Pine Knot Farms Hellebore Co-op

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Has anybody participated in this co-op before? I am just wondering how the plants survive mailing? The prices look amazing, IF I am reading the ordering thread correctly, and the hostess has gotten good ratings on running things.

Deadline is next Tuesday - 31st, FYI.

I'm tempted! Any thoughts?


Shenandoah Valley, VA

We got some really nice hellebores in our mini coop last year and they were only $3 each I think, maybe it was less, if anyone wants to do that again. The vendor was Northwest Perennial and Bulb.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks, hart,

That sounds good too - I'm especially interested in the doubles. Off to check out Northwest Perennial & Bulb's web site.

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

Daylily, I ordered some hellebores from Bluestone Perennials which are due to ship mid-April. I have forgotten what I even ordered. I don't believe they were on sale, but I was so taken with some pink ones I saw planted locally, I had to have whatever I could get. Bluestone is a great vendor. Unfortunately, I don't have much bed space prepared, but after I look at this coop, I may order some there. Will you let us know what you do, please.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Pam, right now I'm sort of dithering... I know I'll be seeing Pine Knot at least one time, maybe more, in the very near future, at local/area Garden Fairs, and the chance to pick out my own plant(s) is pretty tempting too. Their 4" pots are $10 on their web site, and I'm assuming that's what they sell them for at the Garden Markets, so maybe it's a wash after postage, etc. for the co-op. I'll have to do that math too. ;-)

If I had no chance at all of encountering Pine Knot Farms in person, I think I'd go for it.

I'll let you know what my "Final Answer" is............Barb

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)


I was the organizer many years ago for the Hellebores Co-op coming from Pine Knots Farm. They arrived in excellent condition and I turned around and then sent them out to the Co-op participants. Everyone was thrilled with their great condition and their root systems. Yes, they are baby plants and you will need to grow them out for several years before they bloom, but for that price you can't go wrong (IMHO). Hope you will proceed with the opportunity of purchasing these high quality Hellebores for a low price. Pine Knots Farms is not only a wholesale nursery which sells to retail stores, but they are also into hybridizing new & beautiful varieties. Good luck!

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)


Thanks so much for all the information re: Pine Knots Farm! I agree with you about the price - I just need to do a cost benefit analysis of the co-op total price per pot, with postage, and whatever, vs. buying from PKF at Lewis Ginter, Green Springs or maybe Blandy. They're usually at Green Springs, which is almost in my backyard, hence my "good" problem!

Their website was very tempting, and I know I've browsed their plants before at the Garden Sales. Off to do some math - my head hurts already. LOL.


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Barb, sorry I think you asked me in another thread if Pine Knot Farms is at Green Springs? The answer is yes and they are the ones who are set up by the Manor House. They also exhibit at Lewis Ginter the first weekend in May :) I'm not sure what their shipping prices are but I know the three that Judith sent to me this week cost me $15.00 :( Even though they were sent UPS Ground, they did get here the next day!

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Debbie - appreciate the confirmation - I know I've SEEN a lovely collection of hellebores at a vendor's spot near the Manor House each year at GS, so it's good to know that it is Pine Knot Farms. I do love how each of you is able to use the same spot every year. It sure makes it easier for your customers to find you! ;-)

I checked their schedule at their web site, and see that they'll be at both GS & LG, but not Blandy.

So are you saying that your shipping cost was $15 or was the total for 3 hellebore plants $15 (plus unknown shipping)? I'm thinking that since their 4" pots are $10 (as listed on the website), it would be just as simple for me to see them at LG and/or GS and pick what I want instead of having to add shipping on top of that.

As I think I've said before, if I didn't have the option of seeing the vendor in person very soon, I'd definitely be interested in the co-op!


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)


Here are a few more of my thoughts:

1. I would e-mail Judy at Pine Knots Farm at let her know that you will be attending the GS & LG sales. She should put aside and hold for you which ever varieties & number of Hellebores that you are interested in purchasing. That way she will have with her the exact varieties that you want. You won't have to worry about them selling out before you get to the sale.

2. You might also ask her the size & root development of the Hellebores that she will sell you and of course, the price.

Good luck! I look forward to hearing which ones you have selected and of course, once they bloom we will all look forward to your pictures!


Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)


Thanks very much for those suggestions. Actually, I have already been in contact with Judith, and ascertained that the web prices and garden sale prices are the same, and some might even be cheaper. That's a very good idea to ask about specific varieties and the possibility of her holding them for me! I will do that, and of course will be sharing any photos from the plants once they bloom. ;-)


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Oops, five minutes too late! You can try to ask her if she will hold them for you but that's exactly what I asked her to do and she was afraid the "held" plants would get lost in the shuffle before LG so she shipped them :( I didn't specify what size I wanted but she chose the $15 plants instead of the $10.00 ones and the shipping was $15.00, so a total of $60.00 :( I don't mind, she's just planning to pick up some plants from us at LG in exchange so it will be a wash :)

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey Debbie,

You're definitely not too late - I was out all afternoon, so never saw this message, and haven't done anything. This is all good information, and I do understand Judy maybe not wanting to "hold" plants for pickup - seriously, she doesn't know me from Adam.

So, I think I'll just see her at LG, and also at GS, and find some goodies in person.

Thanks very much to all who've given their feedback and good advice - I really appreciate it!


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Barb, I'm sure Pine Knot will have plenty of goodies for you too choose from - I know we ALWAYS find something we've just got to have! I keep waiting for the pink Baptisias Dick's been telling us about for a few years - he just loves to "tease" me with their unique plants!

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks Debbie, I know they will too - I've drooled over their plants for a couple of years now at both LG & GS. I'm already scouting out places in the yard where I can stick a few. Really getting psyched!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Hey, Barb, our Lowes today had HUGE double white hellebores for $12.98. They had singles too. Might want to check it out at your local Lowes.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

OOOOH, hart, that sounds wonderful!!! I'm particularly looking for doubles. My frustration is that we have no Lowe's within 20 miles. But this time it might be worth a trip.

Wanna guess how many Home Depots we have within FIVE miles? 3!!!! Go figure.

Thanks for the tip! Barb

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I'd say it's worth the trip, although you might want to call first and make sure they have them. These were bigger than my hellebores that have been in the ground for three years. Had lots of buds and blooms on them too.

We have a Lowes in Woodstock but no Home Depot.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

I think you're absolutely right, and you've certainly gotten my attention with your description of them!

It is funny with the distribution of Lowe's and Home Depot stores. In Richmond, near my mother's house, there is a Lowe's in one little shopping cluster and a Home Depot in the very next one, essentially right next door. I think it's like that in Williamsburg too. Wish we were so fortunate. ;-)

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)


On my way out to the Debaggio Herb Farm in Chantilly this morning, I stopped by the Lowe's on Route 50 near Dulles Airport, and was thrilled to find the double white hellebores still in stock! One is residing happily on the back patio as I type.

Thanks so much for the heads up. You were right - they are huge. No blooms on mine, but it will definitely bloom next year.

Doing the Happy Hellebore dance!!! Barb

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Oh, goody! I miss DiBaggios. sigh

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Waahhh, how come my Lowes stinks? I stopped by quickly Wednesday on my trip home from the dog groomer's and they had nothing, I mean NOTHING of interest! Okay, so I lie, they did have one conifer I might be interested in :) Hmmmm, hart, we'll be driving right by that Lowes tomorrow night - we've got to drop our truck off for repairs on the way home but if we can get out of Alexandria early enough maybe I can twist Rick's arm to visit "your" Lowes :) LOL

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)


Not sure where in Alexandria you'll be, but there is a Lowe's on Route 1 South. The one I went to is out in Chantilly. You can find both on the Lowe's web site when you choose the "locate a store" option.

I have to add that the store I visited had only about 8 pots left, and half of those were a regular pink/red variety. But they weren't sale items, so maybe they'll get more?

Good luck, hope you can find some!

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)


We hadn't been out to Debaggio's in a few years, and of course, with Tom in a nursing home, his son Francesco is running things now. That's such a sad story.

There were lots of lovely pots of herbs and perennials to be had - that's where I spent the bulk of my $$$. I got a HUGE 'Black & Blue' salvia that will need a bit of protection until it stays warm, but that's fine - it's about a foot tall already. I grew that last year, and it did so well that it's now a "must get".

My friend and I agreed that we should make this at least an annual trip, if not more than once a year.

Again, thanks so much for the Hellebore heads up!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Debbie, first thing I was going to say was stop in Woodstock if you're up this way. They had a whole table of them. If you're in the outside plant section coming in from inside the store, go toward the far wall and they're on the end of one of the long tables, not too far from the cash registers.

I didn't see anything but white ones here, although I didn't look through all the plants, but they had both singles and doubles and they all had buds and blooms. Debbie, I'll bet Manassas or Winchester Lowes would have even more. Webers in Winchester had some nice hellebores last year too but they were more expensive.

I used to always get my tomato plants from DiBaggios because they have such a great selection of heirlooms, plus herbs and whatever other goodies I could find. They always seem to have little gems you don't see anywhere else. Such nice, healthy plants too. I always got such a kick out of all the different kinds of basil.

Here's a secret about that Black and Blue. I have one I've been overwintering outside for the past couple of years and I'm a zone colder than you. It's in a bit of a protected spot but it has made it fine through two winters.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Thanks hart, the Woodstock store is the one I was talking about - I see it every time we drive by on 81 :) Told Rick about them and he's already pulled in the reins :( He's never willing to pay for much from the big box stores because almost of their plants come from southern growers and are pumped up with too much fertilizer :( Said it destroys the whole cell structure of the plant, like they're on drugs and they go into shock when planted in the landscape. I'd be willing to give it a shot just to get some of the doubles, but NO, the boss says we're not stopping! I guess I'll just have to enjoy seeing pictures of all of yours :)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Try Webers next time you're up that way. They had some nice, big plants. I don't remember the exact price, only that they were expensive but it might be worth that for a blooming size plant. And I've found their plants to be very healthy.

Oh, here's another plant to look for at Webers. I got one at the sale last year and I loved it. Oenothera Lemon Drops. They're the cutest little teensy sundrops you've ever seen. I hope I can find some more this year.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

hart, it just killed me driving past Lowes :( And to make it worse, I realized there's a fairly new Lowes at the Front Royal exit on 66! But to tell you the truth, after spending the entire day standing outside in the rain and cold at Green Spring, buying plants was the last thing I wanted to do - I just wanted to get home and get warm! I'll have to look at Lemon Drops, I have one we got years ago called 'Lemon Silver' I love the glaucous blue foliage and bright lemon yellow blooms :)

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh Debbie! Why didn't you let us know you were going to be at the Garden Market at GS? To be honest, I wasn't sure they were even going to have it yesterday morning, but gosh, if I'd known you & Rick were there...

I'm sure you must have been chilled to the bone - hope you had some customers?

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)


I hear you on the overwintering - for me, sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. I've overwintered both pineapple sage and Black & Blue some years, but only for one year. Actually, I shouldn't have written the previous sentence that way. THEY have overwintered - I had nothing to do with it! LOL!!!!

And not at all this year - I checked the B&B before we left. And actually, the one I found at DeBaggio's was so gorgeously healthy, that even if I already had one coming back, I think I'd still have gotten another one. ;-)

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

Hi all. Above I posted that I'd ordered hellebores from Bluestone Perrenials. They arrived yesterday at the post office, just one day after BP emailed me that they would be sent. They were so nicely packed, not a morsel of potting soil fell out of the pots. They are about six inches high and are happy in my sun room. As soon as the temp rises above 40 today, I'm taking them for a little outing. BP says they don't need to be babied, but since I did minimal winter sowing this year, I have room for them to stay inside for these cold nights. What I received is not listed in the 2009 catalog. They are Regal Ruffles collection, pinks, purples and whites. It says they're deer resistant. I hope so, since the deer have sampled everything else, my columbine, solomon's seal, and hostas are all in little chicken wire cages, not the lovliest way to display them.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Pam: Your Helleborus, "Regal Ruffles" collection sounds beautiful. I look forward to seeing them in bloom in the future. Be may take several years.

I'm very sorry that the deer are sampling the gourmet treats (plants) in your garden. But, .you need to get a dog. That's the reason that deer stay out of my garden. I live very close to a regional park and the deer come over and eat breakfast and dinner in my neighbor's yards.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Debbie, I don't know how I missed your post. Those are really pretty snowdrops. The Lemon Drop is so cute - it's only about 4 or 5 inches tall. I'm sorry you had such a miserable day. I was over at Woodstock Lowes again on Saturday and they still had plenty of the hellebores.

Walmart had some healthy looking collarette dahlias and what appeared to be a dwarf helianthus. I didn't get any but I think I need to look again at those helianthus. You can never have enough drought tolerant heavy bloomers around here, especially something that can go in the front of a bed.

I planted my first hellebores four years ago and they were about the size you got, Pam. They bloomed a little the second year, had very nice blooms the third year and this year they have been spectacular. They started blooming in February and are still going strong. Anything named Regal Ruffles must be gorgeous. LOL

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Pam, your new hellebores sound wonderful. Like hart said, anything with the name "Regal Ruffles" has got to be really pretty! I've never ordered live plants from Bluestone, just bulbs, but your experience has me very tempted. Hope the deer don't develop a taste for your new babies. That's a tough problem to have.

hart, that snowdrop "Lemon Silver" really IS cute - another one on the "to check out" list... which seems endless. LOL! Tell me more about Weber's.

Debbie, our son & his wife are taking us to NYC for a belated birthday gift this weekend, so I won't be around if you're at Green Springs, or maybe you're going to be at the Leesburg Garden Days thing. I WILL definitely be at LGBG on the 30th, so will look you up there for sure!

*Edited to correct name of snowdrop.

This message was edited Apr 16, 2009 1:09 PM

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I'm sorry, I don't know why I said snowdrops. I mean sundrops. The ones I found at Webers are Lemon Drops. The ones you named are the ones Debbie has so you might want to check with her on where to get them.

Webers is great. They carry so many neat thing, have really healthy plants and the best part - everything in the place goes on half price sale in June. There's a thread around here somewhere where a group are planning a trip out here for the sale and other valley high points.

If you don't want to wait for the sale, just go out 7 to 81 in Winchester, take the Route 11 exit, turn left off the exit. From here check a map because I just can't remember whether you bear left to stay on old 11 or stay straight to stay on old 11. Anyway, it's a couple of miles from the exit on the right.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

hart - I don't know why *I* said snowdrops either - it's definitely sundrops, and yours were Lemon Drops? Boy oh boy, I really got off course on that one! ;-0

Webers sounds grand indeed. I will definitely have to check that out next time we're in the area - we'll be down in Harrisonburg the weekend of Mother's Day for my niece's graduation from JMU, so maybe I can check it out on the way back...

Thanks for the info!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

That would be easy. Just keep going on 81 and then you can either take 81 back down to 66 or 81 south to the 7 or 50 exit and go east from there. Either 7 or 50 is a very pretty drive.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

That's great - it's now on the list! Thanks, hart.

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