Gardening: Cottage Garden Seed Swap & Chat #33

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

New thread.... we came from here --> #32

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

That' s alright tcs, I was just wondering no biggie, they really looked nice!

Isn't it fun to see everything coming up ;-) Sure helps my mood lately lol I've been thinking about getting a couple of those wildflower seed boxes after seeing yours I think I will :)

I found a new seedling to my yellow star columbine today I've been watching to see if it was going to reseed, I thought I saw some a while back but they were that lacy white plant just coming up, I haven't had that plant for two years and it still keeps coming back up, can't think of the name of it.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

hey not allowed to reuse old pics lol go get some new ones lol ahhahaha

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

tcs, nice to hear that clematis can be moved. I'm thinking of moving my Polish Spirit clematis. I have a Lilac bush that I have cut into 2 'trees'. It hardly ever bloomed, and when it did, it only bloomed at the very top, hence the tree shape. I want to move the Polish spirit to climb on it. I believe polish spirit grows to 20 ft.

I got outside for a couple hours yesterday too. I had a choice of going to the bars with a couple friends for st patricks day or gardening.... Yeah, I chose gardening, that, and well, I had to go to the dentist in the middle of the day ... still dealing with a root canal.

Oh, happy day, my last tomato has finally germinated, took FOREVER! It's called 'coldset', anyone tried that one?


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Sharon. Nope that a totally new name on me is that a new hybrid or something?

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Toofew, I grew the 'coldset' about three years ago I wasn't impressed but I'm not the one to say how tomatoes do, I don t have much luck with them here anyway with my sun, it's really strange here. I get full sun in the field but the plants don't grow like full sun, I get it till about 5 in the field but have tried everywhere just about in the field and still my tomatoes don't do good. I think that one is a determinate, which they all come on at once then they are gone? It's been a while lol Seems like they were a medium but only got a few off of it and you know how those temps. go down in the late spring when you put them out to harden off then it turns cold for a spell, I had them out in the big lots greenhouses and left them because they were suppose to take cold after being hardened off and still lost a few. I wish you luck with them better than mine :) I always try and grow a couple of determinate to get an early start on my tomato crops until I get some from the rest :)

I didn't go to the bars last night but I did have some green beer, went to the liquor store and celebrated while I was transplanting lol They used to put food coloring in your beer at the bars when I used to go out all the time on St. Patty's then they quit for some reason I remember the last year I went out drinking I had to go to a convient store and pick some food coloring up and take it to the bar to share lol That was at least nine years ago I haven't been out since I've been at dad's house :) Did they have green beer?

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Ack my tomato seeds aren't doing a darn thing. I think I might have gotten them too warm. I ran out of space on the heat mat (for the 400th time) so I put them under my under-the-counter lights in the kitchen. I've only had 8/60 germinate and I planted them 12 days ago. I've since moved them but think I might have already cooked the poor things.

On an up-note though tonight is night 3 with seedlings in the GH. This is really my first spring using it and I've been a nervous wreck wondering if they've been warm enough. One of the VERY best investments I've ever made was one of those remote thermometer thingies. The last 2 nights I took it to bed with me and set the alarm to go off every 2 hours. I turned on the light, looked at the thermometer, then drifted back to sleep once I was sure that it was warm enough out there. :-)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Ack -- i haven't even done tomatoes yet!!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Hey Tsc... Don't forget to sow mater plants LOL ducks before i get smacke d ; )

Lala.. Give em time. They will come up. I start everythign under the kitchen light on the tables and counters.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

LOL --- I know Star... I've been slacking lately... the last 5 days or so [before today] the weather was so nice, i spent most the day working outside... I have a lot left to sow still.... and now, after reading a bit about epsom salts for seed starting... I have to go google and read up more on it.

** it was something about "better yield for tomatoes" .... "Better germination rate" and something else that peeked my interest.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OH Star.... how did you fair in all that rain that hit the south a few days ago? ... I was thinking about you when i saw the radar.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I was flooded out big time. the rivers and creeks over flowed and roads was blocke d in some parts.

Them railroad track i had to cros s to take piggy swap to po. well there was no way to get over them thta whoel area was under water.

We needed it though cuz we stil froughty from last year.

I don'tuse epson salt til the planst are out in the groudn and growing up. And then it tells on the baack of the bag how much to put near each plant ad water in and how often to do it. I forget of the top of my head. it nto that much or that often

how long does it take for tomato seeds to germinate on heat mat? i forget how long it was last year

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Don't knwo abotu a heat mat. I just put mienin seed tray, cover with baggy, put on koitchen tale under ktichen light and that all they get and they usually up in about 3 to 5 days.

I just barely cover mine though. Just a tiny bit of vermicultite on top.

If I remmebr right think they like about 70F to germinate best with.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Good morning ^_^

I just wanted to say hello. I'm getting seeds started indoors and was thinking of you all. Thanks again for all the wonderful selections. So far I have one shelf on our indoor plant rack full.

And some of the plants that are still in cups from last year seemed to have over wintered. Sea holly seems to be quite hardy.

In my ws containers - a few are sprouting, including: LeBugs Centaurea yellow knapweed and Centaurea cyanus ‘black magic’. I'm not sure who the black magic was from the seed pkt just said Minnesota on it.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Lala, I had most of my tomatoes up in a few days, but one type which was a couple year old seed, took over 3 weeks! I had given up on the thing, but they all finally sprouted. Most of my maters are 9" tall or so (which is another issue :), this one is barely 3" and getting shaded from the others unfortunately. Give em time :)

Got my worm poop! Yeah! Poor DH thought the box was some legos we had ordered... not a good surprise for her.

Uggh. All that rain. Was good, but now we're into the 'mow the lawn every 4 or 5 days' period. Until it gets too hot for it to grow, it's crazy!

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Hi Wind Good to hear from you!
Lala wouldn'tit bewonderful if we could find a digital remote that has an alarm to go off if temps. drop? That would be so much better so you could get a full nights sleep. I've wanted one of those during hardening off season. : )

hi ella
oh yeah i forgot about vermiculite..ill have to do that with the next tray at a time i see that they are starting to germinate but not coming up yet.

pam sue

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Ok, so far I am really loving the Winter Sowing thing. We've had quite a bit of warm temperatures here, off and on, and most of my containers at least have sprouts in them. I have a few that don't, and I'm wondering whether or not I should re-purpose those containers. I have a few warmer loving seeds that I still need to start out there.

These are the hold-outs. All were planted in January sometime. Fairy Candles, Anemone bowles pink, Columbine blue barlow, Milkweed, Masterwort, Devil's Trumpet, Checkered Lilly/Guinea hen flower, Texas Bluebonnet, Pansy (old seed), Poppy purple passion, Spanish poppy orange, Foxglove Penstemon (huskers red), Primrose, Mexican Hats.

Should I be patient, or can I save some time and soil and reuse the containers?

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

OK did I inadvertanly change something in my settings or is that big fat blinking neon advertisement over there-----> something new? It seems like I read something somewhere about 'turning them off' which I kind of hope is the case. It's definitely a tad distracting.

Sorry Kelly I've never wintersown any of those seeds except poppies and those did well. I'm sure some one will be along soon to help with the others.

I'm waiting one more day then I'm resowing the toms. I'm just sure I fried them.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I did about 9 or 10 types of poppies, and all of them except these two sprouted long ago. That's one thing that makes me think these are goners.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

klstuart, hang on to those containers, milkweeds will probably germinate later that's why I don't like to WS them I do them under lights, husker's red takes a while too seems like it was close to the middle of the summer before mine started germinating and the columbine sometimes takes a while too, I would just hold on to the containers and not give up on them.

Some of those I haven't grown but I would hold on to them.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Here's an article that I've been wanting to read about Epson Salts, one of these days I'll get to read it lol

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks for the link Lea -- I'll check that out later. I know i saw something a few day back.... a thread i clicked on... and there was a mention of Epsom ... i looked into it a bit... but not much [YET]

KL -- hang on to those... dont dump just yet. Some things need time.
The Husker wont even bloom until next year, so it's not an issue
My columbines too forever and a day last year... i was ready to dump, but hung on to them... all but 3 containers eventually germinated.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

My recommendation is too wait before dumping winter sowed containers . . . I thought a lot of stuff hadn't germinated last year . . . then I was busy in May and June with planting stuff etc.

Finally, got a break - and lo and behold, stuff had germinated and grown so big I had to start thinking about where to put everything!

Okay - how much have you managed to kill so far? I have lost amaranthus and astarina to damping off. Start it again - this time I am using hydrogen peroxide to help prevent problems.

Also - what is the trick with purple magesty ornamental grass? It's supposed to be easy - but I can't seem to keep it going after it germinates - should I take it off the heat mats?

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Seandor to my understanding we are suppose to take what germinates off of the heat mats then put them under lights, it's been a while since I've started the purple magesty, I started mine in the early spring when it warmed up outside in one of my little greenhouses so maybe someone here can help. It does grow fast once it gets started :) Do you keep seedlings on the mat after they are started? I thought they got too leggy that way, maybe that is the problem?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

well.... i just did my first heat mat of the year. the 'peat mat' thing that i have is 14 rows x 7.

I did 2 type of Milkweed, 2 types of Impatiens, 2 rows of Yvonne Salvias, pink fox gloves, lime light coleus, palisandra coleus, alternanthera Purple Knight, Cup Plant, H. thunderbolt, Chinese Houses, and Mandevilla laxa

that looks about it. not sure how it's all gonna go... but giving it a whirl.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

okay, LeBug - off the heat mats they go - uh . . .my basement is only about 54 degrees . . .

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Yep Seandor, I'm getting ready to put some seedlings downstairs and mine is about that cold too but once the lights get to going it will warm up, I have two stands upstairs that I'm starting them on, maybe at night you can just turn your heat mat on real low to keep them warm, I haven't had my heat on for probably a month and when my petunias started coming up I just turn the heat mat on real low at night to keep them warm because I didn't leave the lights on. It's a wonder my pipes haven't burst lol

I did have one copper pipe that cracked, has a big crack by the concrete wall, it's the one that goes to outside I forgot and left my hose hooked up :(

I figure my petunias, gaillardia and pansies can take it. Do you have a small heater you can turn on to get the chill out. I have my stands partitioned off they are in their own little room. I stapled tarps around the stands with room to walk in there actually they take up a third of my full basement.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Seandor, I just put a thermometer downstairs to see how cold it is, I’ll let it sit for a while and let you know but the lights put out heat. Usually I run a heater in that room but I’m trying it without it this year :)

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

It’s 51 in my plant room but like I said my room is partitioned off for my plants,
I sure don’t want to ask you to do something that is going to hurt your plants :) I take it you don’t have your plant stands partitioned off from the rest of the basement? If that’s so I really don’t know what to tell you, I’m sorry, maybe go to the dollar store and get some of those big rolls of aluminum foil and hang that over the sides to keep the heat in? Or hang a blanket/sheet from the top sides of the stands over the side?

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Terese, nice seed list : ) Cool plants! :) I have to dig up those salvia seeds you sent me. It's about time for me to start them now.
Lea Bummer about the cracked pipe!

Everyone that has a heat mat - I have found it very beneficial to start the Annual Scarlet Milkweed on them. Mine have germinated and are still on it now, but I am going to wean them off soon.They love the heat! :)

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Yay I found them!! I just went through all four of seed containers looking for them.Only to find them on a shelf near my seed starting stuff!!

(Zone 7a)

Hope y'all don't mind an off-topic link, but these piggy threads are where I *met* Robin/Dryad57, it's my turn to come up with a Mona Lisa spoof in our mutual *artistic silliness*, but I though everyone should see this -

Wouldntcha love to see piggies do some'in like this?


Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

LOL Meredith it's so funny how our seeds get away from us!

It's no big deal about my pipe, I feel like I got off real lucky, nothing like Robin having her pipe burst and pamsue having to watch her pipes every time she has a cold spell.

Meredith, do you soak your milkweed seeds? I'm getting ready to start mine and remember someone last year saying they soaked theirs, just wondering how long I should soak them I'm so late trying to get everything started this year.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

That was to cool! lol

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I didn'tsoak mine, but I think it'sagood idea to try it. Mine germinated slowly. Until I put them on the heat mat. Then they sped up. It took 9 days for me to try one on a heat mat. That one germinated 3 days after I did. So I put the rest of the flat on the mat and within another8days they were allgerminating pretty well. They were eratic so I transplnted somefrom the cells with high germination into t he ones with little to none. They have all done really well after being transplanted.I wasn't superdelicate with them. I have this cool tool that I have no idea where I got it from. It is like a dibber exceptit was free and I have no idea what it came from. Works great for pricking out seedlings without breaking their roots. :)

(Zone 7a)

glad ya liked it, Lea

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

OMG that was really fun to watch. I had to showmy dd -she got akick out of it too. :)

(Zone 7a)

Too many funerals for us, lately - so haven't been too present. It was good to get a chuckle out of DH, too. Will be back tomorrow

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