Praying Mantis Question

Millersville, MD(Zone 7a)

MD - Zone 7a

My daughter and I found a Praying Mantis Egg Sac on one of our bushes a couple of weeks ago. I was wondering when or at what temperature I might expect it to hatch. I would love to be able to show her when they do.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

If you want to catch the process, you might put it in a container with screening, for air. You will be amazed at how many will 'hatch'. as for when, I forget - it's been awhile.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Years and years ago, I used to go walk the undeveloped brush around here looking for Praying Mantis "nests"....If I found one--I would cut off the whole stem it was on and bring it home and tie it to some of my plants....These "structures" are pretty amazing! They almost look like mini bird houses--sloping roof and all....but are just about 1"+ big....

One spring I saw the newbies hatch....They came out in chain-like fashion, every newly-emerging one hanging from the previous one....
However--I have heard that they are carnivorous as soon as they hatch and might just eat each other.....

Just thought i would share that....Gita

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

I have heard that they are carnivorous as soon as they hatch and might just eat each other

Not sure about "each other" but I do know the females eat the males after mating! I've never actually been lucky enough to see them hatch but they need two or three weeks of really warm temperatures to break out of the egg sac. I think for us it's usually around the end of May or first of June? I remember when my children were visiting Virginia for the first time. We had never seen them in Maine and they were frightened by them - thought they looked like aliens! LOL

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Yes they will eat each other, but they usually scatter before they get too hungry ;)

I've got some great pics somewhere of a sac hatching a couple of years ago. It was about mid June I think. I'll dig em out and double check the date.

The timing will depend a little on location too. As mentioned it needs to be warm. If it is in full sun it will hatch a good week or so before one that is in full shade.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

They DO look like aliens...I photographed the biggest one I'd ever seen...absolutely amazing!! If I were a male Mantis I think I'd consider becoming a priest...might prolong my life expectancy - LOL

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