Pregnant Icelandic Ewe - need help predicting birth.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I fairly recently read "Enslaved by Ducks" which was hilarious, and very appropriate for me and my barnyard! I don't read much for pleasure these days, being ensconced in law books, but I try to read for about 20 minutes every night before bed, to calm my little grey cells.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Is he a one-storey man, or is he several stories high? (snicker)

Lodi, United States

Moxon...did you read "The Great Gatsby"? They are the eyes of god, looking down on the ashy trash heap of the world.....boy I love that book!:0)

Clarkson, KY

Moxy needs more law books on which to be ensconced...sittin' on her storeys (hmmph). {{why am I thinking princess and the pea?!}}

I found it exquisite until I started waiting for the inevitable fall. Then it became exquisitely painful. Waiting. Anticipating. James -I remember being the only one to enjoy him but don't remember anything he wrote. Talk about embarrassing confessions...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I did read the Great Gatsby, although it was back in high school I believe, and to be honest I don't remember too much about it. I should re-read it. I remember having to read Steinbeck and Hemingway around the same time, and finding all of it a little heavy-going...

Clarkson, KY

Uggghh. Hemingway I will not do. Not here nor there, not in a box not with a fox,. Not in the rain nor on a train...I prefer Solzhenitzyn. Blargghh.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Not even with a silkie? :-)

By the way, the lambs who were the original subject of this post are doing very well. They are in the barn with Mom in an enclosed area so they did not have to endure yesterday's snow and sleet. Bianca (Mom) makes really cute grunty noises at them when I go in the pen. I'm not sure if it's a "Don't pay any attention to her" grunt or a "I'm over here and I'm your real mother" grunt or what, but the lambs are very attentive to it. Stuffin had a similar bleat for baby Luna when she was a little baby - although over time, as I spent more time sitting with them, she appeared to enjoy the "time off" that I gave her by snuggling with Luna. It took her a while to determine I meant no harm I suppose, but after that, she was all too willing to give up her mothering duties and let me babysit for a while.

Luna is now running outside with all the other goats and seems to enjoy pestering everybody, especially the pregnant sheep. She is constantly on barnyard tour to see who she can talk to. A very precocious young goat!

Clarkson, KY

I would love to see those two side by side.....they are so very good you see...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Which two? The two lambs? Stuffin and Luna?

Clarkson, KY

Sorry. Two is a smaller number than to which you are used.....{{{{mmmprphl snort}}} Lamb and kid...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh my, that would be a fun pic, I'll see if I can get that!

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