transplanting help:)

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

it may just be that they didnt get planted at the right angle but if there is mulch or the ground is sandy and dry it will be ok they maybe planted a little deep
please post a picture of your irises ok dear

San Angelo, TX(Zone 7b)

I wish i could post a picture. I don't have a camera.
We had real good rain lately and the fans have stood back up straight. I think I may need to water them more, especially in this heat!!

I'll let you know how they do. Thanks for all the help, I use all the information to help make my plants better:)

Raleigh, NC

well, sound like problem solved by Mother Nature, for now.

San Angelo, TX(Zone 7b)

I hope so.. They seem to be doing real good now. No blooms, but I wasn't expecting them (hoping though). The fans/swords are looking good.
Thanks for the help!! Elizabeth

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

I planted some last fall and had more than needed and left them on the ground this spring I found them standing up they had replanted themselves lol irises being perennials are amazing

San Angelo, TX(Zone 7b)

These seem to be doing alright now. I just need to keep them watered more I think.

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)


Hi here's a close up of the 'fans' of Smiling Gold. I wasn't able to clean up the old foliage before she bloomed, put you can get an idea of what a healthy Tall Bearded Iris looks like.


Thumbnail by HappyJackMom
Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Here's the photo of Smiling Gold from the same plant.

Thumbnail by HappyJackMom
San Angelo, TX(Zone 7b)

Donna- That is gorgeous! Mine will be a dark purple. I trimmed some of the fans down, not all of them b/c I didn't want to kill them if I was doing wrong:) They all seem to be doing good now that they got some good rain water.

Yesterday evening my neighbor was weed-eating my yard, guess she thought I needed help w/ my lawn? She hit my irises!! Oh my goodness I had to hold my tongue, afterall she was trying to help. I don't know why she wanted to get so close to them. She hit 4 plants:( One was completely cut. Almost to the ground. The other 3 had 2-4 fans cut. What do yall think will happen to them? Will they survive? Will the fans cut ever grow back?
I know she was trying to help since my husband and I are seperated. But I'm a bit upset. She has irises in her yard, so you'd think she know.
I sound ungrateful but I have been worried about them anyways since I've never had them before. Just keeping me on my toes, I guess. I was beginning to think they were going to be fine. Now I'm back to being a worry wart:) lol

South Hamilton, MA

The completely cut one may be in danger--the others should grow, but may not bloom. You should say something gently about being worried, care should always be taken with other people's plants.

San Angelo, TX(Zone 7b)

What gets me is that she has a beautiful yard. She also works for the County Extension. She even has some iris in her yard. And to make it worse, I have no idea what she was trying to weedead(did i spell that right). There wasn't any tall grass around them?
Oh well, it could've been worse I guess?!

South Hamilton, MA

Ask her to please not to do it again. I wouldn't say please, but certainly I would be without manners in such a case.

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Don't worry about them, like I said Iris are tough. Most of our iris don't have their rhizomes above the soil anymore! They aren't planted that way, they just seem to burrow down further over their first winter. I uncover the ones I can reach, but they still seem to bloom and are doing well. We have had tulips and daffodils go so deep we can't dig them up to move them to other spots in the garden. My DH is getting desperate, I think he's going for the neighbors backhoe after the foliage dies down! I imagine, we will have the same problem with the lilies. As you can guess, we live in the high mountains of AZ where the winters can get severe with bitter cold and high winds. Though we have had some snow this winter, we have only had 1.12" of measurable rain fall. If the Monsoon doesn't bring enough rain this summer, our forest is really in trouble.

Thumbnail by HappyJackMom
Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

wow those are amazing blooms mine should be along in about three weeks or so

San Angelo, TX(Zone 7b)

I'm not going to let her get in my yard again with mower or weedeater!!
I'll tell her I'll do it. We live in a duplex so our yards join kind-of. My irises aren't near her though, so she shouldn't get near them again! lol
I hope mine get to be a pretty as all of yours!

South Hamilton, MA

Great Be firm!

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

HappyJackMom those Iris are beautiful.. we have had about the same rainfall.. but not at my house.. that 'official' measurement was 15 miles east of me where it actually rained! The water is so full of minerals it is AWFUL! When that monsoon arrives there.. send it on its way here too! LOL Some of my iris did not bloom this year.. in fact, a lot of my spring bloomers did not bloom this year.. must be because it has been so dry for 18 months now. I do water but probably not enough.

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

I didn't mean to confuse you, that photo is from last year or the year before. As of today, we only have a white TBI blooming and some small purple ones. But we have a whole bunch in bud! Can't hardy wait.

Thumbnail by HappyJackMom

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