Ahh..some more are starting to bloom!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Another Clematis "Dr. Ruppel" that I planted in a sunken "cut the bottom off "pot...Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Clematis "Asao"...always produces "twins" for me each year..what a special clematis she 'tis

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I planted Clematis "H.F.Young" in another sunken "Cut the bottom off" pot with "Omoshiro" and a climbing rose

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Clematis "Niobe" always makes my heart sing

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Even Clematis "Ville de Lyon" spit a bloom out at the very bottom of last years vines..interesting for a pruning group 3 don't you agree..I must go out and inspect her more..maybe she has shot up some more new vines?

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Clematis "Nelly Moser" got two special spots that I planted her in last year..seems she is happy with my choice?

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Ahh..I spied a bloom of Clematis "Crystal Fountain" wayyyy underneath my begonia "Angelwings" at the very bottom..can't wait to see her really flush out this year

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Clematis "Bee's Jubilee"

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Single form of Clematis "Franziska Maria"..still trying to decide which one this truly is..I know I planted her somewhere..this one is co-planted with Clematis "Josephine"

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Thought I'd brighten your day with Amaryllis "Apple Blossom" as well..seeing her truly is a sign of my Spring

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

WE ALL LOVE SEEING THIS DON'T WE !!.."caps" causing I am squeeling with glee..new vines emerging from the soil on my clematis

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
(Zone 4a)

Well I certainly know I enjoy watching you enjoy spring!!!! Love the photo's as usual Jeanne....I bet that Omoshiro and HF young will look lovely together!!! Wow I just can't get over how many clematises you have blooming!!! Wonderful!!!

(Zone 5b)

Beautiful Jeanne!

Thanks for sharing them,

Delaware, OH

nice assortment jeanne. ville de lyon always bloom low to high for me. i prune mine hard every other year. alternate years half and half, half the vines down to ground in spring, others just taken to half their height.
ville de lyon is one of the all time great clems i think. mine is 8 years in ground for me.

drooling for spring and blooms. you txans rock.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

WOW, Jeanne, you Clematis and other flowers are "show stoppers"!

Awesome looking Ville de Lyon, Guru!

Delaware, OH

mother nature gets all the credit and father time. they are great parents.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, wow so pretty! What would be your most proficient bloomers? Here is one of my oldies.
Teresa in KY

Thumbnail by bluegrassmom
Delaware, OH

i have a good many inthe "most profilic"category.
the president, etiole violelle, little nell, roucge c, ville de l, prince charles....recta, mrs chm, blue angel, julia c....ohh too many favs.
time in with the plants is the demonimator. here is prince charles, have posted it before. swear it it sht last 08 photo i am posting or re posting, will have to go cold turkey for a few weeks till my 09 action starts.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

Only have one little flower on my Nelly Moser so far

Thumbnail by lrwells50
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

CG, which is which? The bellshape pink or the blue, I guess the blue? I'm at awe with the pink, would you consider my first born for trade? LOL.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

niobe: Please keep posting your gorgeous pictures! They're eye candy for the rest of us winter starved gardeners!

Irwells50: Very nice bloom on your "Nelly Moser". I'm sure that more will follow.

Delaware, OH

thanks shirley. i am starved too. stuck with delays at lga airport tonight catching up on e amail. can't wait to walk the clems tomorrow and note progress toward vigor. lets see, here is a sweet durandi from last year. can't wait. i really buckled down to a rigorous spring and fall routine about 18 to 24 months ago and i think i will have some real payoff this spring.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
San Diego-ScrippsR, CA(Zone 10a)

Thanks for all the beautiful pics. I am new to clematis growing. I have ordered several plants but I don't know what they are bec my hard disk fried. They are coming in May and I plan to intertwine them with my roses but now that I see they have other uses I may try that too. I will share pics later in the season if anything blooms.

(Zone 4a)

It won't take you long to become addicted seawatch and yes there are MANY uses for clematis.....they are fantastic and so beautiful......

(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

My second 2009 Nelly Moser - looks more like it's supposed to

Thumbnail by lrwells50
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

oh goodie, I get to post here. My Ville de Lyon, has been the best performer. Tucked amidst my pink rose bed.

Thumbnail by vossner
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I got this trelllis thing 2 yrs ago hope that my VdL will one day totally cover it.

Thumbnail by vossner
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Vossner, that's beautiful Teuteur (sp.?).

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Guru/niobe: Sorry you're stuck in the airport, but thank goodness of laptops! How did we ever survive without computers?! Love "durandi"! What a beauty

seawatch888: Welcome to the Clematis Forum! You're very fortunate to be living in a gardening zone where you can have flowers and Clematis in bloom for the majority of the year!

lrwells50: Beautiful picture of "Nelly Moser". You can't always go by the first bloom on a Clematis. They age to perfection like fine wine!

Vossner: Good to see you again on the Clematis Forum! You're "Ville de Lyon" is beautiful! It won't be long before it covers your lovely obelisk.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Here a picture of Clematis, "Duchess of Edinburgh" taken last May.

Thumbnail by Shirley1md
Delaware, OH

shirley, love the duchess. long live the duchess. i will not have much on mine this spring due to a big pruning mistake last weekend. drove home form the airport, grabbed my nippers, gloves and spent 2 hours nipping and tucking and drooling. 32 degrees here this morning, but lots of sunshine and 50 now. good clem weather!

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

question for the true clem fanatics: I have a couple that simply don't want to climb up the wrought iron tutuer (sp?). I use the flexible green tape to support stuff growing up against trellis, walls, etc. but these 2 clems are behaving like teenagers. Dr Ruppel and Miss Bateman keep sliding back down and almost want to grow as groundcovers.

Is there something w/ sticky adhesive that might be safe to use? suggestions will be appreciated.

Delaware, OH

funny, i was just posting about "gardeners lever loops"....however...
some vining clems like to sprawl before they climb vs climb right away. try and work with the plant and give it some leeway, taking it upward at a traversing gentle angle vs tying or clipping it straight up .

only in my opinion and experience, but with a vigorous growth spurt on a young plant, sometimes the plant knows best and it will not be able to grow so fast upwards as sideways in the beginning. and if you force it (believe me i learned this the hard way) you might get die back on the new vines. the vascular system is not strong enough yet to grow straight up and the plant knows it.

some clems for me that prefer to do this are ramona, john warren, sugar candy. but i believe any young clem growing very vigorously needs to take it easy on the upward direction to let the vascular system develop and the vines to get some wood on them. you can put an upside down flower pot for the piece to lay on to get the upward traverse started. just like when you hike upward, you traverse, right?if you need to get it off the ground small shrubs that can grow up with the plant, or the upside down pot, or sticks put in the ground at an angle making a "v" shape will work and make a nice resting angle.
i have tied in straight up with a young plant and a couple of days later the stem has collapsed.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

clematis guru, thanks for the advice. I should have mentioned that last year I wrapped them tightly and as you said, I had dieback on new growth. OK. I will try the stick w/ V. that's probably most doable for me. upside down put would fly away if not secured and how would I secure it?

thanks again for the excellent suggestions.

Richmond Hill, GA

First bloom this year on Hoshi no Flamenco. About 6 inches across.

Thumbnail by cattjovi
(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

Oh man, I may have to get that one! What pruning group?

Delaware, OH

hoshi me want

Richmond Hill, GA

Group 2 light prune. 3 blooms are now open, will try to get another picture tomorrow. Available at Joy Creek.

Richmond Hill, GA

Last years first blooms.

Thumbnail by cattjovi
(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

My first Ville de Lyon for 2009

Thumbnail by lrwells50

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