Everyone still here ??

After a long, long summer, I am coming home to DG. This forum seems to be very quiet. Are you all still here and lurking ?? Alan ? Viv? Daisy? Trish ? Louisa?

(in a small voice)


Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

welcome back to DG, i'm a new(ish) member from the UK..

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

yep I'm here and I still call in most nights


Macclesfield, CHESHIRE(Zone 8a)


Still here.

Hey spikyjo, were have you been, we missed you, good to see you.

Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Hi there Spikyjo, nice to have you back. What have you been up to over the last few months?

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

It's OK Jo - we forgive your AWOL!!!! We welcome you back with open arms! Here you were amongst friends all the time :-)

Today, or more precisely this morning, I don't feel very flippant. But, hopefully life goes on.

Alan, glad to 'hear' you again - how's it going? Give me news you toad.

Hi Louisa - I knew that I have friends here, the problems were elsewhere I'm afraid. Also, as you'll remember, I get very little time to play on this machine. Thanks for the kind comment, you're a sweetie!

Daisy, hi to you too. How's that little garden of yours? Have you improved your neighbours yet ?

Hey Tel - you never did tell me if your second name was Venables (?)

Hi Mark and Lilith too - Lilith is interesting as a chosen name, isn't she the first woman according to Judaism ?

Hoping to hear from more of the old crowd in the next few days - anyone wants to email, please do.

Love and hugs to all


LOL jo, toad, well see you have come back in fine fettle, evrything is good, still seeing ribbitcat, have met up with daisycahin and seen her garden, she is very nice, and a plesure to talk with, we have traded a few plants, ribbit is leaving the pub game in a few months, welcome back jo.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Well, well, well....lookie here! It is Jo! Welcome home Jo!! So good the see you again! I am still here!!! Welcome my friend! Lisa

Crikey O'Reilly - Still seeing the tuna lover ? No more flirting with me then ?

Awwww - RATS !

Viv not posting then ? Or doesn't she dare say anything now in case you get the hump with her and her outspoken ways ?

Oh yeah, LOL.

It's been a very long summer, I spent a lot of time away with the boys and also on my own. Did a fair bit bit of camping and visited the East Yorkshire Coastline (photos for Louisa as promised to come) and also London and Essex to see family and friends. And, I know you'll never believe this, but I actually drank quite a bit of alcohol during the summer and danced a bit and partied a bit. Call me a reprobate, I don't care ! I'm just happy that I'm capable of still embarrassing my boys by not being grown up. Got some new clothes too, some downright tight things and some heels to die for, which is of no great interest to you of course now that you have a "S.O." .


Weather's good at the moment but ground is very wet. We have the most craneflies I have ever seen in my life and the plants are not doing too well, except for my tumbling tomatoes and the asparagus - oh yeah and my vines are doing okay.

Don't I waffle on ?



Macclesfield, CHESHIRE(Zone 8a)


I deny that Venables rumour emphatically !!! I have NEVER visited Middlesborough (nothing personal Geordies but then someone has to go there I guess) although as a displaced Londoner I have been known to support Spurs - that was in the days when they used to played football. If you pick up my e-mail address it might give you a name clue.

El Tel (been to Barcelona though !)

Hey Jo, i am still remebering that image of you in the little black number and the cleavage lololol.

Remeber ?.

ElTel - ah, but do you like dangly gold jewellery ?? And as for Tot.... Totte.... Spu.....

Naaah, sorry, can't say that name, gives me bad taste in the mouth, except on Saturday evenings when the results nake me laugh out loud. I come from London N5 dontcha know !


Alan , dear heart, you still thinking about that dress ? Gosh, I better not mention the summer clothes I bought back in May and June that have been making my lads squirm in embarrassment. One of the joys of being tallish is being able to get away with some clothes that other girls can't, and when heels are used the effect can be dramatic ! Not good for the lawn tho' !!!

And stop making me snigger !!


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