apple trees frozen last night

Dalton, GA(Zone 7b)

1. will the leaves be damaged and hurt the tree (most important)
2. have I lost any apples I might have had since it was in bloom

it was 30 here last night

Glen Ellyn, IL(Zone 5b)

Here is a useful site for tips on assessing frost damage to apples.

Dalton, GA(Zone 7b)

thanks--that was helpful--none of mine look damaged (all pink/white and pretty) but I did not take them apart to look inside--maybe enough made it through that I will get apples--my peaches were pea size--don't know if they will make it or not--I am very new to fruit growing, so I am not sure how much damage they suffer at just a few degrees below freezing--cherry flowers look unblemished as well

Anna, IL

30 degrees should not hurt your fruit trees very much. If there was a breeze it probably didn't hurt at all. At the most it should have saved you some thinning later in the season.

Dalton, GA(Zone 7b)

okay--good--my annuals I had grown from seed bit the dust so I wasn't sure--got a lot lower than they predicted!

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