Clematis Rooguchi coming this week!

Kannapolis, NC

I am expecting delivery of this plant on Thurs. and am planning on putting it with a climbing rose on a trellis. Any advice? I know about feet in the shade and head in the sun. I've been reading about hydrating roots. Is this something I should expect to do? I ordered from Brushwood, along with a Clerodendrum thomsoniae variegatum. Don't remember the size ordered and my printout doesn't say.


Delaware, OH

brushwood ships a nice plant. i have killed two rooguchis and do not have one right now. let us know hows yours does.
yes hydrate your root, plant deeply, water religiously.
it is not a good clem for containers, but you have an in ground plan.

don't worry about too many of these rules and just go for it.
water. sun. fertilizer. love.

you are in a good zone for clems.....

Kannapolis, NC

Thanks, Clematis, for your response and encouragement. I've had this one on my wish list since last year, so I have great expectations for it!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Hemophobic: I love the look of Clematis "Rooguchi". Even though I don't have that particular Clem in my garden, I've read that it's slow to establish, so mark it well and be patient.

Kannapolis, NC

TY, Shirley. I know where it's going and it won't be disturbed, but I will mark it. I can't wait to see it bloom with the red rose I'm planting it with.


Delaware, OH

shirley for me rooguchi was "hardy but not vigorous" but i know in calif they are vigorous. bet they will be too in nc! i lost track of mine but i know it is RIP as i note on my charts when it is not turning back..

Kannapolis, NC

WooHoo! My Rooguchi arrived today looking good. Going to get this baby planted asap. The Clematis `Rooguchi' is on the left in the photo. Clerodendrum thomasoniae variegatum is on the right.

Thumbnail by Hemophobic
Delaware, OH

hemo..are you going to be a good clematarian and plant deeply and also prune back that growth by 50%????

hope so. looks like a healthy little bugger that will need some parental supervision, which i know you are ready willing and able to give.

Kannapolis, NC

Hey, Clematis: If that's what it takes, I'll do it. I'm committed to having this grow in my garden!


Delaware, OH

good papa!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Angie, I've a couple vines that naturalized in my garden which blooms look very much liike Rooguchi. Please keep in touch and let me know how big your blooms are like? Mine are very teensy bit, roughly the size of my little pinkies. (I'll take pix and measure the flower this season, lol). Many thanks.
Fellow gardener,

Kannapolis, NC

Lily: I know that the blooms on this cultivar are like small bells, which is why I lik it, but I'll let you know about the size of any blooms I get. I'm not expecting any this season, though, from reading through the Clematis forum. I'll also be posting pics. Good luck with yours.


Kannapolis, NC

Clematis Rooguchi is properly watered, pruned to 50% and in the ground on a trellis with a red rose. Can't wait to see what happens with this combination! I'm expecting some knockout (no pun intended; it's not a knockout rose) blooms.

I'll post pics as soon as I'm able to straighten up again. I've spent the entire day pricking out WS seedlings, potting them up, getting the C. Rooguchi and Clerodendrum planted, marked and pulled a few weeds just for good measure.

Whew! What a wonderful day.

Kannapolis, NC

Here he is in his new home:

Thumbnail by Hemophobic
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Nicely done, Angie!

Kannapolis, NC

Thanks, Lily. I have to plant as they come in, because I have tons of stuff ordered for spring delivery! I'm more excited than Christmas Eve!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

I'm happy for you. Happier than Christmas Eve. Now that's real happiness. Interplanting your clematis with other shrubs is a winning combination. Here I've this Nelly Moser nearby a Gardenia bush. Pix was taken yesterday. The clem is roughly 4 years of age. :-)

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Kannapolis, NC

How gorgeous. What cultivar is that? It's beautiful. I have a couple of new tuteurs and a small trellis that I'm thinking of putting in a pot with a vine, so I'm working on that one. I also am trying Codonopsis this year for the first time, WS'd the seeds and now I have tons of little seedlings. That's an annual vine, similar to Clematis, so maybe I'll see if some will sell at the plant sale later this month.

Thanks, Lily. You're a wonderful enabler!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Angie, Clematis 'Nelly Moser' is the one. I have 'Dr. Rupel' climbing up a hardy Passiflora vines to the back:
(Nelly Moser, and Dr. Rupel do share alot of characteristics, the bars on the flowers, but if you look closely you'll see Nelly has darker stamens than that of Dr. Rupel's).

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Kannapolis, NC

Lily: I thought I recognized it as Nelly Moser, but I've made enough embarrassing mistakes that I've learned my lesson about guessing! Was just over on Edelweiss's site drooling over some of theirs, as well as T&M seeds! Looks like I'll have lots to choose from, but Niobe is at the top of my list right now.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Go for it Angie, enjoy. I'm looking forward to more posting later. Lots of mine (clematis) are currently in buds. Soon I'll share more blooms.

Kannapolis, NC

Great, Kim: I look forward to seeing yours. I have a fantastic blue one in Asheville, planted by the previous owners, and I have no idea what it is, suspect it's jackmanii, but I'll try to get a photo next week when I go up. Could I root a cutting of it, do you think? I've never tried that before.


Central, AL(Zone 7b)

When the temp. and humidity level is just right, yes clematis can be rooted successfully. I tried before and failed. But I think I've a few nodal cuttings that took root several weeks ago. (I simply stuck the cuttings into the existing pot outdoor when I prune them back. With lot of rain, mild weather, that's all it seems to need to take roots -- and of course alot of lucks).

Kannapolis, NC

Thanks. I'll give it a shot. If I get several cuttings, at least one should root.


Delaware, OH

hemo, you can root cuttings of clems pretty easy. use medium wood, not the oldest and woodiest,and also not a very young green piece.
cut a long vine and take your internodal cuttings from the middle of the vine.

if you are not in a hurry consider layering where you wound (bruise) a piece of vine as above but do not cut it free from the plant,simply sink it in soil and let it root. you can submerge a pot, or even leave the pot on top of the ground if it is a bigger pot and will have winter protection. after about a year, cut the vine free and continue to grow on in the pot till it is fully rooted out. then up pot it and grow on till it is big enough to be planted out.
lots of on line info available on these topics...good luck

Kannapolis, NC

TY, Clematis. I was hoping you'd chime in here for me!

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

I just bought 7 clematis last year, and am seeing new growth on all but the Rooguchi. It was the one I was worried about, as it seemed to die back after planting. Funny, Angie, but I also planted mine on a raspberry-red rose bush! I think they'll be stunning together, assuming I haven't killed it.

Any way to determine if the roots are still alive, without disturbing them too much?

Other Angie

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

I don't have a Rooguchi, but one seedling that resembles lots of its characteristics. e.g. color of blooms, shape (I don't know of its size). My seedling comes back each early spring so maybe yours -- due to the climate -- is waiting for the soil to thaw out? Best of lucks.

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

I planted it at the base of this rose. I thought the purple and red would be so striking together! I sure hope the little guy makes it. He's the only one I put in the front yard. . .all the rest are on trellises and old laundry poles in the back!

Thumbnail by Bookerc1
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

If you're looking for idea to plant your Clems. Here is one:
Red Knock Out roses, blue blooming clematis F.H. Young and pink blooming clematis 'Comtese de Bouchard'. I love this combo. Do you?

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Lovely! I like the contrast between the intense colors and the lighter colors--really set each other off well. Those blooms are huge!

Delaware, OH


some of the more herbaceous clems come out a bit later. this clem is very herbaceous, so be patient it will prpbaby come out

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the reassurance, Guru. I'm a clematis newbie, so I was so pleased to see leaf buds coming out on the others! I have a feeling I've got a new addiction started here. There are so many stunning variations within the clematis family!

I planted:
Pope John Paul II
Warsaw Nike
Viticella Purpea Plena Elegans

I know they can seem to disappear for a few years, then surprise you by coming up (had that happen with my first, a Jackmanii (sp?). I planted it, and it seemed to die the first winter, and didn't even send up a tiny shoot the next two years. I finally decided it was truly gone, and bought the above list last year. When I went to plant the Proteus in the same spot, lo and behold, there it was!

(Zone 4a)

What a lovely surprise! Glad it came back for you.

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

I think it's actually going to be beautiful vining together with the Proteus--one intense purple, one glowing pale pink.

Here's my Proteus photo in Plant Files:

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Wow! Bookerc1; Proteus shows a wide range of 'maturity' and stages of development in the flowers it produces. It maybe in my wish list in the soon- to- be future. lol.

Delaware, OH

wow there is a 3 year re-appearance story. love that! we need that!
you have the start of a nice collection and yes, you will become addicted big time. clems are like that. they are not hard to grow but it takes a while to dispel myth from fact and get your bearings with them.

if you want to see a proteous photo that will blow your mind go to and look at their proteus photo.
awe inspiring!

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Wow, I can only dream that mine will look like that some day!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Silverstarvinery huh? LOL. You've got me hooked. lol.

Delaware, OH

thought you would like that. i have NEVER seen anything like it!

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