Transplanted Asian pear trees

Hester, LA(Zone 9a)

Do I need to stake these the first couple years or just let 'em grow?

San Marcos, TX(Zone 8b)

Depends on the variety. A 20th century is so sturdy and compact and it probably wouldnt need it while a Housi is long and lanky and probably would. I would do it just in case.

Baltimore, MD

I have 42 pears and found that none needed staking. The soil is also a factor so not every site is uniform. Since I have 400 trees I decided just to add stakes if anything started to lean. It is the M9 apples that have needed nearly all the stakes.


Colton, CA(Zone 8b)

luziannagourmet, careful how you stake your trees. Preventing them from natural movement in the wind can lead to very weak trunks. A well shaped trunk (thick at the bottom and tapering) is the trees response to movement. If you have high winds then staking might be neccesary, but look for guidance on how to do it. Don

Hester, LA(Zone 9a)

So, guess I will leave them free unless the hurricanes roll around this year...

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