branches dying back on orange tree

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

I have a navel orange tree that is 3 years old. It spends summers outdoors and winters in my basement (it gets plenty of light). I noticed this morning that on one of the branches, all of the leaves had fallen off and the branch tips had browned and dried out. The tree was ok when I left for the weekend so I have no idea what is going on. I'm hoping someone with more experience will be able to help me.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Deb, I've never grown citrus in containers, but I've noticed die back on one of my very large orange trees planted n the east side of my house. Some of the interior limbs - really smaller branches and twigs - have died back. I've pruned some out and need to trim more. The tree is twelve years old and produces enormous crops every year. I don't know the cause for the dead wood.

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