
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Does this look familiar? This little sprig--I think-- came along with your golden Creeping Jenny. Was just tiny last year but different enough looking that I thought it might be a beautiful exotic from your garden too.

The double daffodils are budding- can't wait!
The heirloom Iris look super and will need to be divided.
Robert Poore is putting up some greenery.
Sounds like I owe you some plants!

Thumbnail by sallyg
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Darn! So that's where it went! LOLOL The name of that plant has flown right out of my head but I know what it is. I planted three of them from Bluestone a couple of years ago and two disappeared. I'll bet I dug it up by mistake, it was planted in the bed with the creeping Jenny.

Oh, well, enjoy it. You might want to move it, it gets 3-4 feet tall.

I just looked in the current Bluestone catalog and it's not there. I'll have to see if I can find an old one. I know it's a very unusual variety of a common plant but I'm drawing a blank.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I finally figured out what it is - Artemisia lactifolia Guizho AKA white mugwort but this is a new variety. It gets even taller than I remembered - 4-5 feet - but is an airy plant.




Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Gee, I didn't imagine I would have gotten, a real whole plant! It was very small. Maybe it was a seedling or sprout off of the originals? I will take good care of it until I can get it back to you! Thanks for the links.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I'm not sure about this mugwort, but I had one and it became a brut in the flower bed. Spread all over the place underground. A beast to get rid of. I would keep a close eye on it.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Lowes is again selling a gold variegated one, like they did last year. I forget the cultivar, but that one had such negatives in PF even at clearance I passed it up. Although it probably would survive being on the clearance table just fine.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Quit panicking you two! This one doesn't misbehave. It's completely different from the other artemisias. Not every plant in every family behaves the same you know.

Sally, you don't have to get it back to me. It's a really neat plant. I'm sure it's the original plant. I planted really small ones, you know like you get from Bluestone, and even last year the one that survived was still small and certainly has never bloomed or spread. I always figure it takes about three years for these little plants to get big enough to do anything. Anyway, I dig that stuff so early last year, I'm sure it was so small I didn't even see it. You all forget how much later everything sprouts up here in the mountains. LOL

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Phew, huge sigh! LOL. With all the other thugs I already have, what would be one more?
Yes, this looks strongly one-centered, if there's such a thing, like a carrot. I'll keep you posted!

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Sally, is that a bloom budding up in the middle of your plant? And I'm curious, is this a recent picture? I wouldn't think that the Artemesia would be up this early - mine hasn't even poked out of the ground yet. I only ask because if that is a yellow flower budding up, I'm thinking you might have Corydalis, which probably would be showing in your gardens now. I may be way off base, so just ignore me if it's not :) LOL

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Sorry, didn't mean to shake things up.

I also see a Corydalis bloom in the middle.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Yes, oddly, considering the mugwort is supposed to bloom late summer, there are three Corydalis-like spikes started up with yellow buds. I just checked through my dirty basement window.
So that's today's status- the pic was just a couple days ago. This plant is smack up against the house on its northwest side and stays shaded all am then gets some late day sun. So is it warmer or cooler than the rest of the yard?
I had yellow Corydalis back by my maples, so that would be all day dappled shade at this time. They aren't showing anything--then again maybe they didn't make it. They were small but tough. And they were green, not this color.

I'm just so happy there's a place where we can say things like 'Corydalis like spikes' and not be met with the blankest of stares.!!!

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

So...I'm not "seeing" things! LOL I suspect the one along your house would pop up earlier because it is "warmer" than the rest of your yard. Being right up against the house gives any plant a little more protection and when those bricks absorb the late day sun it would generate more heat - so the soil is warmer there :) I haven't seen any of our yellow Corydalis in the gardens yet but there's a weedy purple flowering Corydalis that's already popping up everywhere :(

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I am going to add to the mystery. I was looking at Corydalis in plant files http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/adv_search.php?searcher%5Bcommon%5D=Corydalis&searcher%5Bfamily%5D=&searcher%5Bgenus%5D=&searcher%5Bspecies%5D=&searcher%5Bcultivar%5D=&searcher%5Bhybridizer%5D=&searcher%5Bgrex%5D=&search_prefs%5Bblank_cultivar%5D=&search_prefs%5Bsort_by%5D=rating&images_prefs=both&Search=Search
I did not realize all the verities and some of the leaves look close to what Sally has. Could the plant be a corydalis?
I am so use to seeing leaves like in the first yellow one listed but look father down the list.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Chris, I looked at that list yesterday morning before I posted asking if it might be a Corydalis :) Drat, I was going to take a picture of the weedy Corydalis in the gardens yesterday morning and I forgot! It has the same foliage but the flowers are purple instead of yellow. There is another one that's "weedy" here but I haven't checked to see if it's up out of the ground yet.

Sally, keep us posted when you actually see blooms!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Debbie, I misunderstood your earlier post, I read it as a Corydalis blooming within an Artemisia. Not the plant being a corydalis. Sometimes the eyes don't connect to the brain.
I would love to see pictures of your weedy corydalis.
I have not spotted my yellow one up yet but then it is too early here and it never shows up in the same place, I think it is just too cold up here to keep the big plant going and I get seeds starting different places.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

If it's corydalis, it didn't come from here. The only corydalis I have don't have foliage like that unless I'm really misremembering what they look like. I checked my surviving guizho this morning. It's much smaller because, like I said, it's colder here and things don't sprout out as fast, but it looks exactly like the plant in Sally's photo.

I saw those yellow patches too and figured they were either unfurled leaves or a pixel glitch in the photo. I didn't think of the possibility that it could be two plants growing together. I hope it is the guizho or a very nice corydalis for you, Sally. And LOL on the blank stares.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Maybe I mis-remembered which plant this came riding along with. Maybe it came with something else, not hart's Golden creeping jenny. I'm not perfect...anymore. I took another picture today and will try this on Plant ID forum, for fun.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Chris, I'll try to get a picture of the "weedy" Corydalis for you :)

Sally, let us know what you find out if you're successful on the Plant ID forum. It's hard to explain, but the reason I thought it might be a Corydalis is the tips of the foliage have that unique "glistening" look to them. It's one characteristic you only find on a few of the Corydalis in early spring and my weedy Corydalis is one of them.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

This is getting good, I love a Mystery.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)


Corydalis cheinanthifolia (sp?) What do you think? Mine has darker foliage but I can see that as being due to soil chemistry or time of year. It's blooming well now and very corydalissy, yellow
Edited- after reading lupinelover's rcomment on this plant in PF, it does sound like a match.

This message was edited Apr 6, 2009 11:18 AM

Shenandoah Valley, VA

That's a really pretty plant, Sally. I'm sure it didn't come from here.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I probably mis-remembered how I found it then. I 'thought" it was attached to a swap plant. It should be easy to collect and re sow seeds. Supposed to self sow, and I was able to move the little plant with no ill effects , too.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

The artemisia is finally up enough to get a photo. I can see it's not as frilly as your corydalis.

Thumbnail by hart
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I'm afraid your memory was not quite accurate!
I am still tickled with my C chei....even if it remains a mystery how I got it. My C lutea has not reared its pretty head yet.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

It gets a lot frillier as it grows, so I'm not completely crazy. LOL But it's not at this size. That's a really pretty plant and I'm glad it turned out to be something you really like.

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