Probably in a 'flower club' you are required to really stick to the rules, eh? We always have a 'designer's choice' in both of my garden clubs and I strongly feel that one should be allowed to get a little creative in a designer's choice arrangement.

Thumbnail by Gwendalou
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Gwen, Thank you! Glad you like the flower club, next month the theme is ' May Day'.
Your spring flower arrangements are lovely and fresh looking. I like your bunny container with the tulips and roses, great shape! I'm always amaised how expensive flowers are over there!! You can get a nice bunch over here, cheaper than a pint of beer!
I know what you mean about the flower club ladies LoL!! I overheard one of the older ones saying to her friend, ' she shouldn't get anything for that' talking about my arrangement. I don't think they have made anything for 30 years themselves!!! That kind of attitude puts younger arrangers off and I agree with you about having a more creative approach if they want to attract new members.
Travelling with an arrangement in the car is difficult, I have to make it in a sturdy container even then the stems wobble and holes in the foam get bigger!!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

You may want to leave some of the final details out of your arrangement before traveling with it to the shows. When we did the world flower shows when I was young, as I recall, we would lay out the arrangement at home and put the arrangement together at the show so traveling was not making it a problem. We would practice at home making the same arrangement but always final details were made at the show. It was never take it out of the box and put it up for display. Taking them home though, yes, we took them home as made. Bur assembled the final arrangement at the show. Been so long since I have done any flower shows. I do not belong to any garden club here. I am not really into shows any more. But do love to look to get fresh ideas. Love Daves and everyone here, all have great ideas and experiences to share!

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

We were talking last night about the price of flowers here versus Europe and elsewhere. They had mentioned to us at the beginning of the course how people in other countries would pick up flowers on their way home to dinner along with bread, wine, etc. It was a common practice. And how the flower industry here wanted to get that mindset going here in the U.S.

Last night I brought up (after falling out of my chair after I costed out my arrangements) that that would never become an accepted practice here because what florists here charged was too much. I said the way to go about it was to lower the cost of cut flowers (I think arrangements should cost a bit more) and get people used to having them and then we could slowly sneak the costs up!

U.S. companies seem to overcharge on just about everything, imo. The west coast seems to be the worst. At one time NY was the most expensive place but I don't think that's true anymore. From what I've seen, the west coast, esp the bay area, is just the worst. Here in the PNW fresh farm eggs are now going for $5 a dozen. And this is at the farmer's markets!!!!!

Stores seem to think that they'd rather do less work (sell fewer items) for more money than more work for the same amount. While I don't think people should undervalue their products or services, I think things have gotten out of hand here. $18 for 5 stems of tulips? Come on! Even from my cheapest supplier, the cost would be $10.50 retail and that's too much.

Before I went into biz for myself and was able to get flowers wholesale, I knew all the places where I could get great flowers reasonably. I would buy whatever looked good and was in season, therefore reasonable. Now that I can buy wholesale, would you believe I can get the same flowers cheaper retail sometimes!!!! Because some of the bigger places get a much better wholesale price than I do. (Not fair!!!)

Just curious - how much would you guys pay for a bunch of 5 tulips?

london England, United Kingdom

Blossom, there isn't an opportunity to fix the arrangement when we get there. The table is already prepared for the arrangements to sit on. It would be good to do the finishing touches in the hall, as you suggested.

Tulips are usually about £1.99 for 5 or £3.00 for 10.
There are some prices on the florist flowers thread here ...
I love shopping for flowers, but I'm trying to cut down LOL Hopefully I will be cutting them from the garden soon!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Aww, well darn terri that stinks, but hmm suggestions for could take saran wrap and a tall box.. make airy puffs of the plastic wrap to cushion it in the box. Use it like popcorn packing, but in bigger puffs. Putting the puffs about the flowers and having the container secure first in the box. That could hold some of the vibration off on the traveling. Do not fill full with water to travel. Care in unwrapping essential.

They do have specialty boxes like what FTD uses to hold the containers in their place. But then you are not talking repo arrangements you are traveling with uniques. So what are your helpful hints mate?

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Gwen - my sentiments exactly on the cost of flowers. The fact that i did not want to have to spend that kind of money on flowers was the main motivator for me to grow as many different kinds of cut flowers with bloom periods spread throughout the year so that I will have something all the time. I am lucky enough to live in a zone that almost allows me to do that. The down side is that my kids stopped buying me flowers years ago because they said that I have so many in the yard. I did get a bouquet the other day from the two Danish visitors that I helped out with their soil sampling.

Terri - great that you get good bargains in the UK.

Blossom - sounds like you have lots of practice transporting arrangements from place to place. The flowers that I bring to work (the ones that I normally show in the yard to vase series) are the "stick flowers in a vase" genre. LoL. But, I get to enjoy all the more creative and formal arrangements from all the rest of you in this group provide.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, actually my specuialty is drieds and silks... I am a stickit in a vase person myself when it comes to fresh.

I have taken a certified course for floristry and years back a hort class back in vocational training and technically would be a certified florist by that and have done them. I always wanted my own floral shop, but that aint gonna happen.

I did some flowershows as a kid, but that was eons ago and that was the only transporting back then.

I play when I can though.. Right now my garden as you know is specializing in nuisance ducks and growing under water when it aint snowing!! LOL!

london England, United Kingdom

Well Blossom, I don't have any handy hints for transporting, but you have some good ideas there!
I usually have the arrangement on my knee for 45 minutes in my friends car. LoL!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone. It was the flower club the other night. I was in such a rush getting home from work and quickly making an arrangement, I forgot to take my camera. Sorry!
It was a poor turnout anyway! There were only 4 arrangements made.

The theme was 'May Magic' hope to see yours!!
New link coming up!

london England, United Kingdom

Here's the link ....

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