Brugmansia in the Tropics

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

These seem to like less water

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

I have a picture of my Brug, but don't know what kind it is... can anyone tell by the pix??

Thumbnail by DIRTYGIRL71
Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

another view

Thumbnail by DIRTYGIRL71
Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

here's how big the bloom is

Thumbnail by DIRTYGIRL71
Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)


Thumbnail by DIRTYGIRL71
Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

could this be an "Ecuador Pink"??? just saw a picture of it in a book, but still not sure, are there any specific details that tell one from another besides the color?!?!

el arish, FNQ, Australia

DG, it looks closer to Frosty Pink but there are so many cultivars in Florida it's hard to say as we have different ones in Australia. Ann

Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

there are alot of diff. ones aren't there?! *S* I have seeds for a devils trumpet, but don't have the guts to plant it after finding out they are very poisonous.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Check this website and you will be shocked at how many plants are poisonous/toxic.

Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

not as many as I thought, but still heard ALOTTTTTTTT about the Devils Trumpet... and the fact that my kids like to garden with me... it just scares me to even TRY those beautiful plants.... for my own kids safety, I can't bring myself to even try yet.... I won't even plant poinsettas... because they are very toxic too!!!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha, did you know Brugmansia are toxic too?

I don't think your unknown Brug is Equador Pink - at least it looks different than the one I have! You will probably never know what it's name is, but it sure is pretty!


Brugs have two associations in the States, clubs, that is, and they're extreme rivals. They have different registrations for the zillions of named varieties, and there's a brugmansia group here.

I have one that I love dearly, it's a wild one indigenous to the Caribbean(I thimmk) It starts out white, then overnight turns coral.

Much to my dismay, I found out that I'm ALLERGIC to it, fragrance and all. No wonder I find the smell intoxicating. It was trying to kill me! Horrid welt-rashes hives that attacked me several times every day, and general malaise. My immune system went nuts, and the Dr. had me on steriods for months.

A tree in the yard helped, the tiny purple blooms on that beast smell like Lilac, that I miss from up north. I had been in the habit of taking huge lungfulls of the lilac fragrance of that tree. Boy, am I ever glad I found out they're both in the Solanaceae, nightshade family. Petunias, too!

I've known for a long time about this allergy, which includes potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, and tobacco. Gives me arthritis-like pains. But smelling those two beauties really was bad business, especially when my tongue would start swelling. I had to pop those steriod pills quick, or I could have suffocated.

Sorry for the bad news, it's not everyone, just some are allergic.


Mm- going to take a photo---

Sigh, I love brugmansias, but they're not for me!

Brandon, FL(Zone 9b)

WOW!! Now that is a serious allergy I

I'm glad I figured out what was causing it---on my own. The Dr. didn't know what to do with me.

The backlit sunlight is a bit glarey, but here what ALL the brugs that I've seen here look like. Left to their own devices, they get about five feet tall, and end out new shoots, eventually making a big bush. I've only seen one like that once, but I was impressed.

I've found the double purple daturas in roadside ditches! hahahaha! Delightful! But they smelled like cheap soap, sweet but crummy at the same time.

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